"Thank you, Dad." Lan Dingdu happily unfastened his seat belt. Tang Junjie sighed in his heart as he watched. He agreed to accompany the woman. He just didn't want his son to see too much of the dark side of human nature. I really didn't know he was happy. What is there to be happy about.

The reason for Tang Junjie's decision not to change his expression is very simple. Anyway, he only flew for more than ten hours. After getting off the plane, he would go his own way, and there would be no future.

Not knowing his father’s thoughts, Governor Lan Ding happily ran to the chair next to Lin Zhiye and sat down. Lin Zhiye opened his eyes and looked at his eyes full of gratitude. She happily went to the chair next to Lin Zhiye to sit down. My lips silently thanked the child, this child is so caring, and his parents must be very happy.

You're welcome, Lan Dingdu also spoke with his lips, with a very elegant smile, Lin Zhiye smiled when he was infected.

"Auntie is thirsty, what kind of drink do you want to drink?" Superintendent Lan Ding asked, he did not forget that his father said that he would entertain the aunt himself.

"I'm not thirsty." Lin Zhiye shook his head lightly, feeling that he should thank him, and said to Ding Du Lan, "Thank you Ding Du for his kindness."

Lan Dingdu smiled and shook his head, and then pushed the deposit like a treasure. "I like to drink milk tea. Dad asked me to prepare delicious milk tea for me on the plane. It tastes better than the milk tea shop. Auntie would like to try it too. The milk tea is really delicious. I want to drink again."

"Okay, I'll have a drink too." Lin Zhiye had no choice but to compromise because of the child's strong push.

The conversation between the two is not loud, but Tang Junjie still hears clearly. In the conversation between the two, it can be said that she was led by the nose by the governor. Such a woman who indulges children would be unscrupulous. Do you use the person in charge of your child?

The document in his hand slipped and pulled Tang Junjie’s attention back, and he caught the document and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. Tang Junjie’s eyes became colder, and before he knew it, he put too much on an insignificant person. It’s not a good sign that this person also grabbed his son’s attention.

After getting off the plane, she parted ways and never gave her a chance to approach Ding Governor again. With a decision in his heart, Tang Junjie again focused on the documents.

It’s easy to make people sleepy by flying. In addition, Lin Zhiye had cried before. Soon after drinking milk tea, Lin Zhiye became drowsy. Governor Lan Ding wanted to ask her to go to sleep in her room, thinking that her father and aunt were on guard. Had to give up.

Du Lan Ding asked the flight attendant for a blanket to cover Lin Zhiye, then got up and walked to the sofa opposite Tang Junjie to sit down. Tang Junjie looked up from the file and looked at Du Lan Ding and asked, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Not sleepy." Shaking his head, Lan Dingdu said, "Dad, I want to explain to you what happened when I met my aunt and why I took the aunt on our plane."

"Yeah." Tang Junjie replied faintly. Tang Junjie closed the file, picked up the coffee cup on the coffee table, took a sip, and leaned back on the back of the chair, waiting to hear him explain.

"After I went to the bathroom, I came out and heard crying next to me, so I went to check and saw my aunt squatting in the corner crying. She was still crying very sad..." Governor Lan Ding said when he met Lin Zhiye. At the same time, Lin Zhiye treated Cui Hao as a trafficker who abducted children, and Lin Zhiye didn't get on the plane she bought the ticket, but sent her luggage on the plane, and so on. In the end, Governor Lan Ding said: "I saw my aunt crying so sad, thinking of my mother, I wanted to help her."

"Your mother often cries sad?" After Lan Dingdu said so much, Tang Junjie only cared about this, his sharp eyes narrowed slightly, his big hand squeezed the coffee cup, Lan Jin dared to make Rouxue sad, he would never forgive him. At the beginning, he reluctantly sent Rouxue and the child to Lan Jin, but he didn't send it to make Lan Jin sad and cry.

"Dad, I'm talking about auntie crying sadly, not mother." Lan Dingdu cried out for his father. "Daddy is so good to his mother that he can't bear to make her sad and cry."

"Count him acquainted." Tang Junjie snorted coldly, and the coffee cup was moved to his lips. He didn't drink, just smelling the aroma of coffee.

In fact, how Lan Jin treats Rouxue, he has seen very clearly over the years, Lan Jin really indulges Rouxue like a pearl like a treasure, as I said just now, just because of a little bit of unwillingness in his heart, letting go of Rouxue is The most right thing he did in his life was also the most painful decision.

"Dad." Lan Dingdu walked to Tang Junjie and called him softly. Dad's expression was so lonely and lonely just now. Mom was right. Dad is so lonely by himself. If someone comes to love Dad, he should be lonely. How good.

Inadvertently, Governor Lan Ding cast his eyes down not far away, and the faith in the face of the sleeping Lin Zhiye became firmer.

Realizing that he was showing too much in front of the child, Tang Junjie changed the subject and asked: "You just said that when you saw her, you thought of your mother. She looks like your mother?"

"It's not like." Lan Dingdu shook his head, feeling that it was a bit wrong to say so, and added another sentence. "The aunt doesn't look like her mother at all, but she has the same qualities as her mother, she loves and protects children the same way."

She likes children and protects them. Tang Junjie declined to comment or believe it.

"Ding Governor, sometimes you can't look at the surface when looking at things. She protects you, and it may be done for you." Tang Junjie took the opportunity to teach the children a lesson. "You also said that when you were in the bathroom with her, Cui Hao called you young master at the door, and she saw Cui Hao when she ran you out and guessed Cui Hao's identity, so she played the game smoothly. The purpose of the drama is to trick you into taking her on our plane."

"Auntie is not that kind of person." Lan Dingdu retorted. "Auntie doesn't know Uncle Cui Hao at all, so why collude with Uncle Cui Hao to act for me."

Dad's evaluation of the aunt is too bad, he doesn't like it, and even less that he thinks the aunt is too bad.

Ding Du misunderstood what he meant. Tang Junjie didn't intend to explain, so he raised his hand and rubbed Lan Ding Du's hair. "Okay, let's not talk about this. The long-distance flight is very tiring. Go back to your room and sleep."

"Dad, you believe me, Auntie is really not a bad person, I can tell it." Lan Dingdu emphasized again.

"Okay, Dad believes in you." Tang Junjie said, "Go to sleep."

"Yeah." Governor Lan Ding nodded obediently, and just turned around and back, looking at Tang Junjie. "Dad, don't work all the time. Take a rest, Dad said, this is called work and rest."

"Okay." Tang Junjie readily agreed. Lan Dingdu showed a bright smile and turned away. Tang Junjie looked at his son's back and smiled with satisfaction. Lan Jin taught the child very well.

Feeling dazed by someone calling herself, Lin Zhiye opened her eyes, and the stewardess came into her sight with a sweet smile. She blinked and hurriedly sat up and asked, "Is there anything...what's the matter?"

"Miss Lin is like this. The plane has arrived over London and will soon land on the ground. Mr. Tang asked me to wake you up." The stewardess said in a formulaic tone.

"Oh, thank you!" Lin Zhiye thanked the stewardess.

"You're welcome." The flight attendant kept a professional smile. Seeing that Lin Zhiye had no plans to leave, Lin Zhiye asked in confusion, "Is there anything else?"

The stewardess pointed to Lin Zhiye. "That's it, the plane is about to land, and I want to put away the blanket on your body."

"Oh, sorry." Lin Zhiye blushed with shame, and hurriedly pulled off the blanket and handed it to the stewardess. The stewardess took the blanket with a smile, and when she turned to leave, Lin Zhiye called her to stop. "Please wait a minute."

"Is there anything wrong with the lady?" The stewardess stopped and looked at Lin Zhiye. Lin Zhiye was very uncomfortable. He bit his lip and asked, "I want to ask, where is Duo Lan Ding?"

"Young Master is sleeping in his own room." The flight attendant looked reluctant to say more, seeing Lin Zhiye's eyes still impatient, this woman wanted to approach Mr. Tang by approaching Young Master, but there was no way.

"Oh, thank you." Seeing the flight attendant's impatience, Lin Zhiye had to stop what he wanted to ask later.

After the stewardess left, Lin Zhiye's sleepiness ran away. Looking at the white clouds outside the window, like bubbles floating on the sea, this kind of scene can only be seen at an altitude of 30,000 feet. It is beautiful and spectacular, but she Feeling at a loss without direction.

She seldom went out since she was a child, and she has never been abroad by herself. Her family protected her very well, so she did not face any setbacks in her growth. She thought that she had been so smooth and smooth all her life. Thinking that she had a big somersault in the relationship.

The plane landed smoothly on the ground. Lin Zhiye picked up his bag and walked out of the cabin. He saw Governor Lan Ding standing at the door. Seeing her coming out, Governor Lan Ding smiled towards her. "Auntie, the journey has been hard."

The journey was hard. She came by plane with him. To say it was hard, it should be everyone’s hard work. Lin Zhiye didn’t know how to answer the conversation, so she inadvertently raised her eyes to see the person standing behind Lan Dingdu. He It was Du Lang Dingdu's father, the two really looked alike.

"Auntie, our plane arrived a few hours early. I asked my dad. The plane carrying your luggage will take several hours to arrive. If you don't have a place to go, you can come to my house as a guest." said Governor Lan Ding. He took Lin Zhiye's hand naturally.

"Thank you for your kindness." Looking at Governor Lan Ding, who was only a head shorter than himself, Lin Zhiye refused in a roundabout way. "But no need, I'll just wait at the airport."

Taking someone else’s plane is already a great advantage, and she will die of shame if she goes to another person’s house as a guest.

For one reason to abduct people, Governor Lan Ding changed to another. "It's so boring to wait at the airport, and it's not safe. Auntie, you, a girl, is really unsafe at an airport where people come and go. First come to my house as a guest. When the plane arrives, I will ask the driver to take you back. ?"

"This..." Lin Zhiye hesitated. She didn't want to go to Governor Lan Ding's house, and had to admit that Governor Lan Ding was right. She was indeed unsafe at the airport alone.

Seeing his son’s hard work inviting him, Tang Junjie couldn’t stand it and said to his son: “Guardian, Miss Lin doesn’t want to go home with you, so don’t force her. Anyway, you are also going home alone. Don't be playful after you go back, take a good night's sleep."

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