The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1150: Super evolution of others!

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Aoki used the chip to scan the middle-aged man's hu.

Elf: Hu Di (cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 65

Attribute: Super Power

Characteristics: Mental Power

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: barriers, power tricks, flame punches, swapping grounds

Basic Skills: Bend spoon, teleport, teleportation, mindfulness, immobilization, illusion light, eye of miracle, reflection wall, spiritual blade, self-regeneration, mind transfer, exchange of venues, spiritual strong thoughts, meditation, prediction of future, trick

Teaching Skills: Frozen Fist, Magic Space, Zhenqi Fist, Shock Wave, Flame Fist, Iron Tail, Magic Reflex, Wonderful Space, Snoring, Trick, Gravity, Mind Hammer

Skill learner: hold, mental shock, meditation, light wall, mysterious guardian, sleep, energy ball, seal, dream eating, trick space

Although this Hu Di has reached level 65.

But only from the data point of view, Aoki did not see any special place in this Hu Di.

Even compared to the current Aoki, it is simply


Very ordinary.

Where does the other's superiority come from?

Is it because of super powers?

"Bangira, they seem to look down on us, and give them some color to look at." Aoki said to Bangira with a smile.

Hearing that, Bangila's eyes suddenly became fierce.

Scream! !! !!

Taking a deep breath of roar, just the air flow blew Hu Di's beard.

The middle-aged man sneered, and stretched out his hand on Hu Di's body.

The superpowers of one person and one elves are intertwined.

Hu Di's fluctuations in superpowers are also becoming more and more obvious.

Aoki squinted at this scene.

"Is this way of instilling super powers unique to them?"

The middle-aged black man's own super powers and Hu Di's super powers' fusion methods are very different from the way Aoki's previous integration with the dull king.

Under the scan of the chip, Hu Di's various values ​​are also soaring.

If divided according to the level, it can be seen as a three-level increase.

In other words, Hu Di's level at this time can be regarded as 68.

"However, even the strength of 68 is not enough." Aoki thought silently.

"Bangila, give them a greeting, sharp stone attack!" Aoki said to Bangila.


Bangila raised one foot and stepped on the ground hard.

Instantly, a lot of rubble appeared around his body.

Fly towards Hudi under the control of Bangla.

At this time, Hu Di and middle-aged people have completed ECG induction.

A wall with strange light appeared in front of Hu ground.

Reflection wall.

Can reduce the power of physical attacks.

Bangjila's sharp stone plummeted after passing through the wall.

But even so, Bangila controlled the sharpstone attack and launched an insane attack.

It may not be obvious once or twice, but when the number of spiked attacks increased, Hu Di still couldn't bear it.

Hu Di's eyes glowed with strange lights.

Eye of miracle.

Then a few black energy **** appeared around his body, and then shot towards Bangla.

For a moment, he appeared in front of Bangla.

With the blessing of the Eye of Miracles, the mental force can attack Bangui La.

Bang bang

Spiritual thoughts bombarded Bangui La, but saw that Bangui was normal, without any abnormality.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was a little surprised.

Doesn't make sense.

Aoki's smile never disappeared.

Who says that being strong is not an advantage?

"Bangila, evil waves!"

class! !!

Banguila created a terrible aura, staring around his body without dissipating. This terrible aura accompanied by the goods covered Hu Di.

Instantly, wrapped in dark energy, even if there is a reflective wall, it has no effect on the wave of evil.

"Di Hu !!!"

Hu Di was in pain and called out loud immediately.

The middle man standing behind Hu Di seemed to have been attacked, covering his head with one hand, and the pain closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Aoki gave a deep glance at the middle-aged man.

"Bangira, rush over!"

Seeing the painful Hu Di, Bangla directly walked away and ran on the ground.

Don't look at the huge size, but the speed is not slow at all.

As soon as Hu Di slowed down from the attack of the evil wave, he saw the rushing Bangla, and his color changed instantly.

This power-type elf does not need to fight when he is close.


The spoon in Hu Di's hand is bent, and the instant movement skill is activated.

Hu Di disappeared.

But just when he first appeared, a sharp red spike rushed out under his feet and attacked Hu Di.

There is no chance to let yourself levitate.

Cliff Sword!

Hu Di wanted to use Teleport again, but Bangila didn't know when he appeared beside him.


He grabbed Hu Di's petite neck.

Directly dragged by Bangila.

Evil energies shuttled back and forth on Banghira's arm. No matter how hard Hu Di tried, he couldn't break the control of Banghira.

At the same time, beside Hu Di, a piece of sharp rocks appeared, suspended in midair, all locked Hu Di.

The tip of these rocks can be seen, covered with a thin layer of black energy.

Spike attack with evil energy attached!

"It's too weak. To be honest, you talked a lot, but the result disappointed me a little." Aoki said lightly.


Bang bang

With a strong disdain on Bangila's face, he threw Hu Di directly in his hand and threw it in front of the middleman.

After rolling on the ground several times in a row, it stopped.

With Hu Di's small body, Bangila's unconvergent strength is enough for him to eat a pot.

With a very disgusting expression, Bangila wiped her hands on her body as if she had touched something particularly dirty.

Middle-aged people look ugly.

I don't know what the skill suddenly came out of the ground, and I have never heard of this skill in Bangui.

And with such a large Bangla, its flexibility is much faster than that of ordinary Bangla.

Hu Di was only accidentally dragged by Bangila directly.

"Sure enough, it is a person who is valued by the organization. I admit that I am a little undervalued, but you still have to pay for your arrogance !!" The middle-aged man said fiercely.

The corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and the wounded Hu Di slowly climbed up from the ground, floating in front of the middle-aged person.

I saw a middle-aged man pull out a strange stone from his pocket and press it directly on Hu Di's head.

At the same time shouting ~ ~ accept the divine power! !! Hudi! !! "

Good middle two

"Di Hu !!!"

Suddenly, Hu Di shot a strange energy.

Aoki is very familiar with this energy.

Because it is super evolutionary energy! !!

Aoki looked in shock at Hu Di, who was instantly surrounded by superevolutionary energy.

Can the opponent be super-evolved? !! !!

Tenth more! Ten more is done! Are you comfortable? Ask for a monthly pass, and do n’t forget to like it? (′ `?).

For the important goal of reform, innovation and development, the rewards of the big brothers plus 3/3!

Finally, thank you vhong for the two rewards! (? ′? ‵?) L?

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