The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 423 Real Princess, False Princess!

In a hidden cave somewhere, a bonfire was burning brightly, reflecting three young faces.

Mera asked curiously,

"How are you going to get Amazon metal, these women don't want to talk nicely."

The three were attacked as soon as they arrived on the island, and the residents of the main body had no intention of communicating at all, and treated them as enemies.

Luke glanced at her, "It's up to you."


Mera pointed to herself, a little uncertain,

"What can I do to help?"

"Princess Zebel can represent Atlantis under certain circumstances, so you tell them that you are the envoy of Atlantis, and the purpose of coming here is for peace, peace between races."

Mera said strangely, "You made me lie!"

Luke spread his hands, "No matter what, you must have an identity. You can't say that we traveled around the world and arrived here by accident!"

Mera thought for a while, and it made some sense, but she felt something was wrong.

"What if they don't believe it?"

"If you show the ability to control the water, they will definitely believe it."

"I said just in case."

"Then we can only grab it hard."

What Luke said was reasonable, and he wasn't embarrassed at all. The two girls were speechless, and they both felt like they were on a pirate ship.

At this time, a murmur came from the ear, and the unconscious female warrior opened her eyes, and when she saw the three of them, she roared like a beast.

The woman has a strong body and a hideous appearance. This roar really gave the illusion that Zhang Fei was alive.

Carol frowned, "What is she yelling at?"

Luke sneered, "A variant of ancient Greek, which means let us go, outsiders are not welcome here."

Mera said in surprise, "You can also speak the Amazon language."

"Just learned it a few days ago."

Mera: "..."

Luke walked up to the female warrior, murmured something, and he didn't know what he said. The other party's face gradually calmed down, and from time to time he cast surprised eyes on Mera.

Mera quickly raised her airs and returned to the dignity that a princess should have. Not to mention, it really worked.

After the conversation, Luke let go of the rope and motioned for her to leave with his companions.

This action dispelled the suspicion in the other party's heart. Since she was let go, it meant that the red-haired woman might really be the princess of Atlantis.

Thinking of this, he quickly picked up his companion and left quickly.

Carol hesitated, "Just let them go like this?"

"If you put a long line to catch big fish, if you don't let them go, how can you meet the ruler here?"

Go ahead, turn your head to look at Mera, with a more serious tone, "From now on, I will be your palace secretary and guard knight, and Carol is a mysterious female officer who practices witchcraft. As for you, my lord, hold on The style of a princess must be proud, arrogant, and domineering."

Mera was a little funny and couldn't help saying,

"Is this necessary?"

"Atlantis is a proud race. It is difficult for princesses to develop an approachable character. The more proud you are, the less suspicious they will be. Another point is that there are likely to be some Amazons who are proficient in the language of Atlantis. In the conversation with us, you must always show a picky and mean side, and it is best to make them angry and want to curse."

Carol shook her head when she heard the words, but Mera showed great interest. She grew up in the palace and lived a stable and rich life, and she has never had such an exciting experience.

Real princesses play fake princesses!

It sounds pretty good.


Paradise Island has lush vegetation and is like spring all year round. The world here is different from the outside world, with an independent and magical ecosystem.

The island is surrounded by the sea, with mountains and rivers in the south, dense forests in the east, and grasslands in the west and north. The king city where the Amazons live is on a plateau in the northern area.

Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons at the time, was a strong and beautiful woman with long golden hair, wearing a king's headband, calm and resolute eyes, exuding fearless power.

The queen is undergoing daily compulsory riding and archery training,

Wearing a golden robe, she stood on a galloping horse, and every time the bowstring vibrated, a sharp arrow pierced through the air and was nailed in the center of the bull's-eye.

After a hundred arrows, Hippolyta jumped off her horse and said to her sister Antiope who hurried over,

"It's rare to see you in such a hurry, and another outsider broke in."

Paradise Island is isolated from the world, and the people on the island are immortal because of Zeus's magic. Thousands of years of repeated life have made them a little numb.

Unfortunately, due to the bad weather, even stowaways could hardly survive the tsunami and thunder.

"Your Majesty, the situation is different this time. It is Atlantis."

Andy Op said in a condensed voice, "Atlantis discovered Paradise Island and sent a princess as a representative to negotiate."


Hippolyta frowned, and her face became serious,

"Are you sure it's Princess Atlantis?"

"It's not clear yet. Neklan brought back their news. There are two women and one man. They are both young. The man wears a strange armor. He claims to be a palace secretary and guard knight. He is proficient in ancient Greek and asks us to provide the best food and accommodation and Guard of Honor."

"Where are they now?"

"I have sent someone to a cave near the beach on the west bank."

At this time, an Amazon female warrior walked in,

"Your Majesty, those three outsiders are unwilling to leave the cave."

Hippolyta was taken aback, "Why?"


The female soldier's face was sullen, her eyes were full of anger, "They called us vulgar and rude barbarians, said that the diplomatic relations between the two countries should talk on an equal footing, and asked Your Majesty to welcome them in person and prepare a welcome ceremony."

"Damn Atlantis, as arrogant as ever."

Hippolyta and Antiop looked at each other, the latter frowned and said,

"Who said these words?"

"A man who claims to be a court secretary."

"Where's the princess of Atlantis?"

Speaking of the princess, the female warrior became even more angry, "That woman has never looked at us, she is as proud as a big rooster."

Andy Op was silent for a moment. If he still had doubts before, he has gone three points now. A normal person would not play a princess, and even if he played a role, he would not be so arrogant and untrained.

"I'm going to see them."

As the queen's younger sister, her status is enough to match the princess of Atlantis.

Hippolyta nodded slightly,

"Bring Settle, she is familiar with the culture of Atlantis. If you are sure it is a princess, bring it to the palace."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Andyop rode on the horse and left the royal city with two teams of soldiers. At the same time, outside the cave, Luke, who was the "steward", pointed at the surrounding female soldiers and shouted loudly.

"Is this how Amazon treats customers?"

"We followed the king's order to cross the thunder and tsunami to find the hidden island. The purpose is to ease the conflict between the two races, but you, the rude Amazons, actually let the noble princess walk towards the royal city. There is no record in history. Wrong, you are a group of brutal, lowly, barbaric natives without the slightest tradition of etiquette."

"After I go back, I will definitely tell His Majesty exactly what happened today, and ask His Majesty to send troops to surround the island and seek justice for Her Royal Highness."

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