The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 408: undercurrent

The phone was connected, and before Ling Xingye could speak, the other person spoke first.

"Xingye, how is Shiranui-senpai? Is it safe?" Misaka Mikoto's voice came in a hurry.

"Don't worry, Tong is fine." Ling Xingye said while looking at the girl beside him, "How is the situation on your side? Is the problem serious?"

It seemed that Misaka Mikoto sighed tiredly, but her voice didn't change at all: "Ah, don't worry, the matter here has been resolved... It's really troublesome."

Ling Xingye asked: "Are you not injured?"

"Hmph, who do you think I am?" Misaka Mikoto responded.

Then, according to Misaka Mikoto's narration, Ling Xingye and Shiranui Hitomi also had a general understanding of her affairs.

It turned out that Teristina took Chunshang Jinyi, took away other children, and finally took them into an abandoned factory in the tenth school district.

On the way, their transport convoy split into two groups again, causing Shirai Heizi and Chuchun Shili to follow the wrong target. Only after marriage, Photon followed the right path.

That's why Shirai Kuroko asked Misaka Mikoto for help.

However, Shirai Kuroko relied on her "space movement", and the four of them finally rushed to the final destination together to fight against the real behind-the-scenes black hand-Teristina.

The specific battle process was mentioned by Misaka Mikoto without saying much.

In short, the girls finally succeeded in defeating the evil enemy and rescued the captured children.

Misaka Mikoto is actually quite proud of this heroic achievement of punishing evil and promoting good.

It's just that in front of Ling Xingye, she suddenly felt that this matter of hers was not worth mentioning at all.

"Harukami has been rescued safely now," Misaka Mikoto concluded, "The other children were also taken back to the hospital by the guards who arrived. Just in case, the Disciplinary Committee also intervened to supervise... everything has come to a successful conclusion. "

"Oh, that's good." Ling Xingye nodded, and then prepared to bring the topic to his side.

"By the way," Misaka Mikoto said suddenly again, "During the battle just now, I seemed to see Haruo Kiyama."

"What, Mushan Chunsheng?" Ling Xingye also had to be concerned.

—During the confrontation with Terestina, Misaka Mikoto and the others were once plagued by "declining abilities" and lost their combat effectiveness.

The only unaffected Chuchun Shili took the opportunity to escape and wanted to close the broadcasting facilities.

As a result, the entire set of equipment was destroyed before she arrived.

According to Chuharu Shiri, it was a female researcher in a white coat who took the first step.

"No, maybe I'm too nervous?" Without going into too much detail, Misaka Mikoto took the initiative to close the topic, "Speaking of which, what can Xingye do for me? This is the first time you've called on your own initiative."

Ling Xingye breathed a sigh of relief, sorted out his thoughts, and said what he wanted to ask Baijing Heizi for.

"Hey~" Misaka Mikoto immediately teased, "I didn't expect someone like Xingye to be afraid of the teacher's reprimand?"

"Don't say that," Ling Xingye smiled wryly, "It's scary to teach a teacher!"

Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but see the image of her dormitory teacher in her mind, she shuddered and nodded in sympathy.

Perhaps because of this feeling of sympathy, Misaka Mikoto resolutely agreed to Ling Xingye's request, saying that he would let Shirai Heizi testify for him.

After being assured, Ling Xingye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After being tense, he suddenly relaxed, tiredness rushed to his heart, and he threw himself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until night fell that Ling Xingye, who was full of sleep, woke up.

During this period, Hitomi Shiranui had already gone to the supermarket and prepared dinner.

Just like in the summer vacation, the two had dinner together, and the atmosphere was tacit and harmonious.

And after what happened today, Hitomi Shiranui felt that the distance between the two seemed to be a little closer.

"It doesn't look like it's all bad..."

"What?" Ling Xingye stuck his head out from the kitchen.

"It's nothing, I said today's steak is very good, it's my favorite, hurry up and have a taste."

When Ling Xingye and Hitomi Shiranui had a leisurely dinner, everything seemed to have returned to calm.

Everyday seems to be the theme again.

But in the night, behind this tranquility, there is an undercurrent surging, and new waves are brewing.

Mushan Chunsheng had already taken off his white coat, and was walking in the narrow alleyway wearing a very revealing cool suspender skirt.

Her blue sports car also remained in the complex parking lot of the tenth school district and was no longer used.

Because she has been wanted by the security forces all over the city—as the main suspect in the "Fantasy Master" riot during the summer vacation, and the culprit of the destruction of the "Magic Night Amusement Park" today.

However, the crime of illegal experiments does not seem to be exposed-this is actually the real crime committed by Haruo Kiyama.

Regarding the current situation, Kishan Haruno did not complain. On the matter of "becoming a criminal", she has long been conscious and mentally prepared.

Although it is dangerous to walk alone in the remote and dark alleys, especially she is a beautiful woman with first-class body and appearance.

But Kiyama Haruki was not afraid. Her "multi-talent ability" has never been offline.

The Three Caves of the Rabbit, as early as the beginning of the "Fantasy Master" research project, Haruo Kiyama prepared a safe house for refuge.

It is hidden in the seventh school district with the most densely populated residents, among the student apartment complexes.

Even the crow, the partner, doesn't know this place...

Opening the door of the apartment, Mushan Haruo saw a black crow standing on the shoe cabinet in the entrance.

"You are finally back." The crow said.

"" Because he was too surprised, Mu Shanchunsheng almost had a conditioned reflex, and directly fired a cannonball with mental power.

Crow tilted his head, and paced on the table: "Although I am a, I also occasionally work part-time as an excellent intelligence officer."

"Actually, there are my avatars waiting in your other two spare safe houses." The crow shattered Haruno Kiyama's fantasy indifferently, "As long as I want, I can find you wherever I want."

The jealousy on Mushan Haruno's face became more and more intense.

"Okay, don't be too nervous. Although we failed in today's matter, and it seems to be a little unpleasant..." The crow spread its wings and said briskly, "but it's not a big deal, don't worry too much."

"I admit that I did deceive you about some things." The crow continued, "But after what happened in the afternoon, you should also get evidence—I didn't lie to you about those children."

Mu Shanchunsheng was silent, the other party did not lie. She also indeed saw the "energy crystallization" in Teristina's hands. It's just that now those things have been confiscated by the security forces as evidence.

"You have to find a way to get it!" Mushan Chunsheng thought silently.

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