The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 131 Epic Treasure Chest

In the eternal time and space, there came a sigh that seemed to exist...

Lin Mo did not return to the ice field, but came to the edge of the Withered Path, that is, inside the Warcraft Mountain Range.

After he came out, he saw the email from the night stars. He poked it open, read it, then closed the email.

Lin Mo took a very short time, not because he glanced at ten lines too quickly, but because her words were too concise. It was only about a dozen words, and in a nutshell it was asking about Lin Mo's whereabouts.

Lin Mo glanced at his team, he was the only one left, and Yemu Xingchen had already left the team. I don't know her whereabouts, but Lin Mo knows that the girl who said that she wants to walk out of the shadow of the past with him has only left temporarily...

So after Lin Mo finished talking about his experience in the private chat channel, Yemu Xingchen sent an "oh" after a while.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and when he was about to close the chat channel, another message came from the stars in the night. "I have something to do, I can't level up with you for the time being." Such words came from her.

Lin Mo replied: "It's okay, I can do it by myself." After he finished speaking, he waited quietly for a while, but didn't get any more answers, so he closed the chat.

"Now, since most of the players haven't reached level ten, I'll go and open those two important treasure chests first." Lin Mo lightly tapped his staff on the ground.

His gaze fell on the distance inside the Warcraft Mountain Range. Affected by the terrain of the mountain range ahead, he had to go around a long way to reach the epic treasure chest. Speaking of the epic level, his eyes returned to the backpack, where there was an epic level equipment lying there quietly.

Lin Mo knew that it was not the equipment of his profession, so he lacked interest. He glanced at the attributes of the equipment. The attributes are quite superior and the accompanying skills are very powerful. The fly in the ointment is that this is a Summoner class equipment.

"That's right." Lin Mo looked away from the robe of the summoner profession. There was also a dark-gold priest robe in his backpack, and he sent an email to Night Star again, sending her the priest robe as an attachment.

After about half a minute, Yemu Xingchen sent a private message: "Thank you. I will mail the gold coins to you after a while." Then there was no more text.

Lin Mo said to himself: "It's not the epic equipment of the mage, but the magic robe of the summoner profession, but it is very comforting." After he finished speaking, he walked towards a road leading to the location of the epic treasure chest Row.

As for why he said that, it was because those who chose the Summoner profession were local tyrants, and without a large sum of capital injection, they would not be able to become top-level Summoner players. If you want to play well in this profession, it is very expensive. Therefore, Lin Mo Lin Mo can make a lot of money from these local tyrants.

Lin Mo collected his emotions, and then walked towards the location of the epic treasure chest. He didn't walk fast, because he had to guard against the existence of other monsters. He freed the Mire Priest as he walked, and since there were no other players, he didn't have to be too careful.

Along the way, they met several monsters of more than ten levels, and Lin Mo cooperated with the mud priest to kill them all.

Along the way, Lin Mo burned countless dead vines blocking the route, and finally reached the entrance of the treasure chest in his memory.

Although he was already taken by others when he saw this treasure chest in his previous life, Lin Mo still knew that there was a powerful monster guarding this treasure chest. It's not because of the strategy of the previous life, but because it is too clear about the routine of this game.

Lin Mo glanced at his backpack, and there were two taming scrolls inside. "Don't think about it." Lin Mo whispered softly, "It's an epic-level treasure chest, and the wild monsters guarding it must be lords or bosses above level 15, and they cannot be sealed with taming scrolls."

Lin Mo continued walking, and finally saw a ghost wolf leader crawling to guard the epic treasure chest. The epic treasure chest exudes a faint purple radiance, highlighting its own preciousness.

Since he is the leader of ghost wolves, he can naturally summon ordinary ghost wolves. And it also has the strength of a 20th-level lord, although it is a very ordinary kind of lord.

It raised its head to look at Lin Mo and the swamp priest, with a trace of awe in its pupils. The ghost wolf leader stood up slowly, then howled softly. Then two ordinary ghost wolves appeared on the ground.

The eyes of the two summoned ordinary ghost wolves were empty, as if they had no intelligence. This is also understandable, after all, this is a very low-level summon.

Lin Mo and Mire Priest set fire to one of the two ghost wolves when the two ghost wolves appeared. Lin Mo saw that the blood volume of the ghost wolf that had been set on fire dropped sharply, and it was quickly shot down to 30% of its blood volume.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, already knowing the strength of the summoned ghost wolf. Then he activated the skill "Purification Halo", and a burst of ripples radiated from Lin Mo's body to the surroundings. Then the two ordinary ghost wolves gradually blurred as if they were bathed in purple flames.

Their blood tanks returned to zero in an instant, and then gradually became transparent during the burning, turning into flying smoke. Lin Mo's "dispel" effect also prevented the ghost wolf leader from entering the invisible state.

The ghost wolf leader's eyes widened, and he arched his body with a "owwow", ready to attack Lin Mo at any time. Yes, although the swamp priest's attack power was higher at this time, he didn't have the hatred value to hold back the ghost wolf leader.

The cunning ghost wolf leader attacked Lin Mo. Its initial speed was not fast, but as its claws touched the ground, a layer of light rippled on the ground, and its speed increased by more than twice in an instant.

Lin Mo's pupils froze slightly, and then he waved his staff with the skill "Frost Nova". The skill successfully attacked the leader of the ghost wolf, but Lin Mo not only did not relax, but also became more dignified.

Because this attack actually caused about 50% of the blood volume of the ghost wolf leader's damage. This number is very abnormal, so there is only one possibility, and that is that the ghost wolf leader in front of him is just an illusion.

Lin Mo was deceived by its acceleration skills. The phantom of the ghost wolf leader should be one of its innate skills. Because it is a natural skill, it is much more powerful than ordinary skills, so it has not been dispelled...

Lin Mo knew that its primary target was himself, so after realizing something was wrong, he immediately put on a "Frost Armor" for himself.

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