The Rich Family President’s Trying to Keep Up With his Second Marriage

Chapter 27: ID card and household register are inconsistent

"I am." Yan Yaoshun said.

The staff member contrasted Yan Yaoshun's ID card with his household registration and raised his eyebrows. "Your ID card is inconsistent with the account book, Mr. Yan, you need to go to the local police station to deal with it."

Ni Lehui blinked and asked, "You mean, can't we get a marriage certificate today?"

"Yes, if he can come back at 4:30," the staff member said.

Ni Lehui looked at Yan Yaoshun, hesitated, and said, "Or, we will come back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, we are not going to work." The worker said.

"Wait for me." Yan Yaoshun got up and walked out, taking out his mobile phone as he walked.

Ni Lehui took the documents handed by the staff, got up and stood aside, let the people in the line wait for him, how long? I checked the time and it was only 10 o'clock. Instead of watching someone else apply for a certificate, I might as well go outside.

Ni Lehui came to the door and saw Yan Yaoshun had just hung up his cell phone, and asked, "Why are you still here?"

"Nie Jieyang will take care of it," Yan Yaoshun said, meaning that he didn't need to go personally.

deal with? Ni Lehui twitched the corner of her mouth and reminded: "Your friend is a traffic policeman."

"He will take care of it." Yan Yaoshun said firmly.

Ni Lehui was silent.

It was waiting again. The waiting time was sad, especially when the two were silent. Ni Lehui couldn't help but secretly look at Yan Yaoshun. Time flies, but there is no trace on his Jun face.

He is still so beautiful, still so intriguing!

However, compared to a year ago, there was a little more calmness on his body.

Yan Yaoshun would not take the initiative to find someone to chat. Ni Lehui would chat, but only with familiar people. She didn't know Yan Yaoshun too well, besides, what could they talk about?

She is a doctor. She doesn't know what he does, but she knows that he is definitely not a doctor. Can't they talk about work or relationship? Do they have feelings?

Could it be a chat chapter Ao Lei, isn't this revealing the scars?

Nie Jieyang is very efficient. Ni Lehui thought that Nie Jieyang would not appear before 4 pm, but never thought that Nie Jieyang would appear at 11:30.

"Man, how about it? I said that I can arrive before they get off work in the morning, right?" Nie Jieyang jumped off his Ferrari, raised the account book in his hand and walked towards the two of them, seeing Ni Lehui standing in front of him. By Yao Shun's side, he was not shocked at all, so Yan Yaoshun told him directly on the phone.

Today, he received a marriage certificate from Ni Lehui. There was a problem with his account book, and he needed his help to deal with it. Regarding Yan Yaoshun's remarriage, the target was Ni Lehui. He was surprised and shocked. Asking the reason, Yan Yaoshun directly hung up.

Yan Yaoshun stretched out his hand to take it, but Nie Jieyang retracted his hand. "Yao Shun, you really want to marry her?"

"Have an opinion?" Yan Yaoshun's eyes sank.

"No, not at all." Nie Jieyang raised his hands.

Yan Yaoshun snatched the account book in his hand and took Ni Lehui towards the inside. "you can go now."

"Hey, I won't take you across the river and demolish the bridge like this." Nie Jieyang was very unconvinced and asked him to help without even saying thank you. It really hurts his friend.

"I always dismantle the bridge before crossing the river," Yan Yaoshun said.

Nie Jieyang glared at his back and asked him to leave, so he would not leave at this time. He would have to look at their marriage certificates. Who knows if there will be any changes between them.

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