"I also know," Zhao Lingyun yelled, "I broke my throat today, and you only treat me as farting."

Everyone: "..."

Now that you know, why do you even fart?

"There is nothing wrong with Zhao Xilou's curse?" Meng Wenying, Lord Protector, whispered outside the hall.

Mr. Meng can be regarded as the leader of Da Yin Jiangmen now. With this mutter, the other generals began to speak quietly. To be honest, there is no time to win when a military minister quarrels with a civil official. Unless you do it, how can you be a big-sword player who has ever read ten thousand books?

Zhao Lingyun opened the eyes of the generals and nobles today. This one could stand in front of the prime minister and cabinet ministers and curse, feeling that this one had won.

"Hey, I said, Xia Zhaoqing, don't finger me," Zhao Lingyun continued in the hall, "Yes, I admit that I was eating idle food, but this is a good day for my ancestors to take their lives and work hard for me. What? Are you uncomfortable? Then go back and ask your ancestors of the Xia family, you ask them, when my ancestors were fighting for the future, where did they squat?"

"Zhao Xilou," Wei Xiangye said, "Don't mess around here."

"I am also called Hu Chuanmanzang?" Zhao Lingyun yelled, "What I said is not the truth? Or did you take back the remains of the old general Gao Xun when I didn't know it?"

This is not true, Wei Xiangye was dumbfounded by the question.

"You old man is very suspicious," Zhao Lingyun still stared at Xia Zhaoqing, "I am also very suspicious. No matter how you look at the Gao family, you feel that this family is restless. As for me, I don't think you look like a good person. I look at you. I feel that you have already become Zhao Lingxiao's lackey."

Elder Xia Ge couldn't sit still anymore, and made a squeeze. The old man stood up from Yuan Xiao, that is, the round stool.

Zhao Lingyun didn't wait for Mr. Xia Ge to speak, and said loudly: "Don't ask, I have no evidence, I just feel it, anyway, you feel that people are going to be rebellious, and you can't come up with evidence."

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask, have you sent Yufengguan's pension money this time?" Zhao Lingyun thought about it again, and said to Xia Pavilion, "When will the money be available to the orphans and widows? In his hands?"

Elder Hu Ge said: "There is no need for Elder Xia Ge to intervene in this matter."

Zhao Lingyun: "Does he care about the money and food? He doesn't need to ask him personally. He just doesn't care about it. If you don't want to care about it, then just leave it to the officials.

"You," Old Xia Ge said angrily: "Are you laughing at the old man?"

Xia Ge never thought that Zhao Lingyun could scold him about this pension silver. The pension silver was distributed from nearby places. Doesn't this **** know?

Zhao Lingyun: "What do you think?"

"West Building," Hu Ge yelled Zhao Lingyun and said, "Enough, don't talk about it anymore."

Zhao Lingyun was not convinced, he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"I heard from outsiders saying that Xia Zhaoqing was in a mess in managing money and food. At this moment, the court can't come up with money for pensions." Zhao Lingyun stared at Xia Ge and said, "Xia Zhaoqing, you have to pretend to be sick and avoid errands. Will it be real?"

Xia Ge had already suffered from the wind and cold, and he was uneasy in the past two days. Now that Zhao Lingyun's words were agitated, the old man's temple was stretched high, and he felt something in his head jumping suddenly.

"Look," Zhao Lingyun said, "Lord Xia Ge stopped talking. He has no words. Did you see it?"

"You, you," Old Xia Ge pointed at Zhao Lingyun, his brain hurt severely, and the man fell to the ground when his eyes went dark.

All the monarchs and ministers in the temple were dumbfounded. Was this person fainted by Zhao Lingyun's anger?

"Are you still pretending to be dizzy?" Zhao Lingyun jumped three feet high, ran to Elder Xia a few steps, reached out and pinched Xia Ge's people, and said loudly: "I will tell you, Your trick is useless to me. My mother pretends to be faint at home seven or eight times a day. Your acting skills are far inferior to my old mother!"

Everyone said: "..."

Your mother pretends to be faint at home seven or eight times a day, are you proud or what?

Old Xia Ge fainted and was pinched by Zhao Lingyun again. He opened his eyes and saw Zhao Lingyun. Old Xia Ge raised his hand and was about to fight.

"I asked you about your money, what are you pretending to be dizzy?" Zhao Lingyun grabbed Xia Ge's neck and asked, "You really intend to leave it alone?"

"You let go!" The nearest old Ding Ge cried, "Are you trying to strangle him?!"

"He is pretending," even though Xia Ge had rolled his eyes under his own hands, Zhao Lingyun insisted that Xia Ge was always pretending.

The scene became chaotic, Ding Ge and Hu Ge came over together, trying to pull Zhao Lingyun away, but they couldn't move. Wei Xiangye stood up from the round stool and yelled at Zhao Lingyun for being presumptuous. Elder Cai also stood still, and only shouted and asked Zhao Lingyun if he was disrespectful to the superiors, did you Zhao Lingyun want to be deposed? Go to jail?

Zhao Lingyun hung his left arm around Ding Ge, and his right arm dragged Hu Ge, and he pinched Xia Ge’s neck with his hand. He turned a deaf ear to the reprimands of Wei Xiangye and Cai Ge. Same.

Hearing the chaos in the hall, the generals and nobles outside the hall looked at each other. Did Zhao Lingyun start his hands in the hall? It's fine for this **** to commit **** in the streets and alleys of the capital. Now this person has the courage to commit assault with the masters and patrons in the Chengde Hall?

"Zhao Xilou, you bastard!" Emperor Dongsheng's roar came from the hall.

With the ears of the nobles, what should the sage do with this asshole?

In the hall, Zhao Lingyun was lying on the ground. Emperor Dongsheng kicked him on his **** just now, kicked him face down, and lay on the ground.

"Chen Jinzhong, pass the imperial physician," Dongsheng emperor Chongdian said.

"The slave follows the decree," Chen Jinzhong hurriedly took the decree.

"There is blood in Xia Ge's mouth," Ding Ge said at this time: "He is vomiting blood?"

"It's none of my business," Zhao Lingyun said immediately: "He pretends."

Emperor Dongsheng lifted his leg and kicked Zhao Lingyun's ass, and said angrily: "Get out of here!"

Zhao Lingyun: "Holy, the minister can't let Xia Zhaoqing slander this old thing, is he trying to misrepresent my money? Don't even think about medical money, Xia Zhaoqing, you have a dream!"

"Go!" Emperor Dongsheng kicked Zhao Lingyun's ass.

"Don't keep kicking officials in the ass," Zhao Lingyun shouted at Emperor Dongsheng again.

"It seems that I am too indulging you!" Emperor Dongsheng said angrily.


When Wei Xiang and several people in the hall recovered, Emperor Dongsheng had already kicked Zhao Lingyun's **** all the way. The two monarchs and courtiers ran in front and the other kicked in the back, leaving the front hall to the back hall.

"This," Ding Ge was shocked, what is going on?

Wei Xiangye's face was sinking, and he whispered in a low voice, "The Holy Lord picked out that nasty person."

Hu, Cai, Ding Sanwei Ge: "..."

The elder at the court was so angry that he passed out, what else could Zhao Lingyun do? The saint is protecting this **** like this? !

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