The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 995: Incarnation

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"Heavenly King, I have a few questions I would like to ask ..." After Aoki scanned the data of Tyrannosaurus, there were a few questions about the cultivation of elves in his mind, and they were directly raised.

It's mainly about baby dragon training.

Hearing Aoki's questions, anyway, now there is nothing to do, Yuanji carefully answered Aoki.

Until the third question was over, Genji looked at Aoki in amazement, "Aoki, do you have a baby dragon?"

People who can ask questions like Aoki are definitely people who know Baby Dragon well, and who they may have cultivated.

So Genji asked Aoki himself about this doubt.

Aoki didn't mean to hide.

They all have the strength of the Heavenly King, and the chief search officer of the alliance, the cadres of the Rockets, and a quasi-god spirit are not unacceptable.

I admitted frankly, "Yes, deep in the meteor waterfall, I met a baby dragon ..."

Then Aoki gave a brief description of the baby dragon he encountered, but omitted the fact that he knew that the baby dragon was there.

"It's no wonder that you will encounter such a problem, but it's really a poor little guy ..." A look of emotion appeared on Genji's face, as if remembering what happened when he met his Tyrannosaurus Things.

"After this mission is completed, take this little guy from you to play on my boat for a while, and I will see how hard he works." Genji said with a smile.

Wen Yan, Aoki looked at Yuanzhi with a little surprise.

Said to go to his boat to play, but the fool understands that, in fact, Genji wants to teach Aoki from baby to tyrannosaurus.

There is such a real Dragon King teaching that I believe that the baby dragon will take a lot less detours in the future.

Maybe it's time to bring two little green birds.

You know, in addition to Tyrannosaurus Rex, Genji is also most familiar with the Qixi Bluebird and Desert Dragonfly.

Coincidentally these elves have Aoki.

When he visits Yuanzhi, he will definitely get a lot of unexpected gains.

The two started research and discussion on the back of Tyrannosaurus on the training of baby dragons.

Time passes quickly.

Arrived at that mysterious cave at sea.

Standing on the back of Tyrannosaurus and looking down, it is a very small island.

It is much smaller than the island owned by Aoki. There is almost no vegetation on the island. A bare hill stands in the sea, and there is only a little ground around it.

A deep, dark cave is just above the hill bag.

"Here it is, it should be here." Genji said, Tyrannosaurus Fly toward the island.

Aoki and Genji jump off the back of Tyrannosaurus.

Stepping on the ground, I feel the ground here is soft or muddy.

Aoki squatted and rubbed the dirt on the floor with her fingers, then placed it on her nose and sniffed.

It may seem like a professional, but in fact I am letting the chip scan.

"How? Did you find anything?" Genji asked beside Aoki.

In his opinion, Aoki, the search officer, is more reliable in terms of the expertise of the investigation.

The reason was that the two of them came directly.

One is that it is easier for two people to act, whether they are fighting or fleeing.

Another point is that, because Genji represents force and Aoki represents investigators, both of them have reached the limit. It is enough to have both of them.

Hearing the question from Genji, Aoki did not answer directly, but stood up and looked around.

Suddenly, Aoki became an elementary school student, dragging his chin and analyzing carefully.

Frowning, said, "This mysterious cave has risen abruptly from the sea. The Iron Spiral King may not have even entered the cave, and was attacked outside."

Aoki continued to analyze, "When I was in the air before, I could see that there was not too much vegetation on this island, and there was no obstruction of sight. Then there were only two places for the sneak attack on the Iron Spiral King.

Either someone coming out of a mysterious hole, or ... just on the ocean floor. "

Genji looked at Aoki and waited for his analysis. He felt that it was about to reach the key point.

"The first sentence that the King of Iron Spin said after returning to the alliance was that the alliance had internal ghosts, but Ogo and Furong did not return, and there was no news. Then it is likely that they ran into the hole to avoid the attack of the powerful enemy. .

An inner ghost explained that the other party knew better about this operation. The reason for the action was that the king of iron spins threatened their purpose.

If it comes out of the hole, it may be that the purpose has been completed.

Therefore, the probability is that the attack from the bottom of the sea suddenly hit the Iron Spin King unexpectedly, or it may be that the people around him also attacked him.

The caves that are not cluttered from the mouth of the cave indicate that the opponent who entered later has certain discipline.

Genji Heavenly King, who is the person who has this kind of strength at sea? "

Aoki analyzed each detail little by little, and finally came to the result, and asked a very obvious answer.

"Ocean Team!" Yuanzhi frowned, and saw a trace of killing in the vicissitudes' eyes.

"Is this done by the Oceans team?" Genji asked again, but from his expression, he could see that he had already believed this answer.

But Aoki did not give a positive answer.

"The ocean team is the most likely, but I believe they also know to do this, and they must be the first to be suspected.

When the Ocean team was not ready to be born, was it really good to hit a league's four kings so seriously?

Or is there a reason why they have to do it.

Or, in other words, it is another organization that is blaming the Marines.

In short, everything is possible, and no conclusion can be reached for the time being.

But if we go in now, we will definitely be able to meet. "Aoki said.

"There is no need to analyze it anyway. We must go in anyway. After all, they may be inside. After entering, you must pay close attention to me, and be careful of possible sneak attacks around you." Genji waved his hands and made a decision.

Put away the Tyrannosaurus.

Although Tyrannosaurus is powerful, this cave looks relatively small and is not suitable for him to fight.

However, Genji soon summoned an elf again.

A double axe battle dragon!

Aoki also nodded ~ ~ summoned the dull king, leaving a superpower coordinate at the entrance of the island.

Then they walked towards the mysterious hole,

No matter what enemies you will encounter, this mysterious cave will be explored.

Aoki was curious about this place.

I do n’t know what ’s in it, but I was able to let one party choose to do something with the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance.

Just don't know if this force is ready to accept the rage of the alliance.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the leader of the cold ink big brothers, we will add 4/12!

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Dark Rise of the Elves

Dark Rise of the Elves

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