Answer to Chapter 122 (two more)

  Along with Gu Tian, ​​there were Gu Qingyan and his wife, Shen Shaojian, Shen Zhou and Shen Ke, and other ladies watching the excitement. In the blink of an eye, this small tea room was crowded with people.

   "We are here to be a testimony to Mrs. Jiang. Mr. Gu Tian is a master appraiser and a leader in the industry. If you don't believe Miss Zhu, Mr. Gu Tian should believe it." Mrs. Gu stood up and said.

   Gutian smiled awkwardly; "Madam is absurd, I am ashamed."

  "Mr. Gutian don’t need to be humble, I believe you, and Jiade Group believes in you too."

  At this time, the secretary came over and said something in the ear, Zou Dawei looked at Jiang Chunlan, "Madam, did what I said just now count?"

  Jiang Chunlan raised her eyebrows: "Of course it counts."

  "Well, everyone present is a testimony. No matter what the result is, my Jiade Group will never back down." Zou Dawei said with a righteous expression.

  Zhou Xue came over with a red sandalwood box and placed it on the square table in front of him.

   "Mr. Gutian, please." Zou Dawei motioned.

   "Mr. Gutian?" Zou Dawei shouted again.

   Gu Tian returned to his senses, retracted the sight that fell on Ming Jing, coughed slightly, and walked forward solemnly.

   "Miss Zhu, you want to be strong in front of Mrs. Jiang, it is nothing more than you are too young and your heart is unstable..." Madam Gu sighed.

   In one sentence, Ming Jing was charged with being out of the limelight.

  "You may not know how serious this matter is. It not only caused Mrs. Jiang to guilty with the Jiade Group, but also ruined the reputation of the Jiade Group for many years. Will Miss Zhu bear the consequences of this?"

"If you admit your mistakes now, Mr. Zou will see that Mrs. Jiang will be able to help you in the face. If Mr. Gutian has identified the results, the dust will settle at that time, Miss Zhu, Mrs. Jiang may not be able to save you at that time. Up."

  Not only can't protect you, but I also hate you even more.

  Jiang Chunlan glanced at her and said nothing, Mrs. Gu's heart was overjoyed.

  It seems that Jiang Chunlan also agrees with her.

  "Excuse me, Madam, you worry too much." Ming Jing smiled gently, without any irritation, calmly and calmly.

   "Worry too much? Oh, I hope I worry too much." Madam Gu twitched the corner of her mouth, her eyes disdainful.

  It's calm, I see how long you can pretend.

   "What's the rush, Madam? Master Gutian hasn't identified the result yet? Can't wait for a while?"

  The sinking boat suddenly spoke, and everyone was stunned.

  No one noticed, Gutian's hand opening the lid of the wooden box suddenly shook.

  Ms. Gu couldn't help her face, she sneered: "I have long heard that Mr. Shen and Ms. Zhu have a difficult relationship. Now it seems that the rumors are true."

  What rumors can there be between single men and single women.

  Think about it with your toes.

  The eyes of those present at the scene turned back and forth between Shen Zhou and Ming Jing. The two parties were so calm, it seemed that they were born out of nothing.

   "There is indeed a relationship between the two of us." Shen Zhou admitted generously.

  This time even Jiang Chunlan was shocked.

  The bright mirror looked at Shen Zhou without changing its color.

  Shen Zhou raised an eyebrow at her, Ming Jing squinted his eyes.

  Futa's hands are shaking even more, now he is really a sandwich biscuit, and he can't afford to incriminate on both sides.

  I didn’t read the almanac when I went out today. I made a mistake.

  Mrs. Gu teased the corners of her mouth: "Mr. Shen is quite refreshing."

  The gaze looking at Mingjing was even more contemptuous, and he glanced at Gu Qingyan by the way.

  Famous flowers have their own masters, so let's die.

  "Next week, at the Shenzhou Group’s Oasis Plan Press Conference, Mrs. Gu loves to join in the fun so much, how can I miss you, Ake, please come back and send a copy of the invitation to Mrs. Gu’s mansion.”

  Shen Ke replied with a smile: "Yes, sir."

  Ms. Gu’s face flushed red, and Shen Zhou was mocking her both in and out of her words. This old man is really hateful. No wonder she can’t marry a wife when he is in his forties. Such a stinky temper, which woman can bear.

  While speaking, Gutian opened the wooden box and looked at the contents inside. Gutian exclaimed, "Song Ru porcelain daffodil basin."

Mrs. Shen finally found the opportunity and immediately said: "Master Gu, you are exactly the same as Miss Zhu said at the beginning."

  Gutian glanced at Ming Spiegel, this quiet and a little overdone girl, really doesn’t look like someone who loves the limelight and just talks about it, is there something weird in this?

  He didn't dare to take it lightly. He put on the white gloves he carried with him, took out the reading glasses and put them on, carefully picked up the daffodil basin, and studied it carefully.

  Zou Dawei whispered to the secretary: "Pour Master Gu a cup of tea."

  The secretary understood Zou Dawei's eyes and should leave.

  "Master Gutian, can you see what famous hall is coming?" Madam Gu asked, and glanced at Mingjing.

  Jiang Chunlan patted Ming Jing's hand, smiling gently and kindly: "Aunt Lan believes in you."

   Gutian watched for a long time, then put the narcissus basin back, his actions were not as careful as they were at the beginning.

  He looked at Zou Dawei solemnly: "Dare to ask Mr. Zou, where did you get this thing from?"

  This involves trade secrets, but now that the reputation is insulting, who can care about these, Zou Dawei said: “It was collected by a foreign Chinese collector a year ago.”

  At this time, Zou Dawei’s secretary handed over a cup of tea: "Master Gu, please have tea."

   Gutian was a little irritable at first, what kind of tea he drank at this time, with her back facing everyone, the female secretary opened her mouth, her eyes were real threats.

   Gutian looked startled, cold sweat on his palms.

  "Master, please have tea." The female secretary smiled sweetly again.

   Gutian tremblingly raised his teacup, taking a fake sip.

  Everyone was waiting for his answer. Zou Dawei asked, “What is the meaning of the ancient master’s question? What does it have to do with whether this daffodil basin is true or not?”

  “It’s very important for an antique to pass by whose hands it passes. Tracing back to the source can determine its approximate origin. For experienced appraisers, this is a very important basis for judgment.”

  Zou Dawei said: “This old master collector certainly doesn’t know him. He has been living abroad. He also accidentally obtained this thing from a tomb gang many years ago.”

   Gutian's eyes flickered slightly. At this moment, the answer was obvious.

  Zou Dawei asked: "Master Gu, you already have the answer, don't worry about the little girl's face, since you can do it, you will bear the consequences." Zou Dawei said and glanced at the mirror sideways.

   Gutian took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   "Master Gu, you are the authority in this line. What you say will definitely not be false, unless you don’t want to get mixed up in this line..."

  Zou Wei’s last sentence emphasized the tone, and the threat was obvious.

   Gutian's heart trembled, and he couldn't wait for a heart attack on the spot and passed out.

   "That is natural. If you dare to lie, not only will the ancient masters lose their reputation, but the ancient clan will be cast aside from now on. I don't know if the ancient masters can bear the consequences." Shen Zhou said lightly.

  Why is it still related to the ancient clan?

   Gutian looked at Ming Spiegel: "Miss Zhu must be a master of appraisal, then I want to know, why did Miss Zhu decide that this is a fake?"

  I knew earlier that I would rather offend Madam Jiang and leave without looking back. It's better than being a sandwich biscuit here and threatening him with the tribe.

  The problem is thrown back again.

  Mingjing smiled slightly: "Don’t you already have the answer in the master’s heart?"

  What a tricky girl.

   Gutian snorted and gave her a serious look.

Mrs. Shen said: "Ms. Zhu said a lot at the time. I don’t have a good memory. I remember Miss Zhu said that because the kiln-making technology of the Song Dynasty was monopolized by the court, the craftsmen’s skills were only one in a thousand, and there would be no blisters in the basin. In the situation, only modern technology is impetuous. Colors can be copied, but technology cannot be copied. It has something to do with temperature. That's probably it."

  Gutian didn’t pay attention to this. “The kiln change must be controlled above 1,100°C, otherwise a large number of anorthite crystals will form, which is what you call small blisters.”

Mrs. Shen's eyes lit up: "Master Gu also agrees with Miss Zhu's statement?"

   Gutian glanced at the mirror deeply, the girl’s eyes were dark, like a secluded pool, she couldn’t see to the bottom.

   Gutian sighed in all the expectant eyes: "Actually, I have seen a real Ru porcelain daffodil basin."

  This sentence has revealed too much information.

  The light in the bright mirror flickered slightly, raising his eyes to look at Gutian.

  Zou Dawei's face changed, and he shouted: "Master Gu, you are responsible for what you say."

   Gu Tian said coldly: "Relax, President Zou, I will be responsible for every word I say."

  (End of this chapter)

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