The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1263: Solution

"The wave of the dragon !!" Facing the huge wave of more than ten meters, Genji directed his elves to launch combination skills.

The combination of the seven dragons' waves is also a huge power.

It was as if a huge artillery had appeared, and suddenly this wave blasted out a huge hole from the middle, exposing the raging Gaokaa in the air.

Then Genji jumped on the back of Tyrannosaurus again, and rushed towards Gaoka with all the flying elves.

Two Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Qixi blue bird, a desert dragonfly, and a spinosaurus swimming fast on the sea.

The sniper's characteristics of the thorn dragon, the explosive ability is quite good.

On the ground stood a double axe battle dragon and a strong bite land shark. They could stand on the island for long-range fire support.

Aoki has also summoned all the elves that can be summoned, and in accordance with the principle of doing his best to contain, various skills are constantly thrown out.

But after all, the strength is still worse, and it can't cause any substantial damage to Gaoka.

It was Genji's Tyrannosaurus leader that made Georka a little daunted, and his attack on Georka was unwilling to greet him directly.

It is a pity that after all, it is at sea. Gaokaa simply has a steady stream of power. What Yuanzhi can do is to do his best to contain it.

Aoki also sent the message back to the Alliance when Gaioka appeared, but has not yet received a reply from Adams.


Just as Genji and Aoki struggled to stop Gaoka.

Within the Fengyuan area, a great deal also happened.

Huayue and Pony blocked with all their strength, after all, they failed to stop the lava team.

Because at this time, Chiyanmatsu actually activated all the pawns that he had inserted deep inside the alliance, making it impossible for the alliance to stop them all at once.

The Lava team is different from the Ocean team. Their presence on land gives the league a lot of opportunities to intervene and explore them, but correspondingly, Red Flame Pine, known for its intelligence, has also installed many lava teams within the league. Loyal members, those who have long been loyal to brainwashing.

These people are usually loyal to the alliance and are very serious in their work. They have gained a lot of trust, so their position is relatively important.

The turmoil at this time suddenly caught the league off guard.

By the time these issues were dealt with and it was time to increase the number of Huayue and Bonnie, it was too late.

Red Flame Pine spent a huge price, at the cost of almost the entire lava team, awakening Guldor in his sleep.

Almost like Gaioka, Gulardo has just recovered, but is relying on instinct to fight, so under the full force of the alliance, it can't cause too much damage.

However, in order to suppress Geoka at this time, Huayue, Pony, and even Qianli, all went all out. Qianli launched his most trump leave king, and barely stopped it.

But sooner or later, Gulado's recovery will be difficult.

At this time, Adams also rushed to the place where Gulado was, and he was ready to shoot.

Only then did he notice the message sent by Aoki.

Gaoka, wake up!

Seeing this message, Adams felt bad for the whole person. One Gulado made them suffocate. Now he has another Gaioka. He is ready to apply for support from the League.

But he sent a message to Aoki.

Gurado, also awake!

He was directing the elf to help Genji pinch Aoki who was holding Ooka. When he saw this message, he immediately became happy.

A Geoka, or a Gurado, is more difficult to handle.

Although they were able to suppress them for a while when they were just awake, this time will eventually pass. When they fully recover, they will be able to see what the legendary **** of the earth and the ocean is. God.

But when the two appeared together, the situation was different.

Aoki immediately dialed Adams' number, which delayed Adams's preparations.

"Hey, Aoki?" Adams groaned.

While he is still sure that he can suppress Gulado, he wants to see if the legendary beast can be subdued. In order to do this, he has brought out two master **** that have been treasured for a long time.

Other elven **** must not be able to restrain Gurado, the only possibility is the master ball, maybe there is a chance.

"President, I'm Aoki, and I know of any way to solve the confusion of the two elves, Geoka and Gulado!" Aoki said.

Upon hearing that, Adams immediately asked, "What's the solution?"

From the communicator, Adams could clearly hear the sound of rain and waves. At this time, of course, he also guessed that Aoki and Genji were fighting Gaoka.

Just as they did at this time.

"I have seen in ancient books, Gaoka, Gurado, the two elves are intolerant, and there must be a war when they meet, and every time when these two elves fight, the legendary dragon in the sky is fierce. An empty seat will appear to stop the riots of these two elves! "Aoki said.

When I heard Aoki's words, Adams frowned. "Aoki! This is about the whole area of ​​prosperity. We can't put things on the legend that there is a high probability that it will fail ~ ~ I know yours Meaning, there is indeed this legend, but what should we do if the empty seat does not appear? "

Aoki immediately replied, "Yes! I know that putting hope on a fierce empty seat that may or may not appear is definitely not a stable solution. Then we can give up this method for the time being, and replace Gyoka and Gurado. Bringing them together, these two elves appear together and there will definitely be fighting!

Gaoka wants the entire Elven world to be the sea, while Gurado wants the world to be all land. The concepts of these two elves are fundamentally completely opposite. We can fight them first, even if it is the last empty seat. They did not show up, and they lost both battles and wounded, which is what we want to see.

And at that time we only need to resist the aftermath caused by the fighting between the two elves. "

Adams lost his thoughts when he heard Aoki's words, and said after a while, "But if the two elves fight on the edge of the rich area, even if it is a aftermath, it will cause great damage to the coastal cities."

"We can seduce them to fight on the sea. As long as you are at this time, let all the ice elves trainers build an ice channel on the sea surface, which will allow Gulado to walk on it, and let people seduce later. He, Gulado, who had not fully recovered his consciousness at this time, would definitely be fooled.

At that time, we will let these two super-ancient legend elves have a shocking battle! Aoki narrowed his eyes and explained all his plans.

After all, whether Gaoka is strong or Gulardo is fierce, you will know in one battle!


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