The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 293 The Flame of Extinction

Lin Mo's first skill released was "Frozen Tide". Because this skill can cause the "frozen" effect, the momentum caused by it freezing the lake is much greater.

After his skill was released, the pond water was frozen in large swaths in an instant, turning into a very thick layer of ice.

The unfrozen water suddenly boiled up like boiling. Those thick ice layers also trembled slightly, and then shattered with a "click".

Lin Mo said to himself: "I thought it would take a whole set of skills to activate it..." Then he laughed and said: "Well, I'm just a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

After saying these words, a huge dragon skeleton emerged from the pool. It is pitch black all over, with dark blue lines all over its body. Although those blue lines are not bright, they still exude a glowing light.

Water drops slipped from the body of the dragon king's skeleton and dripped into the lake or pool water, but did not cause any ripples or fluctuations.

Its bone wings slowly unfolded while trembling, and there were dilapidated holes on the pitch-black wings, and dark blue lines were also spread all over the wings. Those dark blue lines are like blood vessels or veins, which are faintly visible only if you look carefully.

Then the skeleton of the dragon king stuck out its claws, and its claws were placed on the surface of the thick pool water. Then it shuddered or struggled to emerge from the bottom.

Lin Mo naturally wouldn't give it time to finish its preparations and then attack him. So when he was about to break free from the dragon king's skeleton, Lin Mo's skill "Frozen Technique" was activated. Because of the "Druid Ring", a green streak flashed past.

In this kind of water, a control skill like "Frozen Technique" has a bonus to its control time. So Lin Mo immediately prepared to kill it... Although it doesn't make sense to kill a skeleton.

At this moment, the magic staff in Lin Mo's hand lit up again, and another skill was ready to be released. But this time there was something unexpected, that is, when Lin Mo frowned, the magic staff in his hand dimmed before he released the skill. This is an unprecedented first time.

As for the reason, it was because a layer of dark blue light film appeared on the skeleton of the dragon king. When the light film appeared, Lin Mo clearly saw that the effect of the skill "Frozen" was immune.

The ice that originally froze the Dragon King's bone was destroyed by the Dragon King's bone in the sound of "click, click, click". The Dragon King Skeleton shook its huge body again, and countless fine ice slags were thrown out by it. And the emerald green light arc that flashed past was also extinguished.

Then Lin Mo saw white flames burning in the pupils of the dragon king's skeleton, and the two beams of flames were swaying in the air. The eyes of the dragon king's skeleton stared at Lin Mo, and then it spread its wings completely in silence.

The dragon king's skeleton flapped its broken wings, and then flew up.

Lin Mo originally wanted to throw out the "Flame of Extinction" in his backpack at this time, and use the blue flames to completely destroy the Dragon King's skeleton. But when Lin Mo saw the dark blue light film that existed, Lin Mo immediately hesitated.

Based on Lin Mo's understanding of the game, he knew that it would take a fierce battle to destroy the Dragon King's skeleton. Although the dragon king was dead, Lin Mo didn't feel that he was its general.

But fortunately, the power contained in this keel has been drawn away by the invisible big hand in the darkness. Moreover, its skeleton was also created by the existence behind the scenes as the origin and introduction of the dungeon space.

Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh a little. This dragon king may have been beautiful and powerful during his lifetime, but after his death, he became a game prop.

The existence of monsters and the forces behind them are eternal enemies with neutral forces like Katharina.

So after feeling the creation of a new dungeon space, Katharina immediately ordered herself to destroy the existence of this space.

And to destroy this space, the first thing to get rid of is the skeleton of the Dragon King who is no longer feared.

Lin Mo took a deep breath, and then began to use fireball to bombard. The fireball technique also bombarded the dragon king's skeleton with green light. For units like the Dragon King's Skeleton, the skill "Fairy Fire" attached to Lin Mo's equipment still works.

At this time, he was observing the dark blue light film that did not show signs of decline. When the fireball with the effect of "Fairy Fire" hit the body of the Dragon King's skeleton, Lin Mo clearly saw that the color of the light film dimmed a bit.

Then Lin Mo had a firm understanding of this layer of light, that is, only after a certain number of attacks, this layer of light film will fade from the skeleton...

The attack method with a fast attack speed and a certain endurance ability, in addition to the normal attack "Fireball", also has another skill, which is the skill "Storm Ray".

After using this skill, the light film became flickering and flickering. Then silently shattered into pieces. Those fragments fell from the air, and then gradually dispersed into smaller fragments, and finally turned into magic light dust.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and then stopped releasing the skill "Storm Ray". Because this skill has already entered a declining state, the attack effect of "Storm Ray" in a declining state is not much stronger than the normal attack fireball.

For this reason, Lin Mo stopped releasing the skill and took the initiative to interrupt it.

After Lin Mo canceled the skill casting, he activated the skill "Forbidden Frost Nova", a high-explosive and instant skill.

With a strong blow, the "Forbidden Curse Frost Nova" bloomed like a world-destroying lotus. But it only caused damage of about 1% of its durability.

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it was time to use the special item "Flame of Extinction".

He sighed slightly, and then took out the round glass ball from his backpack. The cyan flame burning inside was a little weak, but it was burning very stubbornly.

Then Lin Mo quietly waited for the unintelligent Dragon King Skeleton to give him a chance to let Lin Mo throw this special item on the Dragon King Skeleton at the right time.

After waiting for a long time, the skeleton of the Dragon King flapping his broken wings swooped down directly. Its mouth was slightly opened, and the dragon flames rolled in its mouth.

Lin Mo immediately activated the skill "Frost Armor". Because he is not sure whether Dao Longyan has the "locking" characteristic...

After turning on "Frost Armor", Lin Mo's staff lit up again.

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