The Queen of Everything

Chapter 503: Black stickers

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

"Do you know that S?"

Tan Jinsui frowned and heard Su Cha's meaning, that he was very supportive of S.

If you don’t know, Tan Jinsui doesn’t think that people like Su Cha will intervene in their own business.

"Neither knows."

Su Cha's face remained the same, calm and comfortable: "I saw his work, I think whether it is painted or embroidered, I like his work, so I support him."

Tan Jinsui commented: "Three views are wrong."

Su Cha: "..."

It is hard to imagine that the Sanguan Misstatement was said by an entertainment agent.

Tan Jinsui: "If you just like it, don't rush into the rest, just wait and watch the changes, and don't answer the fans' questions, don't make this happen to you, okay? You’re using a learning style, I don’t want anyone to DISS you with the reason you don’t have common sense.”

Tan Jinsui's worry is not unreasonable.

Because in their hearts, the embroidered Tang thorn has been lost, a fact deeply rooted for hundreds of years.

Suddenly a person came up saying that he used the embroidery method that was lost for hundreds of years, and normal people would not believe it.

The best proof is only when the identification result comes out.

Su Cha understands that Tan Jinsui, as an agent, he certainly has the primary purpose of protecting his artist’s positive image, at least not to be foolish in such matters.

At the same time, she was a little surprised. She thought that Tan Jinsui would ask for it. Unexpectedly, she just said a few words and hung up the phone lightly.

Su Cha is a little curious, but she doesn't think Tan Jinsui can hold Zou Manni to that level, and she is so indulgent to Zou Manni.

After all, this is not a good thing. Except that Sucha knows that it is true, and everyone else thinks it is false, it is indeed irrational for her to incorporate such a kick.

Those black fans will probably catch this climax.

A good agent should stop her, not... like this, a little indulgent.

Su Cha's eyes narrowed, so Tan Jinsui still didn't care much about her, or did it serve other purposes?

Su Cha liked S's Weibo. She is now a popular player. It was when she got the most attention. When she liked it, she pulled the less popular embroidery battle to the table. Many fans saw it and brought it. Inexplicably, the dragon's context will be seen clearly in the future.

At this time, Su Cha's popularity began to show up, less than an hour.

#苏茶点赞S# This title has been listed in the top five hot searches.

At least the heat is enough.

Most people are just ordinary people. Embroidery is also one of the ancient skills. For modern society, there are even many ancient skills that have been lost. Like embroidery, they are quite popular. In fact, many people don’t understand that much. At most, I usually hear it. I know embroidery. Oh, it is the kind of embroidery embroidered with needles. Most of them are clothing or the like.

The fans of Su Cha are also like this. Although they don’t know what Su Cha likes S, they still read this S Weibo from beginning to end. When they saw the curse, they were a little puzzled. Their idol was Does it support S, or does it mean something else?

And many anti-black powder of Su tea saw Su tea's move, and once again looked at the veins of the dragon, it suddenly culminated.

Oh, is this actress stupid, does she know what embroidered Tang thorn is? I don’t know if I’m a public figure now, so I just like it.

At the moment, there are a few black posts of Sucha appearing on Weibo and major forums.

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