The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1086: Open your eyes and talk nonsense

How comfortable it is to have a lot of elves coming to fight every day.

战斗 After training, it is a battle.

I don't have to wait in line.

You can do it together.

For a month, Aoki was in a hurry, slowly tempering the elves, and was also tempering himself.

The Rockets' task was temporarily put behind him.

It belongs to the periphery of this space, and it takes almost a month to eat it.

Aoki defeated the coconut tree leader with a flame chicken.

Although it was a terrible victory, it was also a victory.

Bangira has also repeatedly challenged the moving ape, and forged a good friendship with him.

There is a saying that is good.

From the apes, Bangila learned a lot of tricks in battle.

And in this month, Bangila successfully broke through the Uranus level, and made a step forward in Uranus level, reaching level 61.

He became the first elf in Aoki's second echelon to break through to the Uranus level.

I also officially announced that the elves of the second echelon began to catch up with the elves of the first echelon.

This is inevitable. After all, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to improve your strength.

In addition, the level of Flaming Chicken, Bosco Doral, and Juzhuang Monster have reached level 59, and they can break through and enter the Heavenly King level at any time.

Only the mosquito coil frog emperor is slightly slower, at this time it is still level 57.

And the elves of the second echelon are capable of super-evolution, except for the mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

The super-evolved Bangla is actually not much weaker than the dull king, although the dull king has also increased his level by one level to 67 in this month.

Bangila is, after all, an evil spirit and has an attribute advantage.

After super-evolution also almost reached the official Uranus level, so the gap between them is not as large as expected.

Now the strongest is Geng Gui who can super-evolve.

Geng Gui's level has reached 66, and after the super evolution, he is able to reach the senior Heavenly King level.

Mrs. Huahuajie's level also reached level 66. The three elves were all upgraded through training and did not participate in many battles. Although the promotion was slow, the victory was stable.

At this time, the crows, the dragon king scorpion, and the maula are fighting madly.

It's just that they all went out to find their opponents. Aoki provided them with some energy blocks and potions before they left to ensure safety.

As for whether they ran 20 kilometers away, it was not clear to Aoki.

So the ranks of Crow's Head, Madara and Dragon King Scorpion all reached Level 65, slowly catching up with the steps of Mrs. Huajie.

Aoki's overall strength has once again improved tremendously.

开发 It's almost developed here, and staying here doesn't help him or his elf much.

因为 And because of the later development, the wild elves have collected all the local resources here and entered the sac of Aoki.

After a month of recuperation, Aoki's own body has also been greatly restored.

Apart from not being able to move freely with both feet, the upper body has completely returned to normal.

Sitting on a sand chair made of Bangla, I would not feel any discomfort after sitting for a long time.

Ao Aoki's control of his super powers has also increased from 50% to 55%.

The speed of lifting is very slow, but for arbitrary lifting, for Aoki, the changes are great.

It's just that the momentary movement is still inadequate and cannot be used normally, but at a distance, taking things out of the air, or even taking things through the space, is already mastered for Aoki.

Aoki's sand chair was suspended in midair.

The three tank skunks were directly driven away by Aoki under very reluctant eyes.

I have no effect, and following Aoki's side, I also get a lot of benefits, and eat a lot of good things, for them, it is not a loss.

I'm leaving, and it's no use taking them.

The sand-shading chair floated to the side of the cane scale dragon that was lying on the ground sleeping.

This month, the rod-tailed scale dragon has taught all the elves in Aoki, and finally focused on teaching the crustacean.

Crustacean Dragon's understanding of dragon attributes and the mastery of dragon skills increased linearly.

These are some hidden enhancements, not the explicit things like rank and data.

"How about the scale-tailed armored dragon? A month has passed, are you thinking about it?" Aoki said to the scale-tailed dragon.

The Scaly-tailed Scale Dragon opened his eyes slowly and looked at Aoki.


A month's time? How long?

I just took a break for a while, and didn't wake up.

At this time, Aoki was able to communicate with the scale-tailed dragon with a tail using a telepathy sensor.

After understanding what he meant, Aoki was ashamed.

For the long age of dragon spirits, one month is not really long.

不会 This guy won't really not think about it.

"Ahem, then you don't have much time to think about again, because we are leaving." Aoki continued.

Hearing the words, the scale-tailed dragon with a staff tail showed a distressed look.

The questions that Aoki asked him to consider were asked a month ago.

Whether the scepter-tailed scale dragon is willing to follow itself to leave this space.

He can help him find his kin, but the relative rod-tail scale armor dragon needs help Aoki to fight five times.

Originally, he fought ten times at first, but the rod-tailed scale dragon almost jumped up.

Aoki's strength is still too weak for him, and he cannot really achieve equal dialogue when communicating.

Can be carried out in the mode of trading, already for the sake of the crustacean and he knows the elf like the scale-tailed ankylosaurus.

Finally, Aoki reduced the number of battles to five.

Actually, it doesn't matter how many times you fight, even if you don't help once, it's pretty good as a deterrent.

This is a hole card stronger than Bingshen Zhu, even if facing the Four Heavenly Kings, as long as it is not Yuanji's strength, the scale-tailed armor dragon can hold at least two elves.

The trainer of the King of Heaven class is completely crushed.

"Then you can't keep me in your little ball." The scale-tailed dragon with the tail of the rod finally compromised.

I always stayed in this space. Although he was at ease, so was his dragon life.

I went out with this man named Aoki, and maybe I could meet my own family.

In fact, the decision of the scepter-tailed scale dragon has already made a decision, but as a powerful quasi-god, it is still difficult to accept a weak human.

Although he only received the elf ball temporarily, it also made him feel uncomfortable.

Aoki mouth could not help but rise.

Xi Rao is with his heart ~ ~ The inner joy can't help showing on his face.

Can I be unhappy?

This is a championship-level quasi-god!

Super land card, and actually can fool to five battles, Aoki shouted ten times at first, but also the lion opened his mouth and shouted at will.

I did not expect that only five reductions were accepted by the scale-tailed dragon.

"No problem." Aoki agreed without hesitation.

Answered so quickly, did you feel that you had been cheated?

Aoki was a chicken thief and took out a friend ball.

After giving a signal to the scale-tailed dragon, he put it away.

Because he did not resist, he succeeded in conquering it directly.

After conquering, the inner excitement cannot be suppressed.

Aoki laughed directly and happily.

Rebirth for so long, finally mastered a little self-protection ability!

I also proved that Aoki's open-mouthed foolishness should be a successful practice.


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