The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1208: Outgoing champion

Adams sat in the first seat.

Below are the top leaders of Fengyuan Alliance.

Adams stood up, bowed to everyone, and said apologetically, "I cannot blame it for causing such a great loss. When this incident ends, I will step down as the champion of the league. It is given to a capable person. "

He said, glanced at the audience, and finally stayed on Genji's body.

Means very clear, I hope Genji can take over the championship.

The president of the alliance is mainly responsible for the affairs of the alliance, and the league champion is responsible for various things that require the use of force. This time, he sent Genji and others to the hunter's guild battlefield. Adams was the order given as the champion.

So Adams hopes to give everyone an explanation by retiring from the championship position.

"What do you do? Don't look at me! You can step down and you can be a champion. I dare not sit." Genji sat beside Adams and said angrily.

"President doesn't need to blame himself. The casualties in the war are inevitable. We have won two games in one day this time. From the final result, it is already very good." Zvucci, the first one on the other side Hibiscus also spoke.

A few people are old acquaintances, knowing that Adams is really guilty, but the Fengyuan Alliance is not yet able to escape from his helm.

With the opening of Genji and Father Zvuch, the people below also started to discourage.

Adams has worked hard for decades and contributed to the Fengyuan Alliance.

But Adams' attitude is very firm. "Don't say anything. I have decided to resign from the championship. Now there is no one in the Fengyuan League who can hold it. So let it be empty for the time being, not the Guandu League I have the right to act for the time being, but as long as someone can get everyone's approval and can be the champion, we will send him to the top together! "

I glanced at the audience again, and finally made a short stop on the three of Aoki, Ogo and Senri.

Anyone who knows clearly knows that Adams means that it is best to choose one of the three to be the champion.

Qian Li is currently the strongest, and his real strength is definitely in the forefront of the entire conference room, but he does not want to be bound by these positions.

做 Working for the league like this time, he is inescapable, but does not want to be affected by many trivia to improve his strength.

Aoki's real strength now is better than Ogo, but the current performance is similar to Ogo.

However, Aoki has a great advantage, that is, the origin of civilians, no family ties, will not do some favoritism, but also a talented senior breeder, with greater influence.

After this incident, Aoki has a high reputation in the alliance's permanent troops, making it the loudest voice of the Four Heavenly Kings.

As for Ogo.

For Ogo himself, Adams, after so long period of observation, is almost clear. He is a person who does not lack any talent, effort and resources. If the three of them have the highest probability, it must be It was Ogo, because the entire Zvuch family was behind him.

Dawu's own character is also quite good. Without the arrogance of the wealthy children, I have to say that Master Zifuqi Hibiscus taught very well.

有时候 But sometimes, the successor family, the loser family, whether in the competition of the Four Heavenly Kings or the championship, the identity of the family heir has become a certain stumbling block for him.

However, there is nothing to do about this. Even a big-looking person like Dawu may not be able to guarantee that the Zvucci family will not open a certain convenience after becoming a champion.

Even if it is only a trivial point, in this position, it is like being exposed to a spotlight, all kinds of details will be infinitely magnified, and it may become criticized.

In fact, all three have the potential to become champions in other regions.

Adams now feels a pain and happiness.

But it seems that it is too early to say that the championship, even if the three of them are the most powerful, they are still a bit behind.

Wu Yuanzhi was barely able to serve, but it was only barely, and he was unwilling.

Wu Yuanzhi's grade is also big. Even if he is a champion, he can't make any substantial changes. It's better to be honest in doing his own job now and pave the way for the next generation.

Aoki their generation, let Yuanzhi see the bright future of Fengyuan Alliance.

Not only Aoki and Ogo, but also Hibiscus and Mikkeli. At least they are also the four kings. Even in weaker areas, they can hit the championship, but because Aoki and Ogo are too dazzling, they made them both. It doesn't look so conspicuous.

No one knows the upper limit for the future growth of Furong and Mikkeli.

On the upper limit of the future, only Ogo is the clearest, no matter who the rest is, they are not sure.

Adams resigned this time, partly because he really needed to take some responsibility this time, and partly because he wanted to vacate the championship so that the people below can see hope.

The last thing was determined under Adams' clapper.

"What do you think of Lava Team and Ocean Team?" Now it is the official content of this meeting.

"The lava team and the ocean team have suffered great losses, and their power has been wiped out. However, some of their strongest senior personnel are still kept intact ~ ~ They need to pay attention to their sudden counterattack, but within a short time It should be okay. "Genji said that this time he was mainly responsible for what he said, and he also had the most say.

Adams nodded, and looked at Aoki, who was still in the position of the chief search officer of the league.

I don't know when it started, this position changed from four people to sit in Aoki alone.

The other three chief search officers didn't mean to fight.

"Aoki, what do you think, tell me?" Adams asked.

Aoki took a look at Genji and nodded his head frankly, "The Genji Emperor makes sense, the Lava team and the Ocean team should not be able to turn around much of the storm in a short time, we can temporarily shift our focus away from them, but"

After a little pause, he continued, "But the lava team and the ocean team got two special stones from the meteor waterfall. After communicating with Dr. Solans, and some descriptions I have seen in some literature, These two stones are likely to be indigo orb and vermilion orb

Two special stones that can awaken the legendary **** beast, the **** of the sea, Gaoka, and the **** of the earth, Gulado, if they find two legendary places where the elves sleep. "

When I heard Aoki's words, everyone's expressions became serious and understood the seriousness of the incident.

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