The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1072: It's set!

class! !!

Bangila yelled, rushing towards the ape with excitement.

This is sandstorm weather, it is his home!

Sandstorm King is not called by Aoki casually.

Let go of the sand.

Huang Sha swept over him and the moving ape without hesitation.

With the help of sand, he was able to increase himself.

But moving apes is very uncomfortable, but it has to bear the pain of sand that is harder than stones.

There were a lot of flames wrapped in the fist of the rushing ape, without any dodging meaning, it was that Bangila was locked.

Bangjira's fist also saw two flames "bear".


boom! !! !!

Four punches collided.

This time, however, Bangui La slightly gained some advantages.

After all, the home court has changed, and the increase in the effect of Dragon Dance is terrifying.

After the flying ape was bombarded, Bangila did not continue to wait for his attack, but took a big step and rushed towards him.

"Cut tile!" Aoki directed.

Bangerla rushed over with one hand, and the apes who couldn't reach the ground couldn't immediately respond.

I can only cross my hands in front of me, and I just endured a tile split by Bangila.


The smashing of the tile was severely smashed, a bit like a hand slicing a watermelon.

But the ape was able to bear it!

It's just that the legs are completely bent and flushed.

At the moment of the under attack, the claws of the moving ape emitted light, and the four sharp claws of two hands attacked Bangila's chest directly.


Four tiny scratches appeared on Bangila's chest.

Seeing the damage caused by his full-strength attack, the ape stopped for a while.

Such a strong defense ability?

The moving ape does not know. If you want to say which part of Bangjila has the strongest defense, Aoki will tell him that it is definitely the gray area on Bangjira's chest and stomach.

It is the place where Bangjila has the strongest defense ability!

The appearance of four scratches brought a little pain to Bangla, but it did not affect the battle.

Make a fist with your left hand and swing it out.


Under the sacrifice of God, the moving ape was bombed directly into the air.

"Now, Bangila, Rockfall! Sword of the Cliff!" Aoki shouted in time.

After hearing that, Bangila immediately understood what Aoki meant.

class! !!

With a low sip, a few huge rocks suddenly appeared in mid-air, predicting the trajectory of the ape upside down.

This time he had no place to borrow, and he really became a target in the air.

The moving ape stared grimly at the rocks falling from above.

If you can't dodge, then you can only resist.

Use all your strength to bang your fists on the rocks and smash the falling rocks.

But this way, his descent speed is even faster.

It's just that this rock fall belongs to a trick, and the real attack is behind.

class! !! !!

The gray area on Bangla's belly suddenly lighted red and yellow, and an obvious "Ω" symbol appeared on him.

Even the momentum on his body had a slight change.

Immediately afterwards, on the ground where the moving ape fell, a sharp stone pillar sprang up quickly.

Not just sharp, the top part exudes a red luster, and there is also a low temperature on it.

Huh! !! !!

There was no chance to react. The two apes, which were hit by rocks and the sword of the cliff rising from the ground, formed two blessings under the two forces.

This combination not only makes the rockfall more powerful, but also makes the Sword of the Cliff up and down to fully attack his attack power to the extreme.

After fully bearing the attack of this combination of attacking apes, he fell to the ground and pulled out for a while, and I couldn't stand up again.

class! !! !!

Seeing what the moving ape looks like now, Bangla opens her arms and screams. (Imagine Godzilla)

This battle really met an opponent who was evenly matched in strength and strength.

However, after all, the ape is an ape, and there are some defects in the innate.

If, if he evolved into the leave king, the estimate of failure today is Bangila.

But what failed today is the ape!

Aoki has invested so many resources in Banghira, from the beginning of the Gulado energy fragment, to the soul of the Gulado and the energy stones received by the Bangulla people, and a large number of Bangulla's assistance , And the diamonds that have been supplied, it is normal to be able to exert such combat effectiveness.

This resource investment, let alone money.

Money is simply not something that can be measured.

Some things are really not something that money can buy.

With a quasi-purple qualification, fight against a cyan-qualified over-ape, even if the over-ape is a King of Heaven, Bangla will win.

It's just that this moving ape is special, but at the beginning, it was comparable to Bangila.

After the moving ape fell to the ground and pulled out for a while, it barely stood up.

During this time Bangila did not attack again.

Even at the signal of Aoki, the sandstorm was stopped by him.

Thick yellow sand has accumulated on the ground at this time.

Under Bangira's control, the yellow sand slowly merged into the soil until it completely disappeared.

The moving ape looked at this scene and did not launch an attack again.

Aoki took a final look at him and turned away with his elf.

Today's goal is to explore the surroundings, not to fight.

And if you want to conquer this ape, you need to discuss it from a long-term perspective. Forcibly conquering will not work.

Looking at the back of Aoki they left, the ape still remained.

Something unknown flashed in his eyes.

Aoki's mouth raised an arc.

This overactive ape, he's settled!

And the three tank skunks who pulled Aoki forward slowly now really did not even dare to breathe.

It turned out that the big guy they had provoked before had such strength.

And it doesn't look like this big guy is the strongest elf around this strange creature.

The guy who looks pink and wears a strange hat on his head, the kind of noble breath that emanates from him, and the one that looks like a white flawless flower, the same noble and elegant elf The guy seemed more scary.

The appearance of the big green guy in front of the two elves is more like a brother who treats his brother and sister with great respect.

Although they are somewhat surprised at the strength of the big green guys ~ ~, they are more comforting.

This may be the expression that only elders will show.

The three tank skunks are nervous now.

But they live to this day, and they have no ability to see and see.

Sitting in a chair in the middle, it seems that the creatures that are not very mobile are the core of these elves.

All elves, whether intentional or not, are protecting this human being.

And these elves that seemed too powerful to the tank skunk obeyed this creature's order.

So as long as they can please the living creature, then their safety need not be worried.

This is a bit like those who are struggling at the bottom of society. For those who are powerful, they must always please them to survive better.

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