The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1170: The origins of the Oceans and Lava

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"Me?" Aoki smiled at himself.

Can civilians come to this point and really think it's just talent and luck?

Waving his hand, "Stop talking."

But the more he did, the more difficult Tian Haoyu felt.

Tian Haoyu took a complex look at Aoki and took a deep breath.

"Go and take a look at the outside world. These years I have either been working for the alliance or undercover in different organizations. I almost forgot my original intention of becoming a trainer.

Aoki nodded.

"If you need help, you can contact me. If you don't understand something, you can also ask me." Aoki told Tianhao Yu.

Heard that Tian Haoyu didn't say much on this matter.

He wanted to see it.

seeing is believing.

Although the dream just now is real, it is only a dream after all.

I have met a lot in the lava team, and it is still just the tip of the iceberg.

He wanted to go to different areas to see if there would be any difference. The first stop was the Guandu area.

Aoki did not mean to block.

Everything has been done, and Tian Haoyu will wait for his choice later.

"Then I'll go out and get ready to go," Aoki said.

Tian Haoyu was holding the two elven **** in his hand and was ready for battle.

Aoki followed the dumb king and Geng Gui, and waved casually on the gray chaotic wall in different space.

A channel appears.

Without any hesitation, he went straight out.

Sure enough, two days later, the lava team has not been waiting here.

Aoki's appearance, although some movement, but did not attract others' attention.

It was not until the superpowers of the idiot king surged and started preparing for the momentary movement that a bark of dogs appeared.

The big, powerful wolf dog rushed out of the lava team's tent.

Ripped the tent just repaired.

Along with it was a prong bat and a fire breathing camel.

But this time it was a little too late. The dull king did not distribute his super powers to Aoki, and concentrated on preparing to move instantly.

So this time the launch was fast.

Wrapped in super powers, the two disappeared instantly.

Slowly came out of the red flame pine from the tent, and then knew that he was being tricked. The other party did not leave, but just kept hiding somewhere. After the lava team relaxed their vigilance, they fled again.

The moment he saw Tian Haoyu, who was wrapped in a lot of bandages, he was instantly furious.

However, he did not know that Tian Haoyu, who was still hesitant, had decided that he would not return to the alliance under the interference of Aoki.

Tian Hao Yu did not have too much hatred for Chi Yan Song.

He didn't mean to retaliate against the Lava team. Now he has let go of all the burdens and everything has nothing to do with him.

They opened their eyes again and appeared in the forest outside Meteor Falls.

Tian Haoyu placed the two elven **** in his hands on his waist.

The fight didn't happen, it was the best for him.

The elves did not fully recover.

Aoki remembered the red-yellow energy crystal that he had grabbed from Chiyanmatsu before, and asked, "Yes, do you know what the metal box that Chiyanmatsu held in his hand that day? Is he so precious? it."

Hearing Aoki's question, Tian Hao looked at Aoki in surprise.

Something strange appeared in the eyes, but after thinking about it, he said, "As your name, you should know that the Lava team has been pursuing Gurado?"

Aoki nodded.

"In fact, these are the secrets that Chiyanmatsu said at the time in order to attract me.

Red Flame Pine and Water Indus were once residents of a village on a remote island overseas in the Fengyuan area. The residents of this village believed in the gods of the earth and the sea, that is, Gulado and Geoka, in the village. In the shrine, these two energy crystals are stored.

Red Flame Pine and Water Indus learned the legends about Gulado and Gaoka from the village elders, and since then they have worshipped these two elves madly.

It is just that Red Flame Pine feels that humans and many elves live on land, so they hope to use the power of Gurato to dry the sea, so that they can increase the living space of humans and elves.

Water Indus feels that the number of living things in the ocean is the largest, and hopes to turn all the land into the ocean and return everything to nature.

The two people's ideas have deviated. Tian Haoyu recounted the past of some red flame pines and Shuiwutong.

"What does that have to do with these two energy crystals?" Aoki asked.

Tian Haoyu continued, "They learned from the elders of the village that the energy in these two energy crystals was passed down from the two great beasts of the past. When the two gods who had fallen asleep woke up, Will come looking for these two crystals.

The existence of these two crystals will make the two great beasts stronger.

So, one night, Red Flame Pine and Water Indus stole the two crystals.

When they came into contact with these two crystals, they witnessed the style of the two great beasts. It is because of these two crystals that they have the current Ocean Team and Lava Team.

It can be said that the origin of both teams is on this.

Chi Yansong always said that he was the one chosen, in order to awaken the **** of the earth. "

Hearing Tian Haoyu's explanation, Aoki understood the role of these two crystals.

"Before Red Fire Pine and Water Indus, someone sent me to meteor waterfall to investigate. Do you know why?

It was they who received instructions from these two crystals. This time the Lava team shot with the Ocean team. It was not a coincidence, nor was Red Fire Pine and Water Indus saying good, but they both received the crystal meditation. Come over the instructions.

This is the main reason I decided to steal the crystal from Akane's hand. "

Can Grado and Gaoka be faintly connected to these two energy crystals?

Aoki was slightly surprised.

Is it silent for too long, hoping that Water Indus and Red Flame Pine find the Indigo Orb and Scarlet Orb to wake them up?

Or is it pure and belongs to the personal feelings of Water Indus and Red Flame Pine?

Or is someone else controlling it?

Now that Red Flame Pine has lost this energy crystal, what will happen to the lava team in the future?

Aoki was curious.

"This is what I know. Before I can tell the old man, you can go back and help me." After that, Tian Haoyu was going to leave.

"Are you really not going back?" Aoki asked.

Tianhao Yu's head didn't return, he waved.

However, when preparing to start ~ ~ Tian Haoyu stopped and asked without a thought, "Aoki! Are you not just civilians, not just members of the alliance?"

Hearing this question, Aoki froze.

With his back facing Aoki Tenho, although he didn't see Aoki's expression, he felt it.

I got the result I wanted.

"Thank you for your dream! If if! What I saw this time is exactly the same as what I dreamed of, I will come back and mix with you! Whether you are the league or the Rockets, wondering what other organization is, I want to see if you can do that! "

After that, I set foot on my bivalve (big bird is too bad) and disappeared into the night sky.

After Tian Hao Yu disappeared, Aoki laughed. "Are you guessed a little? Just when you woke up? Or earlier?"

But it ’s a good candidate. ”

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Plus 4/10 for the rewards of the jokez boss!

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