After three minutes.

It's over.

Waking up from her dream, Rose felt she had a long, long dream.

When I saw Aoki again, I didn't know why, and I felt a sense of inexplicable worship rising from my heart.

"Master," Rose screamed respectfully.

She directly accepted the fact that she became someone else's.

Aoki nodded, pointing at the elf ball on the table and said, "This elf is yours. Although not your own elf may be a bit frustrated, but as long as you conquer and train for a period of time, I believe that it is still better than the average quasi-sky king. The elves are tall. "

This elf is still from Locks. Previously, Aoki was selling Kairos, and this one was a Heruga.

Both elves are at level 61, the weakest two in Lockes' hands.

Is now more suitable for Rose's Elf level.

After all, she is just a quasi-king class trainer. If she is too strong, she may not be able to conquer.

"Yes." Rose took the elf ball excitedly.

If anyone knows, as long as they are loyal to Aoki, they will be able to get a King-level elf, I believe they will be absolutely crazy.

How many people are stuck at the level of Zhun Tianwang, can't break through in a lifetime.

How many people are willing to do it.

It is also obvious to them that they have grown up after being exposed to the Uranus-level elves.

Originally, Aoki was thinking of selling these elves in exchange for resources, but now it seems that even if these elves remain in their hands, they will not depreciate.

It can also be distributed to other subordinates in the future.

In the elven world, one person can still do it if he wants to be strong, but if he wants to be the strongest, that person is not realistic.

A person as strong as Sakagi must control a powerful organization such as the Rockets in order to take his strength one step further.

"Call out, I will help you take the first step." Aoki said.

After hearing the word, Rose showed joy again.

Immediately opened the elf ball, summoned the black Luga inside.

When Heluga was on Sanshen Island, he was already scared by Aoki.

Apart from that, the elves of Hei Lu Jia, Aoki's elves are still very familiar with him, knowing where they hit will be the most painful, and knowing where to hit is only painful, but not hurt.


When Heruga had just come out, she was still gaunt, but when she saw Aoki's voice, she sobbed.

With his tail clipped, he lowered his head and climbed to Aoki's side.

Geng Gui got out of the ground and gave a cold glance at Hei Lujia.

He was suddenly agitated, and stood obediently afraid to speak.

Rose witnessed the whole process.

Is this really a King-level elf?

Are you kidding me?

"Heruga, she will be your new trainer in the future, you should know the consequences of disobedience." Aoki said to Heruga.

At the same time, Geng Gui and Dream Demon also looked at him.

Heruga immediately obedient, ran to Rose's legs, and gently held her.

How easy is it to tame the Uranus Elves?

Rose has the best preparation for a long-term battle.

Before she could say anything, the door was pushed open.

A woman wearing the costume of a hunter's guild and wearing a sun medal on her chest came in and saw something inside, and suddenly didn't understand the situation.

Aoki frowned.

"This adult is the cadre of the Rockets, I am." Before she finished, she found that she could not speak again.

The superpower energy flickered in the eyes of the dream demon, and the fantasy light directly controlled it.

Aoki looked at her coldly on the sofa and said to Qianwei, "Is this one of the people who are squeezing you crazy?"

"Um." Rose hesitated and nodded.

The man's eyes were full of shock and he had no idea what was going on.

"She's yours, just take your vote, you know how to do it. Ten minutes later, I'll wait for you at the entrance of the black market." After that, Aoki stood up and took Geng Gui and the Dream Monster Out.

Leave the Hunters Guild.

This was his last test for Rose.

If the members of the hunter's guild are solved, then Rose is really out of the organization of the hunter's guild, and then she can only obey Aoki.

At least for Aoki, Aoki will give her the reward.

Rose obviously knew what to do.

The ghosts and dream monsters of Aoki come and go, the ghosts know that they are still here.

As a surviving woman in the basement, she is still a good-looking woman, and the adjective soft-hearted has nothing to do with her.

Since you chose to rebel from the Hunters Guild, the best way is of course to kill a member of the family to Mingzhi.

Aoki pulled the hood and left the guild.

The later events have nothing to do with him. The Rocket Cadre Medal displayed when he came in is not his own, and no one can find Aoki's head.

Ten minutes later, leaning on Aoki at the entrance to the black market, waited for the savage rose.

"Sir." Rose walked to Aoki and shouted respectfully.

Then, she took out a **** sun medal from her pocket and showed it in front of Aoki.

Aoki nodded and took her out of the black market in Yuhong.

Now Rose is really unable to return.

I have to say that this woman is still a bit aggressive at the critical moment, and she can directly and decisively solve the members of the hunter's guild, showing her determination.

"Yes, there is one more thing. Your makeup is too thick. Don't paint such a thick makeup in the future." Aoki mentioned when he left.

Hearing Aoki's words, Rose nodded with a smile.

Applying heavy makeup is not only to make yourself more beautiful, but also to attract those men who pay attention to appearance, but also that few people have really seen Rose's true look.

It's easier than changing your face.

Just waiting for Rose, Aoki gave the Rockets' working group an order to register Rose with an alliance status.

Later in Fengyuan area, it will be more conducive to work for Aoki.

Although the level of confidentiality will not be as high as Aoki's identity ~ ~ but it is still pretty good, as long as it is not mixed within the alliance, this status level is sufficient.

After leaving Yuhong City, Aoki took the rose directly to Golden City.

Fly in the plane towards Fengyuan area.

During this period, Aoki once again confirmed the identity of Yang Dou and what he did in Fengyuan area with Qiangwei.


Kanaz city.

Aoki walked out of Kanaz Airport and dialed Ogo's communication number, but was told that he could not connect.

It seems that Ogo is not in Kanaz, maybe he went out to practice.

As for the rose, after leaving the airport, she went directly to Aoki City in accordance with Aoki's order.

At present, the sky team of Zijing City has no one to sit in town, so the development is limited. Now Aoki will send roses to sit in Zijing City, which is beneficial to the development of the sky team.

At the same time, they also put pressure on the brigades and Alec. If they don't work harder, they will not be able to keep up with Aoki.


Ten more eighth more! Seek the bottom! For the leader of the cold ink big brothers, I added 112!

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