The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 1191 The more fierce the quarrel, the sooner the sun will rise

Now that the atmosphere is here.

Wu Yuan could only hold the wine bottle and ask: "Will the flower girl come too?"

Sure enough, the next moment, Hua Niang took the porcelain vase from Maotai and said: "How can I trouble you, Boss Wu? I will do it myself."

Then he took a small cup of it with great care and attention.

The three-coin cup kind.

In this case, it's quite good.

At least this was what she drank by herself, and no one tried to persuade her.

Then the man looked at Hua Niang's small cup of wine, which was almost full but not overflowing.

He immediately exclaimed: "This is an expert!"

In Na Ye's opinion, women who can pour wine will naturally know how to drink.

Guan Ye also nodded.

He saw Hua Niang steadily picking up the wine cup, putting it on the tip of her nose and sniffing lightly: "The last time I drank Maotai, it was when I married into Lao Wei's family and drank a glass of wine with my child's father."

Good guy, upon hearing this, Master Na and Master Guan both looked at Wu Yuan and laughed tacitly.

Wu Yuan was wronged. What does this have to do with him?

You can't just drink Maotai and have a bridal chamber, right?

However, seeing the flower lady holding the three-coin cup without spilling anything, Wu Yuan agreed with the master's judgment.

Hua Niang is obviously a drinker.

Even so, Hua Niang drank two cups with Na Ye, Guan Ye and Wu Yuan in succession, and after collecting six cups in total, she stopped drinking.

As for Ma Mingchao, he is a teetotaler.

The waiter and Liang Moutai have gone down, and Hua Niang has hardly changed much except for being a little charming.

In contrast, that man also drank two ounces of wine.

Then he started to pick up his old friend Guan Ye and interrupted: "Lao Guan, you have one foot in the coffin. Have you thought about what to do with those guys at home?"

When Wu Yuan heard this, he felt curious.

He had seen Mr. Guan's yard before, and it was obviously watery.

What could possibly happen?

Seeing Wu Yuan's confusion, the man started to pour out: "You don't know, Boss Xiao Wu, the furniture in Laoguan's courtyard is much more than that in which you often go in and out."

"And there are not only various ancestral furniture, but also some literati calligraphy and paintings. This guy is hiding all of them as treasures."

The courtyard that he often visited was naturally Huang Lao's courtyard house.

Mr. Guan collects more antique furniture than Mr. Huang?

This somewhat shocked Wu Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Guan also said angrily: "Don't blame me! The pots and jars in your yard are no less than the things in my house. What are you going to do?"

The man finished the Maotai in the wine cup and said, "At least I have a son!"

What this means is, of course, that Mr. Guan has no queen.

As if to confirm Wu Yuan's guess, Hua Niang explained: "When Mr. Guan was young, he had a lot of romantic debts. Everyone in this alley knows about it, but there is not a single man and a half woman left."

Mr. Guan ignored Hua Niang and said directly to him: "What's the difference between your son and his death? How many years has it been since he came back to see you?"

This time Hua Niang didn't explain, but asked directly: "Master, how did you and your eldest brother break up back then? Over the years, there has been anything said in the alley."

The old man sighed: "What else can happen? It's just that that brat wanted to sell a blue and white porcelain that I have collected, but I didn't let him."

As soon as these words came out, Guan Ye immediately pointed at Na Ye's forehead and said: "Old fool! Since your pots and jars will belong to him sooner or later, why do you care about selling them sooner or later?"

The old man shook his head stubbornly and said: "I can't sell it while I'm still breathing! When I die, I can love someone else."

Good guy, this is really a scripture that every family has a hard time reciting.

After talking like this, I gulped down two bottles of Maotai.

Seeing that these two old guys were almost drunk, Wu Yuan simply asked them to stay at home to rest.

Save yourself the trouble of having someone who is both good and bad and has no one to take care of you.

As a result, the two of them helped each other get up, waved their hands, and walked out while shaking their heads.

Wu Yuan wanted to stop him.

However, Hua Niang stopped her and said, "Forget it, the two of them are old antiques who don't know the bed. If we change places, we won't be able to sleep."

In this case, Wu Yuan simply said: "I will send them back."

Wait until Wu Yuan sends the two of them back to their respective homes before coming back.

The flower girl has already put away the pots and pans.

The room is clear and bright, and looks like new.

But people have left.

Back in the main room, the teapot on the tea table was steaming.

At first glance, it seems that even the tea has been brewed.

Wu Yuan sipped two cups to dilute the taste of wine in his mouth.

Just listen to the landline phone ringing on the table.

I went over to pick it up and heard that it was my wife calling from her hometown. There were also the babbling sounds of two children on the other end of the phone.

After some daily greetings, Yang Luoyan quickly said in short words: "Dad has been waiting for a long time, so I gave him the phone number."

It turns out that my father-in-law is also here.

Wait until the phone is put down and picked up again.

Party Secretary Yang's slightly hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone: "I've been meaning to call you for a few days, but I never bothered to do so. I didn't have time until today."

Wu Yuan was naturally concerned first and said: "No matter how busy you are, dad, you have to take care of your health. And it's just the beginning of spring, so you have to do things slowly."

Yang Zhishu sighed and said, "We can't wait to raise shelducks."

"You don't know that the enthusiasm of the villagers is so high that Huiqin, Wang Juan, Li Jing and I were so busy that we were not idle for three days."

Wu Yuan calculated with his fingers. The duck eggs had a 28-day incubation period, so didn't they just hatch within these two days?

If my father-in-law didn't say anything this time, he would have forgotten about it.

"By the way, Dad, how is the hatching rate? Is it good enough?"

"Very good!" Party Secretary Yang asserted: "I don't know the specific number. But according to Huiqin's calculations, we still have several hundred more."

"Originally, Old Xu Tou said he would stay in the village brigade to raise him, but I thought it was pooping everywhere and smelled so bad, so I insisted on giving it away."

This time the village department no longer smells bad.

I'm afraid everything in the village will stink.

Wu Yuan reminded helplessly: "Now that the breeding has begun to take shape, the management work in the village must also be grasped. To prevent so many duck seedlings from running around, being lost, and spoiling the wheat seedlings, everything must be announced and implemented in advance."

Party Secretary Yang mused: "This is indeed a matter. I will leave it all to Lao Xu. In a few days, I will be ready to go out. You can find out for me, where can I find a suitable source of goods?"

I really can’t stay idle.

But having said that, as the noise in the newspapers became darker and darker, it was indeed getting closer to daybreak.

If we don't take action at this time, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Wu Yuan nodded and said: "I understand, dad! Wait for me to find out the difference, and you will wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yuan stretched out and turned off the small red clay stove.

He went straight back to the room in the backyard, took a shower and went to bed.

After all, it was because I drank some wine that I almost fell asleep and slept until dawn.

I got hit today, my head keeps feeling dizzy, and my whole body aches, so I haven’t finished it until now.

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