The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1206: Farewell to the past

Bangila's field of sandstorms once again increased in strength. He fell to the ground with his hands and did not immediately rise.

Super Flame Chicken stepped forward again, and this time the target was locked directly on Super Shanaido.

Free her!

This is what Aoki means.

The flickering golden flame wrapped the flame chicken again, and rushed towards Shanai Duo at lightning speed.

He saw the man glance at the stinky mud near his feet, and he immediately noticed that he would seize the opportunity to take advantage of Shanaido's last use, and a mass of venom appeared in his hands again.

But when the stinky mud was about to act, the ground was shaking, the man changed color immediately, the stinky mud stopped the movement in his hand, and the colorful stinky mud turned around and wrapped the man.

The sword of the breaking cliff rose into the sky. Under the protection of the stinky mud, the man could not be hit by the front, but he was ashamed.

他 Before he had time to give an order, the flame chicken's flashing charge slammed into Sha Naiduo's body.

Bian Sha Nai Duo was bombarded again, and as she flew out, Geng Gui emerged from her shadow, holding two giant shadow **** in her hand.

Pressed straight towards Shanaidi.

Boom! !! !! boom! !! !!

Two bangs exploded, and Shannai stagnated in the pit, losing her fighting ability.

At this moment, the man came back from the sword of the cliff of Bangla, and noticed Shanaiduo lying in the pit.


Spit out a word.

I lost the messenger bird and the two wizards, but his lineup was already incomplete.

Even now that Gala Gala has suppressed Boscodora, Sister-in-law also controls the Dragon King Scorpion, but this is no longer a threat to Aoki. Madam Huajie's prayers fell on Boscodora for the first time Body.

超 The super power energy fluctuations on the flaming chicken have recovered from the super evolutionary state.

Aoki lifted the super-evolution with the Flaming Chicken. Although time has not passed long and he can continue to persist, Aoki is unwilling to entangle.

I took out a keystone again.

"Super evolution! Geng ghost !!!"

Super Geng ghost! Aoki's current strongest elven, the 72-level Geng Gui, after super-evolution, barely has the power of a quasi-champion.

But no other elves have reached this level except the fallen Super Shanaido.

For the first time, Aoki took steps, and with Bangila and Madam Huajie, they went straight towards the man.

班 As Bangui approached, the center of the sandstorm area also gradually approached.

Boom! !! boom! !! boom! !! !!

Stone pillars with hot magma rushed out of the ground continuously, all locked the target of the attack on the man. In order to protect him, Arora's stinky mud had been covered all over at this time.

Huo La La Ga La and Mi Lip Sister also put down their opponents and went back to the rescue in accordance with his orders.

The coconut tree was stopped by the Flaming Chicken and Boscodora, and the moon power of Mrs. Huajie quickly knocked it down to the ground.

Super Geng Gui also completely broke out, seizing the lip-sister who only knew the defense, the opponent had only the power of parry but did not have the ability to fight back.

The man's forehead already had a fine sweat, and at this time he knew how much Super Shanneto's quota existed, and how much it affected Aoki's tactical layout and containment.

好像 The cliff sword of Super Bangla seems to be used faster and faster, and the frequency is getting higher and higher.

"Don't go too far! Now that you know I'm from theology and the Ethereum Foundation, I know I can't go too far!"

Aoki didn't speak with a cold face, but slowly brought Bangila closer, step by step, the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, as if punching in the heart of a man.

的 The tension on his face is increasing.

I never thought it would be what it is now. According to his tactics and unexpected methods, even the ordinary four heavenly king, he was confident that he could drag on for a long time. He originally thought that he would drag on Aoki, Ogo, Furong, and Mikkeli. Four, don't be too easy.

But he still underestimated Aoki's strength, let alone four people, even if Aoki is not alone.

The sword of the cliff is still going on, but the smelly mud is unable to hold on. This pure defense makes his physical strength almost completely lost.

I saw Arora's stinking mud flashing thoughts and sly light, suddenly left from the man's feet, and then lay on the ground obediently, trying to show the city of Aoki.

The man did not expect how the stinky mud he valued most, all precious venom was fed to him. Compared to Shanai Duo, it was a stinky mud in the sky and underground, and he would betray him at this time!

With an unbelievable expression on his face, the man was hit in the face by Bangira's unreserved cliff sword.

With the human body, no matter how strong it is, how can it withstand the sword of the cliff of the super Bangila!

The man in a silver-gray coat, with an incredible expression, widened his eyes and lost his life. He couldn't understand why he would betray him until he died.

Aoki was also a little surprised, but more of a relief.

He is so much like him, he is too much like himself, but this man is more thorough and excessive than himself, and even the last trace of humanity is completely annihilated.

Solving him is like making a decision with the previous life's self.

Aoki stood in place and quietly looked at the man who had completely lost his vitality for a while, and finally walked to him and took down the storage props and the elven ball on his body.

Put away all the elves except the stinky mud, including Shanai Duo, who lost her fighting ability.

I only left the stinky mud ~ ~ This kind of elves who are addicted to their companions and can abandon their trainers at any time, Aoki sees a lot.

The remaining elves may still have some value, but this stinky mud is not.

Smelly stinky mud also looked at Aoki, with a puzzled look in his eyes. He thought that he was not weaker than other elves in terms of potential and strength.

Humans can choose elves, can't elves choose humans?

Is n’t it right for a good bird to choose a tree and die?

Aoki did not control the stinky mud, put away several injured elves, stood at the exit of a different space, and stopped.

"You want to choose a trainer. That's right. What's wrong is your way. Come here with him. I hope this alien space will not disappear." After that, Aoki walked out of the alien space.

Surprise space will not disappear? This is under the constant maintenance of the people who create different spaces.

的 The man who created this alien space is dead and has lost his maintenance. Sooner or later this space collapses.

Aoki walked out of a different space and saw a very tragic scene. The alliance forces and the hunter's guild began a real war.

战斗 Because the Hunters' Guild slightly occupied some advantages, the battle was extremely fierce.

There is a strong **** smell in the air.

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