The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1084: Bee queen

Three days passed in a flash.

For three days, Aoki took the crustaceans and the Mohair horses to provoke the three bee groups and fight them.

Although the crustacean crustacean has just evolved, but with the teachings of the scale-tailed armored dragon, the understanding of combat and the control of energy have been greatly improved.

Fighting is even more fearless.

Puppet defense is the best of the current crustaceans.

After a period of fighting, the Momo seahorse finally evolved into a sea spinosaurus.

进化 In the process of evolution, he used the qualified medicine prepared by Aoki.

Pokemon: Sea Spike Dragon (Cyan)

Gender: Female

Level: 35

Attribute: water system

Characteristics: Stinger

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Dragon's Wrath, Dragon Breath, Water Fluctuation, Clear Smoke

Basic skills: water cannon, foam, smoke, gaze, water gun, tornado, bubble light, gas gathering, salt water

Teach Skills: Frozen Wind, Bounce, Dragon Wave, Snoring

Skill Learner: None

Qualifications have been upgraded to cyan after evolution.

And the level has also been increased to level 35.

The speed of the recent improvement is fast because the accumulation and sedimentation time is long enough.

However, after the evolution of the Mohair Horse into a sea spike dragon, its characteristics became a stinger.

Only by evolving to become the Dragon King, can you turn the feature into a free game again.

He is not the strongest or the most potential in Aoki's team.

But as I said a while ago, the qualification of the elves is a prerequisite to a large extent, but it is not the most important condition.

The salamander is like the current sea spinosaurus and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

I was prepared for the rain team.

Maybe their fighting ability is not very strong, but this is all for the rainy legion of Aoki.

It is unnecessary to say that it is for the rain team, a rain team is not enough to reflect the effect of the combination of these two elf characteristics.

As long as there is a feature converter of Geng Gui, all the elves can show their super strength in the rain.

Erhailing Dragon reached level 35, while Crustacean reached level 36.

幅度 The level of improvement of the two elves is relatively large, and both have completed evolution.

After three days, the two of them were unable to participate in the battle.

Because the three bees have noticed their existence, as soon as they approach the three bees forest, the elves that come out are no longer as simple as a few.

And the level is not what the crustaceans and sea spinosaurus can handle.

So when I came here again today, Aoki was carrying Boscodora and the monster monster.

Bosco Dora at level 56 and monster monster at level 57.

只要 As long as the two elves cooperate well enough, they can challenge this entire three-bee community.

They came with such a goal today.

The 力量 is different from the usual strength of killing the three bees. This entry is completely direct.

Aoki sat on a sand chair, and his superpowers could drag him to walk, so this dull king did not follow.

Such a short distance, Kirulian's teleportation can also be reached.

Today is Geng Gui's turn to guard them.

Every day now, there are three dumb King Elves, dumb king, Geng Gui and Mrs. Huajie, who take turns protecting them.

The remaining elves are trained in the camp.

The rhythm of 木 and Aoki in Fuye Town is the same, the difference is that the level of wild elves is higher, and Aoki's own body is still paralyzed.

After 23 days, Aoki's body could not move freely.

Only the right hand, the muscles and joints under the elbow can move freely.

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

Bosco Dora and Giant Numa, the two elves rushed to the front, and any three bees and bee queen coming up couldn't resist their punch.

It didn't take long for the cricket to reach the deepest part of the Three Bee Forest.

抵达 I arrived here for the first time in these three days.

I watched the bee hives everywhere on the towering ancient trees, and there were three bees busy in and out.

The hive on the big tree in the middle is the largest, and the number of three bees going in and out is the largest.

"This should be the hive where the leader of the bee queen is." Aoki saw this hive, and the thought appeared in her heart.

I saw Aoki's appearance, all three bees immediately put down the things in their hands.

I walked towards them.


A special sound came from the largest hive.

The leader of the queen bee flew out of the hive, while at the same time he was closely followed by two seemingly aggressive three bees.

With the emergence of this bee queen, all three bees immediately salute her respectfully.

The hierarchy in the three-bee community is very strict. The leader of the bee queen can determine the life and death of all people in the community.

Because all other bee queens were born by her, and the bee queen can control the three bees she spawned.

Under the layers of crickets, she can control all three bees.

This bee queen is the elf that Aoki always expected.

Puppet Elf: Queen Bee (Light Cyan)

Gender: Female

Level: 61

Attribute: Insect + Flight

Characteristic: Pressure

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: Splitting, Deadly Acupuncture, Same Life, Sweet Aroma, Wind, Poison Needle, Strange Light, Continuous Slash, Chasing, Defensive Instructions, Power Gems, Recovery Instructions, Poisonous, Air Slash, Seduction, Attack instructions, bluffs,

Teaching Skills: Signal Beam, Sharpen, Brute Force, Bug Biting, Snoring, Downwind

Skill Learner: None

Sure enough, he is the Queen Queen Bee.

Seeing the data of this bee queen, Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.

Anyway, just grab it first, anyway, the main role is also tool wizard.

"Boscodora! Juganuma! Your opponent is here today." Aoki said to Boscodra and Juganuma standing in front.

In addition to the Queen of Bees ~ ~, the two three bees that follow her have reached the level of Heavenly King.

It is just that the inherent disadvantages of the elves, such as the three bees, are too obvious.

Race value is their fatal flaw.

The three bees want to show their strength, they must be assisted by the bee queen.

Bosco Dora and Giant Onuma looked at each other, they would not be softhearted because the other was a female elf.

"Boscodora, Spike Attack!"

"Giant marsh monster, water flowing tail!"

Aoki also did not hesitate to order the battle directly.


The queen bee tweeted, and the two three bees behind her immediately approached her.

Then in the hive under the bee queen, a large number of little bees were immediately drilled, rushing towards the giant marsh monster and Boscodora.

Attack instructions!

The special skills unique to the Queen Bee, can only be used by the Queen Bee.

I commanded the little bees with fierce momentum, and the spikes in the abdomen pointed at them.


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