The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1234: Advanced events

Aoki got the job and really jumped into a big pit.

Mu Muzi, who was sitting next to him, desperately covered her mouth and blushed, and even tears rushed out of her eyes, and her body showed a different amplitude, shaking ...

It ’s not something sick.

Purely won.

She has been the chief search officer for so long, and of course knows about the problems left over by history and what those tasks are like.

So when she saw Aoki's aggrieved look, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

But can you laugh in such a serious conference room?


So he was cast into this pair.

Not only her, but also many others who are relatively young at the same age as her, but those elderly people all showed a knowing smile.

It may seem that Adams and Genji are arranging tedious and complicated tasks for Aoki, but why not help him? Exercise him?

To this extent, the fighting will not be able to erupt at any time, and sometimes shots often represent not only themselves, but also the alliance behind them.

However, the current strength of Aoki is rapidly increasing. Not to mention the hard power of the elves, let ’s say Aoki ’s dual-core sandstorm tactics or pseudo-three-core sandstorm tactics require a lot of actual combat to exercise and sharpen. These tasks are given Aoki is a bright shot.

Genji and Adams' help to Aoki is really meticulous ...

"Kee, Huayue, Daoguan is still your responsibility. As for other tasks, I have allocated them for you. You also have more time to train and improve your strength."

At the words of Adams, Huayue took a long breath.

That crushed day is finally gone, and I will have to get off work on time from now on!

"No problem, I'm familiar with this," Huayue said.

"However, I request that before the end of this year, you have to review all the Daoyuans in Fengyuan area. Anything that fails or behaves incorrectly will be banned, especially those who completely treat Daoguans as Trainer of personal belongings.

Immediately there will be a large number of challengers in the Fengyuan area because of the big leagues. I don't want to leave too many bad impressions on the future of these leagues.

I believe you understand the importance! "

On hearing that, the smile on Huayue's face disappeared, and she nodded solemnly.

I know it's not that simple!

"Boni, you are in charge of the league game, but you do n’t have to worry about the rest. This big league is very important for our rich league. You have to grasp the arrangements and the size of it. The suspension was originally suspended. The high-level event, now resume normal again.

You also stand out from this piece and know the specific operation details of this piece. "Adams said to Bonnie the Ice King.

Boni, the ice king, is the most stable or meticulous person among all four kings in Fengyuan.

Maybe people who like ice-based elves are like this, and their personality is relatively cold, so Boni attaches great importance to fairness. Anyone who bribes or walks through the back door is difficult to work with her.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to hand over the most fair game to Bonnie, and it is also the most assured of Adams.

"Okay." Bonnie nodded, she was mainly responsible for this, but now only some trivial matters have been assigned, the main work has not changed much.

As for Adams, the advanced events.

It is a regular, non-promotional but open competition that requires participants to have at least elite-level strength, and the strongest of them even has many members of the Heavenly King-level strength, regardless of town The masters in the league, the strong men who work in the league, and even the strong men who have traveled outside can participate.

The purpose of this kind of event is only one, to select powerful masters for the Fengyuan League, including the selection of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The way Aoki became the Four Heavenly Kings this time is a minority. Ordinary people who want to become the Four Heavenly Kings need to participate in this highest event, challenge them level by level, and finally have the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings. If they win, they will be determined. After his status, he can replace the one he defeated to become the new four heavenly king!

Of course, there are not many people who can come to this step. Most of them have shown their strength and potential to the alliance after challenging to a certain degree. After the alliance's test, they can take the middle and senior positions of the alliance.

At this time, many members of the Alliance's garrison were selected from here.

The purpose of this is to ensure that the Alliance can have fresh blood injection at any time, and also to ensure that the Four Heavenly Kings do not feel at ease because they become Four Heavenly Kings, and that anyone can touch their height at any time.

Like Huayue and Bonnie, they are the people who stand out from this highest event. They all defeated the former Four Heavenly Kings and stepped on their bodies.

Of course, this is a way for the league to change from old to new. No one thinks they are doing it wrong.

Like these people who stand out from the competition, the older generation prefers to call them competition-type trainers, and they have less experience in life and death.

Aoki became the fourth king, and he is most likely to be challenged below.

People like Genji and Aoki will be called actual combat trainers. They have been sharpened in life and death in the wild all year round, and they have not reached this stage through large-scale competitions.

However, if you can sit to the level of the Four Heavenly Kings, there will be no competition type or actual combat type. Without a Four Heavenly King, it will not be actual combat ~ ~ As for these advanced events and the major leagues to be held, the only difference is ... the threshold is different.

Why was the highest event closed before? Because the iron spin was seriously injured, it was impossible for anyone to take the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings at this time, so it was temporarily closed.

It is because of this that Aoki can become the Four Heavenly Kings in different ways!

"As for Aoki ... you are in charge of the Nurturing Family Association for the time being, but there are not many things, and you also share the tasks for the King of Heaven, but they only share the tasks, so I still want to assign you work!" Adams said.

"..." Aoki was speechless.

You are right!

Immediately, Adams looked at it. "The previous lava team and the ocean team were connected, and the large and small underground forces in various towns jumped out. Do they think that I have no one in the alliance? I know you are good at this kind of combat, so this task is Give it to you and give me the happiest and most active ones ...

All uprooted me! !! I ask you to do it beautifully! Must be done simply! Must show the strength of our rich alliance!

any questions? !! "

When he heard Adams' words, Aoki's expression was also clear, without hesitation, "No problem!"

"Okay! You, the search officer, the standing army, the local authority, and the Union Police, have all the authority to call it. You must do it beautifully! The whole world is watching us!" Adams said At these times, it is still very aggressive.


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