The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1256: Self-explosion

Aoki and Genji entered the ships of the Marine Corps.

Entering the ship, Aoki and Genji no longer concealed their stature, summoned the elves directly, and began a full-scale attack.

The moment the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Bangla appeared, the alarm sounded throughout the ship.

A large number of marine team members rushed towards Aoki and Genji.

At this time, he was standing in the cab, directing the driver to move in the direction he pointed, but at this time, the warning lights in the cab were all on at once.

For a moment, there was panic in the cab.

Sitting in a chair with eyes closed for the tide, standing in the corner playing with a dagger and standing in front of the glass in the front of the cab, watching the spring in a daze outside the sea world, was also noisy by this alarm Arrived.

"Boss, there are foreigners invading the ship!" Otherwise the members of the marine team monitored inside the ship immediately stood up and shouted.

Shuiwutong's face was a bit ugly. If you look closely, you can see that his bags at this time are slightly darker, apparently it has been a long time that he has not slept well.

"Take me out of the monitoring." Water Indus Shen said.

Ying Sheng's men immediately put the video in the room where Aoki and Genji were on the big screen.

It can be seen that Aoki and Genji, who were shooting wildly at this time, did not have the ability to withstand a move in the marine team members who went to block.

Had it not been for the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance to kill at will, there would have been a bloodshed here already.

But even without all-out shots, the strength of Aoki and Genji is not something that ordinary members or captains or small captains can stop.

To say something unpleasant, at this time, both the captain and the ordinary members, in front of the elves of the two of them, are no different from ordinary small soldiers, they are all food delivery.

"Genji! Aoki! It's really a ghost, wherever you go!" Shuiwutong gritted his teeth.

If you let the water Indus know that the former Aoki may still be arrested by the ocean team, I don't know what it will think.

It turned out that the most precious thing on the ship at that time was not the one he traded, but the living person Aoki.

Seeing Genji and Aoki appearing on the screen, the three cadres of the Ocean team were not very calm.

They have not dealt with the alliance once or twice, and they all know the power of Genji, and Aoki is also the new four heavenly king. They also watched the battle with Ogo. They must admit that Aoki's strength has improved rapidly, and they have no confidence in winning.

The presence of these two people put a lot of pressure on them.

Especially Izumi, after seeing Aoki appeared, I immediately thought of the dream that I had seen before.

Until now, everything in that dream has been fully realized. Although there are some deviations in the details, they are completely consistent as a whole.

Coupled with the state of the water parasol at this time, Izumi has already believed 70% of this so-called prediction of Aoki.

And by this time, she also knew how Aoki and Genji appeared here.

Aoki once left something in her mind, and with the other's superpowers, she may feel something.

Thinking of this, there was a bit of bitterness in Quan's face, and it seems that in his life, he can no longer get rid of Aoki.

She watched the battle between Aoki and Ogo. It was similar to when she fought against herself, but it was a lot stronger, and her dual-core tactics were fully integrated. At this time, Quan was only a single-core tactic and the hard power of the elves. It is only slightly stronger than Aoki's elves. If you fight one-on-one, you are likely to lose, and the probability is not small.

However, her expression was not noticed, because everyone's eyes focused on the two people on the screen.

Water Indus stared at Genji and Aoki, and wanted to solve these two people at this time, but there was always a voice in his heart, urging him, urging him to find Gaoka, as soon as he could wake Gai Oka, nothing in this world can stop him.

"Boss, what do you do?" The burly tide looked at Shuiwutong and asked, he was not very afraid of Genji and Aoki. In his opinion, there were only two others, and there were four people on his side, no matter how strong he was. It is enough for individuals to unite to solve them. "

Water Indus face calmed and drank, "Go!"

After that, take the lead and walk towards the driver's room.

The tide and drip followed behind for the first time, but Quan hesitated a little and then followed.

Now things are not what she can control, she can only follow the flow, depending on how it ends.

But what made Quan Hechao unexpected was that after Shuiwutong walked out of the control room, instead of walking towards the place where Aoki and Genji were, they entered the escape cabin.

"Boss, this is us ..." Quan couldn't help but whisper.

Shuiwutong glanced at her with a black face. After all, he was the top cadre of his left and right hands, and said, "We are not far from finding the great Poseidon, and there is no time for them. As long as we can wake up Poseidon Gaoka, All enemies will turn into dust! "

After that, I pressed the switch on the wall and entered the escape cabin.

Although Chao and Di are also very surprised, Shuiwutong is the leader and they are the subordinates. Just follow the instructions.

Quan's complexion became more and more complex, but he still gritted his teeth and walked into the escape cabin together.

The base of the marine team ~ ~ The escape capsule on the big ship is a special submarine. The speed and safety are much stronger than other submarines.

After entering the control room of the escape submarine, Tide sat very skillfully in the pilot position, piloting the submarine to leave the ship.

For such a large ship, the Ocean Team worked hard for so many years, and what was exchanged was actually abandoned directly.

You need to know that in order to build a ship that can shield the various scanning and tracking of the alliance, and can also live with thousands of people in it, the marine team is almost all the resources earned over the years, of which one-third are all invested To the top.

As one of the most powerful forces in a region, the resources that it has been able to earn over the years have not been conceivable by ordinary people.

As the tide drove the submarine to leave, Shui Indus walked to the console and opened a red lid with a somber face that contained a very bright red button.

"Boss! This is the ship's self-explosive button! There are still a lot of inside the ship ..." Quan saw the movement of the water paulownia, suddenly stared, reminded subconsciously.

"I know!" Water Indus turned his head and looked at Quan.

The horror of his expression at this time made Quan dare not speak for a while.

"Being able to have the two Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance bury them for them is also a deadly death! Genji! Aoki! These two must die here today!"

Having said that, he did not hesitate to press the red button on the console.


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