The Rebirth Orcs Are Ferocious

Chapter 9: Constantine

At the beginning of September, when the colleges and universities started school, Ling Han, accompanied by his relatives and friends, came to the exclusive college for Thomas Preschool. This was the peak period of registration. The registration area at the front entrance was crowded with students and parents who came to report. The Blair family’s shiny appearance attracted the attention of many people.

Anthony’s indifference and beauty are self-explanatory. You can tell by looking at his support team in the military. Although Frank seems to be in his seventies, he looks almost the same as a thirty-year-old, and he is the mature age of a man. -Although in Kaus, he can only be regarded as a female; Paul has also inherited the beauty of his mother and father Pontes' first beauty, with fiery red hair draped openly behind him, and the whole person feels like fire. ; And in the hands of the exquisite and beautiful Ling Han, he is still holding the mascot of the Blair family, the son of Anthony's second brother, Harry, the five-year-old glutinous rice dumpling.

Almost everyone on the scene couldn't help but focus on them. The unmarried male stared at Paul or Ling Han intently, or stared at Anthony angrily. The unmarried female stared at Anthony idiotically, winking at him without money, but unfortunately Anthony was indifferent to this, and stepped directly on the beauties' glamorous eyes, without any sign of pitying jade.

Ling Han muttered in his heart, feeling very headache. The glutinous rice dumplings in his hand seemed to have noticed Ling Han's distress, and he hugged his neck with tender little arms like lotus roots, and said in a milky voice: " Xiao Hanhan, if the baby is blocking you, the bad guys will not see you."

"Brother, not Xiaohanhan." There is also this dumpling. Since the first time I saw Ling Han, I have followed Paul and their name is Xiaohan, and coupled with the children's habit of calling heavy characters, they have become Xiaohanhan. , It's really dumbfounding.

The glutinous rice dumplings twisted and twisted in Ling Han's arms, and said pitifully: "Xiao Hanhan doesn't like babies anymore...oooo..."

It’s a fake, you know it’s a fake cry at a glance. Ling Han felt that a group of crows flew above his head, and the indifferent temperament he had developed in his previous life met the nemesis here, but this nemesis is not one, but a dozen...Ball’s family has this skill that can make him break the gong. , All kinds of mighty...I think so, but watching the glutinous rice dumplings choking, Ling Han still couldn't help but coax: "Okay, okay, baby don't cry, my brother likes baby the most."

"Haha, with Xiao Han, I am finally free." Paul said to Frank almost happily, wondering also that before Ling Han came, his little uncle was wrapped around the glutinous rice dumplings. If Paul is the most favored of the third generation, then Nuomi Dumpling is more favored than him. The whole family is simply holding it in their hands for fear of flying, and holding it in their mouths. And glutinous rice dumplings often make people dumbfounded, making Paul completely love and afraid of him.

Hearing Paul's words, Ling Han sighed helplessly, endured the glutinous rice dumplings biting and kissing on his face, leaving a drool mark, and walked to the check-in desk to wait in line.

At this time, extending his hands from the side, Anthony's low voice sounded: "Give him to me and you can wipe it." When Ling Han reacted, the glutinous rice dumplings had already moved, and the glutinous rice dumplings, which had always been naughty, were actually obedient. He did not resist, he still held a gray handkerchief in his own hand.

Giving a grateful look at Anthony, Ling Han wiped his face with a handkerchief, and wiped off those "slobber marks of love", which drew bursts of dissatisfaction from Nuomi Dumpling.

The line didn’t last long before it was his turn. The young man sitting behind the table straightened up the front screen and said, “Take your freshman card out and swipe it.” Ling Han did the same, and the screen showed Ling Han. The young man looked at the simple information of the young man, rummaged for a while from the large cabinet next to him, took out a set of clothes and a small box, and said, "You have been assigned to Class A, and you will meet in classroom A301 at 6 o'clock in the afternoon."

Taking the things away, Ling Han walked out and said to Frank, "I have done things here. Grandpa, you should accompany Paul to report. I plan to go to the dormitory." In fact, Ling Han was already sweating. , Seeing this kind of relatives and friends group out made him think of the scene when he went to the university to register in his previous life. He thought that the entire registration procedure was very complicated, but it was just queuing up and swiping the card to solve it...

"Then let Anthony go with you." Frank thought this was a good opportunity, and quickly winked at Anthony, and Ling Han had a black line again. Fortunately, his wish to come here is to find a man to have a child, otherwise he would be worried every day. Chrysanthemum's life is not guaranteed. It's strange that he doesn't have a nervous breakdown. He quickly said, "It's okay, I can go by myself. Anthony is in the military department, so it's not appropriate to take too much leave."

Before Frank could say anything, Anthony answered: "Yes, I will have two more days off this month. When you want to go out, you can just contact me." Frank glanced at Anthony and nodded, without thinking of himself. This one relaxes, and my son has a big love rival, and he is pure and kind on the surface and black-hearted.

Standing in place, watching the Suspension Rail Car that the Brar family rode disappeared into the sky, Ling Han walked to the dormitory area. Anthony applied for him to be a day school. He would live in the school from Monday to Thursday on weekdays and go home on weekends. , So this dormitory has to be cleaned up.

The exclusive Thomas preschool college is also a famous college in Pontes. The area of ​​the college is comparable to a medium-sized town. When Ling Han walks, he finds that there is a forest in front of him, and the dormitory area shown on the map is surrounded by a forest. There are no woods for kilometers. Looking at the rising sun, Ling Han decided to walk around in the woods and wait for the afternoon to find the dormitory. Anyway, his luggage has been sent to the dormitory by the robot, and he only needs to buy some daily necessities in the past. .

This forest is very dense. It can be seen that it has been planted for many years. Coupled with the protection of the environment by the entire college, Ling Han can feel the denser aura here, like naughty children surrounding him. 'S side seems to be intimacy.

Ling Han felt that he was merging into this era at a rapid pace, not only because of the care of the Blars family that made him feel warm, but also because of the environmental factors here. In the previous life, he was a bit autistic. Because of his body, he did not like to contact his family and anyone other than Longslow. Without communication, he often liked to "talk to himself" in front of the flowers and trees, perhaps because of this, As a result, he has always loved plants. With the flowers and plants without complicated thoughts, his whole person seemed to be washed again, and his heart was peaceful and at ease.

I found a sturdy tree and climbed up. The difficult and childish Ling Han leaned on the branch. He was going to close his eyes and raise his mind for a while, but it didn't take long before he really fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept. Ling Han was awakened by a burst of crying. Not far from his tree stood two men, one male and one female. The genders of this era are still very different. Males are generally The tall and sturdy ones are basically more than two meters tall, while the females are slightly shorter and slender, with a height of about 1.8 meters. And the female below him is 1.76 meters tall. With a young face, she knows that she is not an adult. The male opposite him crying and crying: "Woo...Why can't the teacher like me? I'm so. I like the teacher..."

The male with his back to Ling Han couldn't see exactly what it looked like, but the way he stood there was a touch of grace, and the first impression that made people feel was a man of self-cultivation. But when he opened his mouth, he almost didn't let Ling Han fall from the tree: "Is it because you like me, so I want to like you? Classmate, you are about to become an adult, so don't watch romance dramas anymore. , It will corrupt your brain..."

In other words, there will be romance dramas in the future?

Ling Han's mind was still X-like, just listen to the female below screaming incredulously: "You are not Teacher Morgan! Teacher will not be as vicious as you! My teacher Morgan is the most gentle person. …!” After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran away, as if he had received a major blow, leaving the male muttering in place, “That’s because I did a good job of commercial expression…”

After that, Shi Shiran turned around, looked up at the branch where Ling Han was, grinned with white teeth, and smiled politely: "Excuse me, this classmate, have you seen enough?"

It has to be said that this male does have proud capital. He has light golden short hair that is soft and shiny, and his delicate eyebrows have a beauty that is not inferior to that of females, just like the light blue eyes in the clearest sky. They look very gentle. The facial features look like a gentleman of jade. If you don't look at the heroic spirit between his eyebrows and the height of more than two meters, it is really possible to think that this is a female, and also a beautiful female.

However, no matter how beautiful it is, it can't conceal the fact that this person Yan'er yelled at a female just now, and now he still pretends to be so similar. Ling Han is most disgusted with this kind of inconsistent people. The courage suddenly became stronger, and he slid down the tree and walked away. This was something he had never thought of before. And the male didn't stop him, he just said when he was about to walk out of the woods: "My name is Constantine Morgan. We will meet soon."

I don't know if it was because of the lower temperature in the woods, Ling Han actually felt a little cold on his back.

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