The Queen of Everything

Chapter 596: Have you forgotten what you are?

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"Me and Han Dao are discussing the script. What are you doing here?"

After all, Shao Tianwen was the film emperor, and he was placed there with dignity. When he said that Jin Jiayu was still a bit imaginary, he thought of his own affairs and was too anxious to care about him. He stretched out his hand and pushed away Shao Tianwen, and walked towards the door.

Han Yongbing was sitting there, indeed holding the script at hand, and was not surprised to see Jin Jiayu coming.

Just glanced away and turned his attention away, put down the script: "I thought Yang Producer will call you to explain clearly."

Jin Jiayu's face was white when he heard Yang's name: "Explain, explain?"

She and Yang's production is not a secret, but it's also a face, and it is undoubtedly ridiculed by Han Yongbing to speak in person.

And why did Yang Producer explain to her?

That does not mean that this matter may be true.

But how did they change Yang Yuan while she was calming down?


Han Yongbing lengthened his voice, and looked a little slow: "The other investors are not particularly satisfied with you, and Yang Production is also in a dilemma. Although the contract was signed, we will still pay you the penalty as usual, with a discount. The method in the middle, otherwise Su Cha’s original role, instead of you acting?"

The queen mother turned into a maid, and Jin Jiayu almost didn't faint.

She was shaking all over: "Do you know what you are talking about? Let her play the queen mother and let me play a female N? With her coffee seat, is she worthy? What kind of thing is she!"

"If she is not a thing, you don't want to think about how your character was changed."

Shao Tianwen came from behind her and made an understatement: "In the circle, don't jump too high in life, otherwise one day, how do you know who you are going to mess with?"

Although Shao Tianwen has always had a good temper, he does not like people like Jin Jiayu.

Jin Jiayu reacted, and his blood flowed back toward his head in an instant, and he quickly froze.

If Su Cha didn't rely on it, how dare she fight against herself again and again?

It's just that she couldn't think of it. Her role was taken away so easily.

Immediately unable to make trouble, Jin Jiayu red went out with his eyes closed. The resentment in his heart couldn't help but he still patiently dialed a call.

The people over there had also expected that the voice was a bit difficult: "Baby, how do you say that you are upset about talking about production? She is the biggest investor in this drama, and I am really here It’s hard to say, otherwise, as compensation, I’ll get you another fashion magazine and invest in a movie for you. How about it?”

"Can other people compare with this TV series!"

Jin Jiayu couldn't help but scream: "This is the explosive series scheduled for this year!"

Playing an important role in this film, Jin Jiayu knows what it means for actors.

The films that Yang Yuanhui will invest in, let's not talk about the quality first, but in the end it is not for her to change with her body!

Yang Yuan was suddenly upset when she heard this, and her voice fell darkly: "Jin Jiayu, are you famous now and forget what you are doing?"

This sound made Jin Jiayu react instantly, and she felt that her whole body had cooled down at once, and she seemed to have fallen into the ice cellar.

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