The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1281: Half a year change

The latest website: For half a year, it is too critical for Aoki, who is in the period of the fastest change in life.

This way, the growth rate is very fast, even with the support of the Zifuqi family, the growth rate, but also lost to Aoki.

But there will be a lot of hidden problems or hidden crises that cannot be discovered at once.

But after six months of stabilization, everything is different.

For example, Aoki's Geng Gui grew up too fast for a while and needed time to stabilize himself. If he can not participate in the battle, it is best for him.

The same is true of Banguira, which absorbs Gurato's energy crystals. The same is true of the fast-growing Sanedo and even Tyrannosaurus.

And the follow-up elves of Aoki have also been cultivated.

Among them are many elves, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Shanaiduo, Assassin Dragon King, etc. When their level and strength have reached the level of the quasi-king king, they have not used a skill disc, nor have they hone their skills well. .

This will result in having a certain level, but failing to have the strength that matches this level. This is a hidden danger. All Aoki can see is only a high level of strength.

It's not just them, all the elves of Aoki have such problems, including Bangla, including the idiot king.

This is both a hidden danger and an obstacle to their impact on the championship level.

But in this half a year, Aoki can sort out the situation and development of the elves, the direction of advancement, and so on, a little bit more clearly and neatly, like looking for the end through the source.

It can also be considered as a stepping stone to lay a solid foundation for their impact on the championship.

Moreover, to know the championship level, only the elves with blue-level qualifications can break through obstacles with greater probability.

During this time, Aoki helped a lot of elves who were originally teal qualifications, and almost had to be promoted to the blue level to complete the qualitative change.

All this has done is to allow them to make better breakthroughs and have stronger strength.

In addition to these elves who were originally strong, Aoki also spent a lot of time cultivating those elves who were originally weak.

Among them, the flashing wonderful frog seed has evolved into a wonderful frog flower, Leo Lu has also successfully evolved into Lukario, and has the good strength under the teaching of the flame chicken.

Even the original two young green birds have now evolved into Qixi Blue Birds, with potential far superior to their mothers.

Seeing them getting stronger so fast, the mother of Qixi Festival Bluebird was completely relieved.

These are also the results that Aoki worked hard to cultivate during this time.

The strength of the elves has been improved, so the overall strength of Aoki has also been greatly strengthened.

Both in the individual strength of the elves and in the overall strength of the lineup, there have been great changes.

Now Aoki himself dares to say that he can fully afford the identity and position of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance. Even if he and Huayue and Bonnie who became the Four Heavenly Kings a few years before him, they have the confidence of a war.

In a formal match, the winning percentage may be only 40%, but if it is a battle of life and death, Aoki conservatively estimates that his winning percentage can reach 70%.

This is only a conservative estimate. In fact, Aoki believes that the probability of winning is as high as 80% to 90%, because in the battle of life and death, super evolution can be used.

Since the battle between Gaoka and Gurado, and the subsequent fierce empty seats, the three elf's morphological changes during the formal battle have been studied by the Alliance, which is for superevolution. I believe this should be This is the beginning of the alliance's research on superevolution.

During the past six months, both the coalition and the underground forces of the parties seemed very quiet and peaceful, but the changes that were taking place under the calm surface were also choppy.

After half a year of silence, I believe that it will soon erupt. At that time, it may be another major earthquake that covers the entire world of elves.

Aoki is aware of this, so she is trying to accumulate her strength and hope to be able to protect herself during this earthquake. If possible, it is best to hope for some benefits for herself.

Fortunately during this time, although the elves are all precipitating themselves, their improvement in strength has not fallen too much.

At present, the highest level of all the elves in Aoki is Geng Gui.

In the last tomb of the dragon, after absorbing the energy of three Geng ghosts, the level reached 77 Geng ghosts. At the same time when they stabilized themselves, they also improved their strength.

At this time, Geng Gui's level is 79!

This is the peak of the quasi-champion, only one step away from the strength and level of the championship, but this step is the biggest hurdle that Geng Gui needs to cross to grow to the present.

The significance of this hurdle can only be felt by the broken elves.

After crossing this hurdle, we can understand the meaning of the hurdle and the changes it brings to ourselves.

This is why Aoki said that in the battle of life and death, in the face of Huayue and Bony's own odds, they could achieve 80% or even 90% of the odds.

Because once Geng Gui has undergone super-evolution, he can break through this threshold in front of him and possess championship-level strength.

Therefore, the Geng Gui now is the most powerful elf in Aoki's hands, whether it is considered superevolution.

As Aoki's shadow, the stronger Geng's strength is, the more secure Aoki is.

It's no surprise that Geng Gui ranks first.

The second-highest elf will definitely surprise many people.


Suddenly surpassed all the elves and became the second-ranked existence of the Aoki elves.

Bangla, currently level 78!

Compared to the 71-level Bangila prior to coming to this island, the level has been increased by 7!

After reaching the senior Heavenly King level, in just half a year, he was still an elf with such a huge energy consumption, but he was able to rise to level seven!

This is all thanks to the energy crystals of Gurado!

Otherwise, unless Aoki turns his hometown to cultivate Bangui, it is likely that there will be such a big improvement.

But this is why Aoki fully understands why the day when Bangila learned that Chiyanmatsu lost this energy crystal, she was so angry.

If the fierce empty seat did not appear that day, and Gulado lacking such an energy crystal, there is a high probability that he would fall under the attack of Gaoka.

Now it's completely cheap Bangila ~ ~ At this time, Bangila is far from the championship, and the distance is not so far away.

However, after elaborating on the energy crystals of Gurado, Banguira's level has not been improved any more. It is the result of Aoki's emphasis that Banguira must not break through without his permission.

Such a rapid improvement has more benefits than disadvantages, but the impact of the disadvantages is not small.

Fortunately, for half a year, it took one month to absorb the energy to crystallize, and the remaining five months were used for precipitation by Bangila.

Among them, the main work of expanding the island is done by Bangla. This is a kind of exercise that Aoki exercises on him, and also helps him stabilize his energy.

Five months is just right, and now it has returned to normal and can freely improve.


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