The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1155: Translate

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Return to your room in the Alliance building.

Aoki took the white card out with the book.

There was no information on the white card, and Aoki did not know what the card was for.

But all of a sudden, Aoki's brain moved and started the chip.

I found that this white card is actually a small computer, but a special password is needed to turn on this computer.

This is of course difficult to smash the chip, and soon cracked successfully.

The contents are very simple, that is, several task lists, and the rewards of the tasks are marked at the back of the task list.

The first of these is to invite yourself to join their organization. The reward after the completion of the mission is two **** stones and a boost to the power of the elves.

The next thing is to kill Dawu and others. Every time you kill one, you will get a reward for a **** stone.

From this, it can be seen that the organization attaches great importance to itself, but how does this task look like Aoki?

To be honest, relying on the strength of the man in black before, even if he really fights with the super-evolved Hudi, he is not his opponent. This task is to kill the man in black.

In other words, this man in black is almost an abandonment, but to test the reaction of the alliance, or ... test yourself?

Aoki's heart tightened slightly.

Open the book without any notes on the cover.

Not thick, only one finger thick.

Aoki will understand after opening, it is some super powers using skills and means.

There are still many novel abilities.

Aoki's superpowers are only quantity and no corresponding means of use, most of them are learned from the manual given by Nazi, and have not contacted other superpowers, so Aoki will not use other means.

Superpower is in the hands of Aoki. The biggest effect is electrocardiogram induction, and then space cutting, which can be used as a life-saving means.

But the appearance of this book opened up another world view for Aoki.

The superpower manual that Nazi once gave to herself was written by the superpowers who survived the common people that year, and it has been very different from those of the superpowers in ancient times.

Even the most basic grading standards are quite different.

Strictly speaking, according to the classification of this book, Aoki can not be regarded as a high-level super ability, but can only be regarded as barely reaching the middle-level super ability.

That is, like the previous man in black, they are all intermediate superpowers.

But even so, there are many ways of using super powers recorded in this book, including even the way that Nazi has always used to turn humans or elves into toys, but this super power for users themselves The amount and control are high.

With Aoki's current super powers, this level cannot be achieved yet.

But if it's just some small items, it should be possible according to his current super power.

However, this requirement for super power control is also very high, so with the current super power control of Aoki, temporarily not work.

That's a lot worse.

However, there are some things that make Aoki more emotional after seeing it.

The first is a regular exercise method of super power control.

It is said that as long as you exercise in this way, the control of superpowers will increase quickly without any sequelae.

Much better than the rosary beads exercise method that Aoki has been using.

This is also what Aoki thinks, the most important one in this book.

From Aoki's point of view, his super powers are completely enough to use, even if it is stronger, it will not change much now.

After all, this world is still the mainstream world of elves. The special ability of the trainer can only be used as an auxiliary and cannot be the key to determine the outcome of the game.

Enough is enough.

As for the use of the remaining super powers, although they are also good, they are not the most important.

Aoki will never admit it, because she feels that her superpower talent is really weak, so she is unwilling to think more about superpowers.

Second, what Aoki cares about is a super power use.

Able to condense all of their own breath, as long as they are not in the presence of a superpower who also has this skill, superpower perception cannot be found.

Therefore, Aoki did not perceive anything when scanning the entire court in the previous game. In the second time, the man in black actively sought him, only to reveal the flaw, allowing Aoki to perceive the abnormality.

But at that time, it was not the exact locked position, only to notice that the area was completely empty, and then noticed the man in black.

This method is still very good.

Although you may be able to use a little bit in normal times, the focus is not on your own use.

If the people of that mysterious organization used this technique, Aoki would not have to worry about someone suddenly attacking himself around him.

It can be seen from the white card's task list that this mysterious organization has noticed itself.

"If you have a chance, you still have to ask the leader of Sakagi to know if such a force exists." Aoki thought secretly in his heart.

If this organization really hides so well, then there is a threat to the average person in the entire elven world.

After figuring out these two things.

Aoki learns and uses directly, wrapping himself with super powers.

Then it can be seen with the naked eye, but disappears completely under the perception of super powers.

Not just superpowers, even the use of radar, heat sensing, etc., can't be sensed, it seems like a ghost.

It is actually a special use of superpowers.

This method is called in the book ...

Huayou method.

It seems like this, you can also become a master of assassination?


I changed into a black dress and jumped out the window.

In Baiyinshan, the headquarters of this alliance is quite exciting.

Silently came to the place where the players lived.

Then find Herba's room.

After confirming that there were no people around, he opened the window on the balcony directly with super powers, and walked in.


The moment Aoki opened the window, there was a voice inside.

After entering the room ~ ~ Aoki didn't hide his figure and went directly to Heba.

I saw at this moment that he was followed by an elf, and he was holding two elf balls.

But when he saw Aoki, Herba let go of her vigilance slightly, and asked carefully, "Master?"

Hearing this voice, Aoki's heart must be.

He waved her hand to not speak, and waved his hand to open a different space on the wall.

Walked in by myself.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Plus 1/10 for the rewards of the joker7z boss!

Ten times feel more hurt. Do n’t forget to give me monthly tickets like 呦 (? ′? ‵?) Il?

Dark Rise of the Elves

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