The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 755: Cai Ruichen who is not optimistic (7 more for a reward

PS: Thanks to "Li Bowen" for the 300 yuan red envelope sent to Huali on Alipay. This chapter adds more for him.


The launch test of the future aerospace company's carrier rocket, which was originally paid much attention by public opinion, from the successful launch to the precise recovery, has made many people enjoy themselves.

This has given many experts who had bad-mouthed the most effective counterattack. Such precise recovery is no less than a heavy slap in the face of these so-called experts.

When the Future Media Company began to broadcast the entire launch process of the launch vehicle, many so-called experts around the world said that this time the launch test of the Future Technology Group launch vehicle will be difficult to successfully recover. Some people even said that the probability of launch failure is still Very small.

Among them, the more sane people are all the same as Musk thought. The Future Technology Group did not conduct any tests beforehand. It is as difficult to recover a launch vehicle that has returned from a thousand kilometers of space. The meteorite held it firmly, and then landed smoothly.

And this technology can be regarded as an extremely difficult project in the field of space technology at present. Whether it is the space exploration technology company or the Amazon two companies in the project, the failure rate is much higher than the success rate.

The ability to successfully recover the launch vehicle was only achieved after repeated failures. The whole process lasted for several years. It has been a long time before the future technology group appeared.

And a latecomer, without any test, has to challenge such a difficult technology, it is simply a suicidal behavior.

Experts who hold this view do not mean that they really only talk nonsense. Even those experts who are truly capable are not optimistic about the future technology group.

This is a view held by most people. After all, this technology is really not that difficult.

But in the case of bad news almost all over the world, the Future Technology Group has used facts to give these people the best response, and everything speaks with facts.

When the launch vehicle landed on the recovery platform smoothly. All shut up.

But in fact. Only some experts affirmed the launch vehicle test of Future Technology Group this time, and even analyzed the recovery process that surprised the world this time.

The rocket launched from the launch center must be accurately recovered to the launch site. This difficulty makes the recovery technology of the launch vehicle difficult. Improved to the extreme.

You must know that the earth is rotating, and the rocket launch is not straight up. If the rocket does not adjust its orbit and falls directly, it will have exactly the same effect as Kezhouqiujian.

But the technique of adjusting the track. Adding to the technology of recovering rockets is another super technical difficulty.

Because of these two technologies. All need to reserve fuel for the engine, and at the same time, the engine of the launch vehicle must have the free conversion of every power. It also needs the most accurate calculation and control of the computer.

And few countries have these two technologies. And to actually move it to the launch vehicle, that is, the space exploration technology company and Amazon.

If these two technologies are combined. The difficulty is not as simple as one plus one. The first one is the working problem of the engine, and the other is to leave more fuel for the engine. This can not be solved by simply increasing the thrust of the engine and increasing the fuel load of the launch vehicle.

This relates to whether the data in all aspects is reasonable. After all, the launch vehicle is not a car. It only has power and four wheels to walk on the road. Otherwise, there is no need to calculate when the first rocket lifted off. The relationship between gravity and speed for so many years.

Being able to combine the two technologies to achieve a true recovery of the launch vehicle, the Future Technology Group has clearly once again been ahead of the world in this regard.

We must know that the development of science and technology is to make efforts towards more and more convenient, easy to live, and reduce the cost of survival.

Compared to space exploration technology companies that have to recycle at other launch sites or on ships every time, the launch vehicle recovery of future aerospace companies is more in line with this law and greater cost reduction requirements.

However, even though the performance of the future aerospace company this time is perfectly perfect, most of the so-called experts in the world are still not optimistic about the level of the future aerospace company.

The reason is very simple, and even the most obvious case is Amazon. When Amazon first launched a recyclable launch vehicle, it was successfully recovered to the launch site, but this time the launch vehicle was only 100 kilometers away from the ground. , And it is not carrying any satellites.

And that launch happened when the space exploration technology company failed to recover one after another, and it was called perfect by the world.

Amazon’s dark horse, in the field of launch vehicle recycling technology, seems to the outside world to have a level beyond space exploration technology companies.

But people can't help but boast. Although the first time was a perfect success, the two subsequent launch tests all failed.

On the contrary, the space exploration technology company has succeeded one after another, and the situation has reversed again.

Therefore, regarding the successful recycling results of the Future Technology Group this time, most experts said that the luck of success this time was too much. The wind speed and environment in the middle and low areas have given the Future Technology Group a great help. It is difficult to succeed in other places.

Perhaps there are still many people who say grape sour without eating grapes to participate in Such remarks have quickly been recognized by mainstream views.

After all, this time the performance of the Future Technology Group is too harsh. To put it bluntly, it is that the Future Technology Group once again pretended to succeed.

And in their opinion, this time there is indeed a lot of luck. It is impossible to explain that the future technology group in this field has really succeeded. It can only be said that Cai Ruichen is lucky.

Some people even say that it is better not to continue such launches in the future science and technology group, otherwise if one of the recovery fails, it will be embarrassing, so it is better to accept it, don't continue to pretend to be forced.

It's just that as soon as this is the case, it is obviously intentional, but the Future Technology Group is completely lazy to take care of this kind of presence.

The success of a scientific experiment did not appear in countless failures. If everything was 100% successful, mankind would have already conquered the sea of ​​stars.

Wherever they will shrink on the earth and compete for resources on this poor planet, which is already barren, there will not be so many killings for profit on the earth. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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