The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1102: Holy fire

The crow's head absorbed the energy of the Phoenix King.

The 67th level has become the highest level of existence in the Aoki Elves, the same as the dull king.

And because of Yu Yu's sake, her qualification has also been upgraded to light blue.

Formally enter the blue level, and the gap will slowly manifest.

According to the current situation, the strength of the flying skills of the crow head may be stronger than the evil skills.

The crow's head resumed combat effectiveness, which further ensured the security of the camp.

Even if a group of wild elves attack the camp now, the overconfidence characteristic of the crow's head will definitely play an unexpected role.

After the crow's head was over, it didn't take long for the flame chicken to successfully absorb the energy in the Phoenix King's feathers.

The overall appearance of the flaming chicken did not change too much, but the feathers on the body were more bright.

There seemed to be a flame in sharp eyes.

After the absorption was completed, I played the body vigorously a few times, feeling the change of the body and the change of energy in my body.

A flame flared from the right hand, and the original red flame had completely turned golden yellow at this time.

Although it did not reach the level of flame in the Phoenix King Yuyu, it was a lot higher than before.

And when the flame chicken narrowed its eyes and condensed with all its strength, it could see a flash of red-gold flame from the flame.

Rarely, hardly anyone noticed.

Aoki used the chip to scan the data of the flame chicken.

Pokemon: Flaming Chicken (Dark Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 62

Attribute: Fire + Fighting

Features: Acceleration

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Flame Splatter, High-Speed ​​Movement, Treasure, Falcon

Basic skills: flame kick, second consecutive kick, flash charge, flame punch, flying knee kick, grab, cry, spark, sand splash, peck, energy storage flame strike, flash of electricity, bodybuilding, gas gathering, split, Brave Bird Onslaught, Sky Fist,

Teaching Skills: Hot Air, Kick Down, Sharpening, Holy Fire (Remnant Edition)

Skill Learner: Hold, Earthquake, Spitfire, Swallow Back, Kick Off, Spike Attack, Sword Dance

After looking at the data of the crow's head, Aoki was not too surprised at the two levels of the flame chicken and the qualification promotion to dark blue.

Although the Phoenix King is a fire and flying spirit, his strongest attribute is the fire, so the flame chicken should get more benefits than the crow head.

The important point is that in the column of teaching skills of the flame chicken, there is an extra sacred fire, a residual version.

The last time I saw the residual version of the skill, when I evolved from Kira to Shakira, I learned Guldor's exclusive skills, the sword of the cliff.

I did not expect that the Flame Chicken could actually learn the sacred fire skills from the Phoenix King.

From the scan results of the chip, this sacred fire is a bit excessive, only about 5% of the true sacred fire.

In other words, it's just called Divine Fire. It doesn't look much different from ordinary fire.

It may carry the characteristics of a sacred fire.

"Maybe it has something to do with the concentration of the flames." Aoki thought so.

The flame of the flame chicken should be the flame of the phoenix king with a fundamental difference.

Because the flame that appeared from the feathers before was red-gold, and the flame of the flaming chicken was golden at this time, or a grade worse.

Holy Fire skills can only be used by Phoenix King and Emperor Yan.

But in fact, Yan Emperor used it, in a strict sense, as a defective version, but his similarity is relatively high.

Aoki's heart moved slightly.

At this time, the similarity of Bangjila's Sword of the Cliff has reached 30%, and the similarity of the sacred fire of the flame chicken has reached 5%.

From this point of view, some of the exclusive skills of Divine Beasts are not impossible to learn, but the learning conditions are relatively high.

A thoughtful expression appeared.

Divine beast, what exactly turned into a divine beast?

The elven world was created by Alzeus, and many of them were also created by Alzeus. But before Alzeus created the elven world, many beasts actually existed.

So where did these beasts come from?

This is a problem that goes straight to the source, even if Aoki wants to break his head, it is impossible to think of it, it is beyond his knowledge.

"Flame chicken, try it, use sacred fire on this tree." Aoki said to flame chicken.

The Flaming Chicken nodded solemnly.

He also just found out that he seems to have learned another skill.

Just don't know how effective and powerful.

Hold out your right hand.

Flames rose again on his fist.

Aoki's eyes narrowed as he saw the action of the Flaming Chicken.

"It seems that different spirits use this skill differently."

The color of the flame on the fist gradually faded, from the original red flame to a pure golden flame.

Then the flame chicken exerted its strength again, and from the center of the golden flame, a red-gold flame spread out.

Both Aoki and Flaming Chicken who stared at this time found the appearance of this red-gold flame.

But no matter how hard the flame chicken works, there are only so many flames.

After struggling for nothing, the Flaming Chicken gave up.

Running towards a tree in the distance, the flames on his fist fluttered in the wind as he ran, without any intention to dissipate.

A straight punch.

boom! !!

It was as if a missile was bombarded in a tree.

Centered on the fist of the flame chicken, it presents a fan-shaped diffusion range, splashing damage!

The trunk of the big tree that was hit by the front of the flaming chicken turned directly into black ash, and the big trees behind this tree also had some pitted black potholes on the trunk.

Everything that came into contact with the flame evaporated instantly.

It didn't catch fire because of the flame, it seemed that after leaving the body of the flame chicken, the flame lost the burning substance.

Ordinary tree is not enough to be its fuel.

The Flaming Chicken looked a little daunting at the power of his attack.

Can flames be used like this?

Aoki looked a little dignified.

Five percent similarity can have such power?

The big grey tree ~ ~ Aoki rummaged a little in the black ash.

Sure enough, a seed with a little green fluorescence was found from the black ash.

"Sure enough, is the fire of the Phoenix King, Nirvana reborn ..." Aoki watched this seed come out.

The sacred fire of the Phoenix King is used to the extreme, which can resurrect the dead elves, and can also transform those three elves into beasts.

That is now Lei Gong, Yandi and Shuijun.

It is not surprising that the sacred fire of the Flaming Chicken can leave a seed on a burned tree.

Aoki collected the seed.

At that time, plant it on the island and see how different it is from other trees.


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