After lunch, Matthew also returned to the Grand House. Bayi ■ ★ Chinese ★ text? Net. ★

The sun at noon was too violent, and Grande's people stayed in Benjamin's warehouse, which was warm and not too hot. Matthew really did not change his attitude towards his boss as Zac thought. It was a bit of a worrisome expression of worry. If he did something wrong tomorrow, don't blame him. He needs this job.

Just staying aside, Lola was a little curious, "Matthew, what are you doing?"

Matthew couldn't answer anything but an awkward smile.

Zac sits in front of the haystacks piled together, nestled comfortably in the shadows, and occasionally sips one or two ‘wine’. Only Lola, who doesn't know the truth, will turn his eyes in the middle of Zach's movements to show his contempt.

"Matthew, what is today's talk?" Zac asked casually.

"Golden tree with branches and leaves." Matthew answered.

Zac raised his eyebrows. This is a story in the holy scripture. It tells the story of a shepherd who prospered and prospered his family after receiving the blessing of the Lord.

Matthew probably recounted that the content of the sermon did not focus on the beautiful results, but that the shepherd was the righteous person whom the Father valued. ‘Righteousness’ means his kindness, he has a pure heart, he can choose the right path in choices, such as giving his faith to the Father.

Another very common sermon.

Zac thought about it, Crowley was indeed different from some eager demons. Perhaps because she was an angel, the content of the mission is more traditional. Before revealing the post-mortem world, she seemed to pay great attention to the hearts of the living.

We all know that any kind of things will change under the inheritance. For example, the former werewolf Alpha, the original heritage has long disappeared in four hundred years, if not counting Papa ’s midnight Ravenci. In the current history of the Federation, the werewolf's inheritance is mostly biased towards aliens, such as hatred with vampires.

But now, it seems that Benjamin has started a new way of inheritance. He has lost the earliest history of guarding the homes of the Yin'an people, skipping the process of hatred with vampires. ★ August 1 ▲ Middle ▲ Just taught Matthew knowledge, this method of inheritance is really a special case.

As for Crowley, this sermon is not an innovation, but a completely ancient missionary practice. Although I don't want to admit it, in this era of rapid changes in everything, Crowley is like a clear stream ...

"Did your father apply to join the church?" Zack asked.

Matthew nodded somewhat distressedly.

"What's wrong? The church is good!" Lola slapped casually on Matthew's back. Matthew is very young, but at the age of twenty, Lola, who has become acquainted, naturally no longer pays any attention to etiquette. Of course, she dare not treat Benjamin like this.

Just like Benjamin himself answered Mrs. Patton ’s words, ‘Lola just likes to listen to the story of the war. ’

Zac smiled and looked at Lola, a girl who rarely prayed at first glance, "Are you going to join too?"

"Uh, I'll forget it." Lola pouted, thinking for a while, "I'm not yet 18 years old, even if it's there, it's probably just a name for the adult ceremony." 'S name is gone.

"Oh, Laura, how is Blake?" Zac looked gossip.

Lola rolled her eyes. The girl, who had no knowledge of Grande's secret, had become Grande's important source of gossip by chance. But Mrs. Barton once said bluntly that she did not care about Laura and Grand, Zach only assumed that Mrs. Barton was the default.

"How else, Mr. Stone paid bail, and the person has been banned." Lola pouted, thinking for a while, her eyes blinking, and she seemed to think of something interesting, pulling Alice over, laughing. Then he said, "I went to see him this morning! Guess what?"

I have to say that Lola has a great effect on Alice. Since Lola put Alice out of the Grande, Alice's mood is obviously much better. At least she will not be alone in the corner to contribute to the phantom Daniel's nutrients. 'Again.

Alice fanned her eyelashes curiously, "What's wrong?"

"He's stupid! He used a pen yesterday as a marker!" Lola said cheerfully. "He's going to use the left hand of 'overeating after falling out of love' to eat. When looking in the mirror, he sees that 'others dislike "Vision", what you see when you talk is so big, "Your words are not taken seriously" ... "

Lola said very happy, a look of gloating. Bayi Middle School ■ 文 ★ ● ■ Net.

Zac, who had personally experienced it, imagined the picture and expressed regret for the Blake, but with a smile on his face, regret in his heart, fleeting.

Alice was much more upright, she refrained from smiling, and seriously proposed, "He can try alcohol, and it should be able to get rid of it."

Lola shook her head with a smile, "Haha, Mr. Stone forbids him to do so, and said," You want to carry someone else's hell, then you will carry it. "Haha, who knows how long he needs to be time!"

Everyone is really sorry this time, this is obviously a punishment.

"But it's nothing." Lola waved her hand with a smile. "He had just returned to Patton to rest, and he didn't have to go out recently."

Benjamin and Matthew didn't know who that strange Blake was. When everyone laughed and regretted, they didn't have any sense of participation. Benjamin only gave Zac a puzzled look, because he mentioned the name of Stone, and he knew Zac was interested in the people in that circle.

Matthew will be much simpler and ask curiously who is Blake?

Lola immediately became interested and began to talk about what happened yesterday, but also mixed with the introduction of Blake Stone.

Zac listened carefully.

Compared to Pooch Quinn ’s madness and shadyness, Kyle Button ’s rebellion (want to become a football player), Lola Button ’s, uh, Lola. Blake Stone is the biggest nightmare of these famous children.

He is almost a character piled up with all positive words. The members of the Stone family can proudly say, ‘proud of Blake’. Not only his studies, he even entered the political circle as an election worker for the mayor of Newton.

Matthew listened stunned, Lola talked and painted, and as you can see, Lola liked this neighbor very much.

Zac failed to listen to Lola because the faint ringtones were heard from the Grand House building to the warehouse. After Louise went to answer the phone, he signalled Zac when he came back. Zac had to temporarily put down his curiosity about Blake and go to deal with ‘work’.

The call came from James.

"Hi, James." Zac was in a good mood. After meeting James yesterday, the other party had a result so quickly.

But Zac was disappointed. The cold voice in the earpiece contrasted with Zac's pleasure. "You need to come over. The case I have now is related to aliens."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

James' tone was impatient, "What can I do with the case in my hand. Someone is dead!"

"How do you know that it's related to aliens?" Zac asked with a smile. Now James seems to be very good at making his own judgment, and he no longer speaks in the tone of inquiry.

James in the earpiece sighed clearly, "Because the priest died, he was engraved with a line on his body," The devil should rot in hell. "

Zac frowned, thinking of the guy who didn't like talking in the parking lot last night. But it ’s not right. If it ’s him, does n’t he have a weapon that kills the devil without leaving any traces? Why would there be traces, or even intentionally leave a message to let the police show up?

"Have you contacted Crowley?" Zac asked very seriously, how to think, this should also be Crowley's business.

"I don't want to contact her." James answered quickly in the receiver, and it seemed that the shadows of certain things were not so easy to eliminate.

"Okay, address." Zac nodded helplessly. Since James all asked, the ultimate goal was to pull James into his own circle. Zac couldn't refuse. It's just that compared to the previous pretentious attitude, Zack is also much more direct.

Taking note of the address reported by James, Zacburn wanted to find Benjamin, together, but the phone rang again.

Yes promise.

"Hi, Zac." The other person's tone was relaxed.

Zac responded with a smile, this is his own.

"I hope Zack you have no other arrangements tonight." The person in the receiver said with a smile.

Zac narrowed his eyes, "For the sake of friends, you can clear it even if you have one."

"Haha, Zac, it's Sunday again. Will you come to the regular party at night?" Nuo asked the content directly.

After attending the Gray Professionals Party in Barton City last Sunday, Zac really did not expect that such an itinerary turned out to be a fixed ‘program’.

"Of course." Zack replied with a smile. "I'm still worried. Since the last time I didn't participate in the follow-up event, you will no longer invite me." Zack said that the 'gentleman' is not the gentleman 'activity. He was not in a mood at the time, so he left early.

"Haha! How come!" Nuo laughed loudly and seemed very close. "That's your choice. In fact, most people are envious. You can feel like a girlfriend waiting at home!"

The reason for Zac's departure at that time was naturally Louise. There is an old Hank as an example. In the face of ridicule, Zach naturally said that he had been 'occupied'.

"Well, is it the old place?" Zac asked with a smile.

"Yes! Same time, same place, same dollar bill."

Zac smiled helplessly, Nuo's work image and private image contrast too much. Perhaps it is this quality that is needed to do this kind of work.

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to the party." Zach hung up the phone with a smile.

This is true, because the ‘general’ will definitely be there.

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