The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1016: hysteria

Madam Hua Jie fired up.

First use the knot-knot skill to successfully stop Nito's footsteps.

And when she was **** with rattan, two green energy **** came out.

boom! boom!

After stumbled to the ground, Nido suffered two attacks of energy **** directly.

Struggling to get up.

More rattan appeared on the ground, and dragged it back to the ground again.

This is the time for Mrs. Huajie to play.

Nido did not even have the chance to get close to Mrs. Huajie.


Just after Mrs. Huajie attacked Nido, the Nido king she wanted to rescue was the explosive bombardment of the crow's head, which had been slammed by the bird for a long time.

No arm can resist the attack of the crow's head.

Originally, Yangdou also commanded King Nido to use the holding skills to withstand the attack of the crow's head.

However, it was not expected that the dragon king scorpion, who was ready under the command of Aoki, saw the green energy shield he was holding, and the tail that was opportunistic was the first to break it.

Created opportunities for the crow head.

A violent collision blew up a lot of dust on the ground.

Immediately after the crow's head attack, flapping his wings, he returned to balance again.

When King Nido withstood the crow's head, the legs were already in the ground.

All of a sudden it was tens of centimeters short, and it also lost its ability to move.

All of Aoki's elves exploded with their strongest fighting power in an instant.

After the black fighting Heluga lost his fighting ability, his battle array seemed to have an obvious gap.

Aoki breaks as much as he wants, and tears as much as he wants.

Still did not give him any meaning to communicate.

Even though Yangdou's face was pale at this time, his mouth had a meaning to discuss with Aoki.

But he ignored nothing.

The next wizard that fell to the ground was the double-bomb gas with relatively slow movement.

This battle did not give him much opportunity to play, and the poison system skills were not used, so he was too tired to avoid the attack of the dull king.

The dumb king stands in the distance for continuous long-range attacks. When the double bomb gas approaches, he uses instant movement to avoid it.

Normal poisonous attacks are blocked by superpowers before they come near.

fly a kite.

In the face of the slow elf, this is the way the dumb king fights. If the opponent is fast, open the trick space and fly the kite.

At this time, it is the dull king of the sniper characteristic. When the attack is made, the effect of the characteristic is triggered twice.

Of course, the double bomb gas restrained by the attributes did not resist for long.

After all, he was out of a disadvantage of rank and strength.

After the double-bomb gas lost its combat ability, the elf's elf fell into complete defeat.

The idiot king began to use his super powers to assist other elves to fight.

For example, helping the Dragon King Scorpion control King Nido will allow him to attack a few times.

King Nido and Queen Nido fell to the ground almost in no particular order.

The two elves are worthy of being partners, and even if they lose their fighting ability, they also take time together.

The look of the other person slowly falling to the ground, and holding out a hand, had a feeling of beautiful TV drama.

After the defeat of King Nido and Nido, it represented the official defeat of Yangdou.

At this point there was only a mighty crocodile around him.

By the way, there is another who is still fighting Matara in the forest.

嘭 ——

As soon as he thought of his cunning Tengu, he saw that he was frozen into ice and thrown out of the woods.

At the same time, Madara appeared flashing beside the ice.

At this moment Madara was carrying some injuries.

There were also a few wounds on his body, but from his eyes, it can be seen that even if he fights for another round, the problem is not great.

At this time, if someone goes in to see the forest where Madara and Cunning Tengu are fighting, it will definitely be shocked by the scene inside.

The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow, the forest changes that can be caused are not much different from what they look like inside.

Throughout the forest, whether on trees or on the ground, there is a lot of snow, there are boulder everywhere and more exaggerated ice cones.

Madara completely broke out her control of the ice energy during the battle.

The forest site that has a lot of advantages over the sly Tengu has been directly transformed into a snow and ice site that has a great advantage over itself.

It can be seen from the ability to change at this site that at this time Madara has developed her ice talent to what extent.

If this frozen area is further expanded, three to five times, this should be the ability to really change the landscape.

To this extent, it is estimated that there are only beasts.

It can be seen what kind of control the Madras had at this time on the ice energy.

The frozen cunning tengu appeared in front of Yangdou, and became the last straw that crushed him.


Yang Dou sat on the ground with one butt.

Although there is still a mighty crocodile standing next to him, it is clear that with the fighting power of the crocodile, in the face of so many Heavenly-level elves, there is certainly not much resistance.

At this time, he also told Aoki at the beginning that he introduced himself here just to prevent someone from supporting himself.

I thought it was ridiculous, but didn't expect it to be real time.

in case...

If you are around the camp, even if you ca n’t beat yourself, drag it forcibly, as long as you wait for support to reach, you can join forces to defeat Aoki.

Not only him and the other two leaders in the camp, but three!

Such a powerful force made him lose himself a little.

This is very similar to Aoki's previous life, except that his own previous life began to swell when he reached the level of quasi-heaven, and Yangdou began to swell after reaching the level of Uranus.

With a mocking smile, Aoki strolled to the front of Yang Dou.

Although the elves around him were more or less injured, they did not affect the combat effectiveness.

The worst injured was Madara alone fighting the cunning Tengu.

At this time Mrs. Huajie was treating him.

"Who the **** are you ?! Why lead me here? You are definitely not a member of the Alliance. It is impossible for the Alliance to kill at will." Yang Dou asked hysterically.

Even if he is going to die ~ ~, he wants to be a ghost.

Obviously there is a bright road in front of my eyes. As long as it continues to develop steadily, it will not be a problem to reach the top level of the Uranus level, let alone break through the boundaries of the Uranus level.

But today it is planted here.

Aoki slowly shook her head. Sure enough, like Rose, she didn't remember her existence.

He beckoned the dull king to his side.

He patted the dumb king's back and asked, "Do you still know this elf? But he was just a dumb beast then."

"A dull beast?" A hint of doubt appeared in Yang Dou's pale face, looking at the dull king's thoughts.

But at the deepest point of thinking, there was still a hint of hysteria going crazy.

It was just this madness that was captured by Aoki.

Did n’t you show this expression when you knew you were going to die in previous lives?

Can't be more familiar.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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