The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 428 Menacing

Yang Fei smiled: "Don't tell me, let me guess first. Did they sell the Panda brand washing powder again? And it's very cheap?"

Su Tong was surprised: "How do you know? You have been paying attention to the company's affairs?"

Yang Fei said: "There is no need to pay attention at all, I also know what they will do next."

Su Tong said: "Since you knew in advance, you must have countermeasures?"

Yang Feidao: "It hasn't been long since Panda Laundry Detergent was delisted. The brand still has a certain reputation. With the promotion of the big brand Procter \u0026 Gamble, and the price reduction to seize the market, they can sell some."

Su Tong hummed: "But, they must be targeting us for doing this. In terms of price war, we can beat the former Vitality Factory, but we can't beat Procter \u0026 Gamble! They are the world's top 500, Ten of us are not its opponents."

Yang Fei saw that she was deeply troubled by this matter, and knew that if she didn't solve it first, she wouldn't be able to enter the state, and she would lose interest in playing, so he hugged her, let her sit on his lap, and said, "With Procter \u0026 Gamble's position , Do you think the products they launched will be sold at such a low price?"

Su Tong said: "It won't be sold at such a low price, that's why it feels abnormal. They want to grab the market first and then make money. Anyway, they have plenty of money, so they can afford a war of attrition."

Yang Feidao: "Procter \u0026 Gamble wanted to enter the high-end laundry detergent market in my country, but they were a little hesitant and did not enter the market decisively. That's why our soap powder dominated the world. In the current high-end laundry detergent market, our soap Powder is the best."

Su Tong pursed his lips and smiled, "How good is it?"

Yang Fei said: "Outstanding!"

Su Tong said: "Don't think too highly of yourself, they are Procter \u0026 Gamble."

Yang Fei said: "They have already launched soap powder products, but unfortunately, they used Ma Zhixia wrongly. Several months of lawsuits have exhausted their patience. Of course they will not let it go, so they made a comeback."

Su Tong said: "That's right, and it's coming fiercely. Although I'm in charge of personnel affairs now, but you're not here, they just talk to me when they have something to do, and I don't know what to do."

Yang Feidao: "Procter \u0026 Gamble wanted to launch high-end products, but was worried that the newly launched brand would not be magical enough to support its high price, so it made a compromise and launched products with relatively low prices. The profit of washing powder is already very thin , if you want to cut prices and make money, you can only reduce product quality or features to achieve this goal.”

Su Tong said: "The problem now is,

What are we going to do about it? I'm here to listen to you tell me the way, so don't analyze these things with me. "

Yang Fei said: "Listen to me first. In the eyes of their analysts, our soap powder is successful because it has magical properties. In fact, they reversed the cause and effect relationship. Unique properties do not create high demand and high sales. The reason. On the contrary, high price and high quality will create a magical effect.”

Su Tong tilted his head slightly, thinking about Yang Fei's words, and said, "It seems very reasonable."

Yang Fei said: "When we go to buy products, when we see expensive things, we will naturally pay attention to them, and wonder why they can be sold at such a high price, and then we will find out. When natural soap powder is on the market, the price is generally high, but After consumers understand it, they recognize this new type of washing powder, and those who pursue a higher quality of life will naturally become fans of soap powder."

Su Tong said: "There are so many talents in Procter \u0026 Gamble, what you can think of, they can't think of it, right?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course they thought about it, so they were eager to launch soap powder before. However, we were the first to launch soap powder and the first to occupy the high-priced position. If they want to occupy this position, they have to pay A huge price."

Su Tong said: "So, the more anxious they were, the more mistakes they made, and they took Ma Zhixia's bad move."

Yang Fei said: "With Procter \u0026 Gamble's resource advantages, they still have a chance! So, I want to thank Mr. Ma!"

Su Tong chuckled: "You are the only one who is smart!"

Yang Fei said: "Having said so much, do you understand what to do?"

Su Tong stuck out his sweet tongue lightly, shook his head and said, "I'm stupid, I didn't understand."

Yang Fei said: "P\u0026G is not targeting us in this price war, they are grabbing the market. But I believe that their price advantage will not last long, and our soap powder market will not keep falling. Because Our wars are not on the same battlefield at all!"

Su Tong said: "You mean, leave it alone?"

Yang Fei said: "It doesn't matter, we have to carry out a proper promotion."

Su Tong said: "After talking for a long time, do you still want to lower the price?"

Yang Fei said: "No surrender."

Su Tong said: "Then how to promote?"

Yang Fei said: "Bundled sales."

Su Tong smiled and said, "Tie up laundry bags with rope and sell them? Buy laundry powder and get rope?"

Yang Fei rolled his eyes, wondering if a woman in love would really become stupid?

"Bundled sales of natural soap powder and Zhonghua toothpaste. These two brands have their own audiences and are well-known. We can pack a bag of washing powder and a box of Zhonghua toothpaste into one bag and sell them together in family packs. The price can be lowered a bit.”

Su Tong snorted softly: "The price is still lowered. A lowered price in a different form!"

Yang Fei scratched her nose: "You have learned to talk back! But our original washing powder and toothpaste have not been reduced in price. And this new package that is bundled together has been reduced a little, but if sold, we earn money." People who buy washing powder don’t necessarily need to buy toothpaste, and people who buy toothpaste don’t necessarily need to buy washing powder, but because the family packs are cheap, they will stock up. Bought one and took it home. Invisibly, our sales have increased."

After hearing this, Su Tong said happily, "I knew you had a solution. Then do this. I'll call them first and tell them to follow your orders."

Yang Fei hummed and let her go.

Su Tong made several phone calls, contacted Meili Daily Chemical Factory, and then called the Toothpaste Factory.

This is the first time that the two factories have engaged in a joint promotional activity. When it comes to the allocation of products and resources, they need to coordinate in the middle and designate a contact manager.

Su Tong was busy for almost an hour before he put down the phone, pressed his ears habitually, and said, "My ears are ringing again. Fortunately, there are fewer phone calls now, or I must be deaf."

Yang Fei hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear, "Thank you for your hard work."

Su Tong's ears were numb and itchy, and with a groan, his body became soft.

Yang Fei picked her up and put her on the bed.

She was only wearing a dress, and Yang Fei was in a hurry for a long time. He didn't care to take it off, so he pulled the skirt and turned it up...

( = )

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