The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 620 Choose a high branch to live in, choose the master of the Ming Dynasty to serve

Yang Fei could tell that Xu Hui and others were very willing to sell the factory.

This can be seen from the scale of reception today.

After Yang Fei inspected it in detail, he also felt that this factory could be acquired.

A shampoo factory with a long history, regardless of product and design, skilled workers, as well as the plant and equipment that can be used after the purchase, as well as the location of the factory, are all Yang Fei's fancy.

The money for the acquisition of this factory now is estimated to be owed for the purchase of this land in the future.

That's why Yang Fei spoke out their shortcomings mercilessly.

Xu Hui is also modest and knows a truth: the one who is right and evil is my teacher.

He smiled immediately: "We also know that there are better raw materials, but the cost will be higher, which conflicts with our positioning."

Yang Fei nodded: "Very good - how much do you plan to sell this factory for?"

Xu Hui and the others must have discussed it a long time ago, and Yang Fei would not be the first person to talk about the acquisition, so he pondered for a moment before replying, "Twenty-eight million."

He added: "Our factory has undergone a joint-stock reform. The current factory was bought by our workers collectively. We spent so much money at the beginning. There are more than 1,000 workers in our factory, and each of them paid a salary. Our management contributes the most. Some workers put all their life savings into it.”

Yang Fei knew that what he said was true.

It is true that foreign companies acquire factories in China, but not every factory is valuable and worthy of acquisition by foreign companies.

Moreover, many workers have feelings for their factories. They have worked and lived here for decades. Some even have their parents in the factory. So when the factory is restructured, they buy it with money.

Some factories were poorly run before, more or less because of institutional reasons, such as overstaffing and vegetarian meals, etc., but after the shareholding reform, workers regard the factory as their home and operate the factory as their own business, which can produce benefits instead. .

However, running a business is not just about passion.

Especially with the deepening of reform and opening up, business competition has become more and more fierce, the market has changed a little every year, and a big change every three years. The products of many factories, which were originally very popular, suddenly became unsalable, and the operators The level is limited, and I am in a hurry, but I don't know how to change it.

Meifang factory encountered such a difficult problem of the times.

More than half of our country's enterprises failed to withstand the test of the business upheaval in the 1990s and fell on the way forward.

Xu Hui sighed and said: "In the few years since we took over, the factory has developed quite impressively, but since this year, the products have been seriously unsalable. There are also some workers who bought the shares with borrowed money at the beginning, but now due to various reasons , eager to cash out. Anyway, that’s what happened, the factory must be sold.”

Yang Fei nodded slowly, and said, "Since the workers in the factory have shares, does everyone agree to sell them?"

Xu Hui chuckled: "There are always people who agree with everything, and there are also people who are opposed. Some employees think that it is a good thing to get dividends every month, so they don't want to sell the company. However, Boss Yang, please rest assured that as long as If you are interested in buying, I will do the ideological work."

Yang Fei said: "Director Xu, I can buy it, but I don't want to have any problems left over from history, so you must discuss it internally."

Xu Hui nodded again and again: "Please rest assured about this, I have a solution, and I will definitely not make things difficult for you."

Yang Fei said: "Has anyone come to discuss the acquisition before?"

Xu Hui said: "Yes, we have been to two foreign companies, but we did not agree. Although Meifang is not a big brand, it is also an old national brand. We don't want to sell it to foreigners, and the employees' backlash is also very strong. But you are different. You not only It is Chinese, white is still the pride of a domestic brand! I believe that this time, I will be able to convince all the employees."

Yang Fei said: "Well then, I will stay in Shanghai for a few more days, and I will come back in two days.

Your management, hold a staff meeting as soon as possible to unify the internal understanding first. "

"Okay," Xu Hui said with a smile, "Boss Yang is really a cheerful person!"

Yang Fei said: "As for the purchase price, I will send an accounting and evaluation team to conduct a one-week estimate. I will not treat you badly. How much the factory is worth, plus the premium of the brand, will only increase the price for you."

Xu Hui thought that the price was agreed upon just like that, but he didn't expect to have to evaluate it. However, this is also Yang Fei's rigorous performance, which also shows that he has sincerity in the acquisition, so he nodded in agreement.

Yang Fei came out of the workshop, walked around the factory again, and then left.

Xu Hui and others sent him to the door and watched him get in the car and leave.

"Director Xu, Yang Fei is indeed a good boss! He not only understands management, but also understands technology. It would be great for such a person to take over our factory." The vice presidents praised in unison.

Xu Hui hummed: "The ancients said that birds choose high branches to live in, and people choose wise leaders to serve. In my opinion, Yang Fei is a high branch in our industry!"

"Master Xu, the opinions among the employees are not unified, do you have a way to persuade them?"

A look of worry flashed across Xu Hui's face: "This is what I'm most worried about. Many workers don't understand the changes of the times. They only think that the poor management of the factory is due to our poor management. Can't make any useful comments!"

"Then, is the trade union still open?"

"Open it, it will be held tomorrow! You should send out the notice now. Everyone must attend the meeting tomorrow. If you don't attend the meeting, it will be regarded as abstention!"

"All right."

Yang Fei came to Shanghai this time to find a foundry for shampoo, and to inspect the headquarters of Zhonghua Toothpaste.

The first thing he did very well.

Bee Flower Company has agreed to manufacture, and the acquisition of Meifang Factory has been put on the agenda again.

If these two things are done well, Yang Fei will have a buffer time, and the pressure on product supply will be relieved. Waiting for the new plant to be completed and put into operation in the second half of next year, the supply in the domestic market will definitely not be a problem.

The next day, Yang Fei came to the headquarters of Zhonghua Toothpaste Factory.

After Yang Fei spent a huge sum of money to acquire the Zhonghua Toothpaste Factory, all the team members did not make any big moves. They changed to a new boss. Everything is based on stability. Just like people, companies are most afraid of turmoil and displacement.

When he came to Shanghai this time, Yang Fei came by plane. He didn’t have much property in Shanghai, and he didn’t come here usually, so he didn’t buy a car alone. This time he came to inspect the toothpaste factory. They all came by taxi.

The taxi stopped in front of the factory gate, and Yang Fei and others paid to get out of the car and walked towards the factory gate.

The iron fence of the gate is closed, and only a small gate can pass through.

"Stop! Tell me about you guys! Where did you come from? I don't think you are employees of our factory, right? This is an important production area, and idlers are not allowed to enter!" stopped.

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