The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 130: Salvatore's determination

"Don't think too much, senior."

Looking at Salvatore sitting across from the car with frowned brows, Annan's face didn't have the slightest fear or anxiety.

He just hugged his knees, leaned back on the carriage, curled up lazily.

Annan glanced at Salvatore, and said, "The bishop's thinking is correct. Both of us are very young. Those people will inevitably do things in order to fight for power... This will increase the variables.

"Although the Bishop usually looks like a good person, it is the good person who gets angry. The more at this time, the less I can come forward-after all, what we need now is not a Roseburg who completely obeys my command. But Roseburg, who won't hold me back at critical times.

"If it is to achieve this goal, then it is best for us to get out of here. It would be better if the parties in Roseburg could mistakenly believe that Bishop Darryl had stolen my power..."

"No, I'm not thinking about this issue."

Salvatore shook his head and added: "It's not for the bishop to explore the way. Since Bishop Daryl can be the bishop of the district, it means that he has at least the strength of a silver rank transcendent, and he Older and rich in experience, it is much safer for him to do this than for us."

When exploring the unknown ritual, the danger brought by a scumbag teammate is far from being compensated by the bonus of one more teammate...

It would be better to have no one to help, and no one to hold back.

Not to mention, this teammate can't throw out to attract firepower, but must be distracted to protect...

Annan and Salvatore are not the kind of people who are awkward and don't know what is good or bad.

They clearly know that in front of this kind of enemy-or may not be an enemy, but in short, they are a naive force.

Don't send it if you don't want it.

What could have been won must also be lost...

"What I'm thinking about is," Salvatore whispered, "do we really have... a reason to prevent Master Michelangelo from being resurrected?

"That is a true master, with high respect. In addition to his fame and countless disciples in the transcendent world, he is also an art master in the mortal world..."

Maybe it's because I got used to being hit by the shadows.

The timidity in Salvatore's tone made him afraid to express his thoughts.

Especially when this idea is somewhat "unreasonable".

After all, in the worldview of the transcendent, any unknown, unchecked, and approved private ceremony is not credible-it must be vigilant.

No one knows what the sacrifices and materials must be in this ceremony.

No one can be sure what side effects this ceremony will bring.

No one can guarantee what the purpose of this person is for this ceremony.

No matter which one goes wrong, it may cost more than one human life.

It's not good to say...

Since you will use unknown ceremonies that have not been registered, and no one is willing to vouch for you... Then it means that your purpose is not intended or cannot be detected by others?

So, for the safety of ourselves and others, it is only natural to prevent you from performing rituals?

Therefore, once the transcendents see someone secretly performing some unknown ritual, their first reaction is to stop his ritual and interrupt it completely.

Salvatore's idea of ​​"maybe it would be better to make the ceremony set up" is a naive act that will be ridiculed in the worldview of the transcendent.


"I support you, senior."

Annan’s tone was calm and sincere: “I think your attitude is correct in this matter. If this ceremony is really to resurrect Master Michelangelo, then it is called habitual thinking for safety, and you will not think about it. Destroying, on the contrary, is an overly conservative move.

"We are all ordinary people, we are all mortals. All mortals can make mistakes... In other words, the practice of'eliminating all rituals' must be wrong at some point? So why can't it be now? ?"

——There is no doubt that Annan’s words belong to children’s sophistry.

No adult would take the words of a child seriously. No matter what the child talks about, he can't deny one thing-he is just guessing.

Take risks for your own guesses.

This is by no means a wise move.

... But Salvatore, he came from the heart, and wanted to believe Annan's words.

In other words, he had already planned to do so. It's just missing an excuse.

"Thanks, Don Juan."

Salvatore took a deep breath: "Then, I will stay in the basement when I go back and prepare a batch of pre-converting agent urgently. When it is almost the fifth day, remember to call me in advance. I will make another batch urgently that day. Useful potions...Thank goodness, I brought enough materials before I came to Frozen Water Harbor."

He looked at Annan and asked with some uncertainty: "After five days, will you accompany me back to Roseburg?"

Although Annan looked like he didn't want to destroy this resurrection ceremony.

But for Salvatore, as long as Annan does not interfere, he does not expect Annan to accompany him on the adventure...

His shadow told him the same way-although the risk of this plan's failure is not great, once he speculates that it fails, the price is not something he can bear. Losing the title of the son of the black tower is minor, and it is possible to be expelled or wanted if the loss is heavy.

——Salvatore wants to give it a try.

Because Master Michelangelo is undoubtedly a useful person to this world. His value is much higher than that of an untalented and useless person...If he really guessed wrong in the end, Salvatore will save his life and release the shadow, and he will be able to safely **** the civilians to escape.

"Don Juan" is the wisest choice not to follow him.

But that's how it is said.

He still has some hope that he can listen to "Don Juan"'s opinions when making decisions by himself...

"Of course I will come. This is not the same as asking the Bishop to see the situation. It is dangerous for you to go there... If I advocate letting you take risks, I can come but not come, what's the matter with the bastard? the difference?"

But Annan was beyond his expectation, and just replied leisurely: "It's fine if you call me at that time.

"I'm just a little curious about one thing, senior... I hope you can answer it for me.

"Do you really just think,'It's a good thing to resurrect Michelangelo', that you decide to participate in this troublesome thing?"

Annan asked.

His eyes shone with curiosity.

He had planned to blend this incident...but Annan's curiosity about Salvatore was also true.

Because according to Annan's analysis, Salvatore must be hiding something in his heart.

Otherwise, based on his character, he should first persuade Annan not to go, and then decisively choose to accompany him on the adventure after Annan refuses. Instead of being so proactive... No matter if Annan goes or not, he will go to witness the unknown ceremony that spans several years.

Annan was very curious about the answer.

Peeping into the secrets of others and the nature of personality hidden from others is also one of Annan's joys in life.

Salvatore was silent.

He was thinking...or rather, he was also asking Finally, he opened his mouth and said with a firm tone: "There is also a part of the reason, it is about Mr. Nottdamm. I am a little worried about him, I I always believe that he is not a villain—my instinct tells me this.

"But I can't judge whether a person is good or bad based on my own speculation. I must use my eyes to see for myself, my ears to hear for myself, and my heart to judge.

"And if he is not a villain, then he must be in a very sleepy state now... He needs help, but when you look up, everyone wants him to die. Even if he did nothing wrong..."

Just as he said on the carriage.

Salvatore had a slight pause when he said this.

He raised his head and stared at the roof of the car.

It's like looking at someone in the memory.

Salvatore whispered softly, like a dream: " can I turn my face away in the face of the suffering that others endure?"

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