
After briefly sensing the power of the Hungry Domain, Furukawa's eyes flashed. No wonder so many demon gods are so afraid of the Hungry Demon God. It is indeed quite extraordinary. Even those who have reached his level of strength can actually have a moment of fear. Kung Fu is affected.

Not to mention other demon gods, they simply cannot withstand the terrifying power of the Hungry Demon God.

"Plague, plunder the lives of these demon gods for me."

The Plague Demon God also took action at this moment. It seemed to be telling a spell. Every word formed the rhythm of the avenue, causing the resonance of the origin of chaos. A majestic gray mist filled the air from it, covering tens of thousands of people in a radius in an instant. Light years, shrouding everything around in the fog of plague


Furukawa used his All-Seeing Eye and immediately saw the gray mist erupting from the Plague Demon. Every particle on it seemed to be a gray plague rune. It was like a bug deep inside, twisting the void, like a living thing. , can easily penetrate the void and penetrate various restricted formations.

They can even penetrate into the body of the demon god through the pores where the demon god breathes.

Once they penetrate, they can immediately parasitize in the body of the demon god, and The flesh and blood of the demon god is food, and by continuously consuming the energy of these flesh and blood, it causes various diseases.

If you cannot sense this power, it is basically impossible to defend yourself, and you will easily get plague diseases, and your life will be robbed by the plague demon god. Energy.

Moreover, such a plague is difficult to eliminate. It is like a living microorganism, hiding in the deepest part of the demon god's body and integrating with the demon god's body.

"Chaos brings endless chaos to this chaotic world, plunging the world into a state of darkness, killing, death and chaos."The Chaos Demon God shouted.

The terrifying power of the Chaos Realm spread out from it, and it suddenly enveloped the Chaos Time and Space in all directions, shrouding the Chaos City.

At the same time, the Chaos Power on it burst out, seemingly forming a Countless chaos runes, like chaos seeds, are invisible and soundless. They want to sink into the bodies of the demons in an instant.

Moreover, such chaos runes can be integrated into the soul, and ordinary power cannot destroy the chaos runes..

Once the demon gods are possessed by the chaos runes, it will be difficult to remove them, and they will become completely crazy, completely depraved, and fall into rage, killing and madness.

Unless they themselves are destroyed, the chaos runes will not disappear..

Even such chaos runes can swallow up the power of chaos scattered in chaos, continue to strengthen, continue to reproduce, and grow more chaos seeds.

Wherever the chaos seeds go, they will cause countless chaos. Killing and chaos, all order is gone.

It can be said that gathering large forces to deal with the Demon God of Chaos is useless. On the contrary, the greater the number of Demon Gods, the more opportunities the Demon God of Chaos will take advantage of.

These three major The demon gods took action at the same time, and the power of chaos, plague and greed enveloped Chaos City, trying to wipe out all the demon gods in Chaos City and kill them completely.


The faces of many demon gods in Chaos City changed drastically. They felt the fatal crisis. If the power of chaos, plague and hunger eroded the entire Chaos City, it is estimated that most of them would be killed or injured this time.


At this moment, Furukawa looked down and let out a sigh.

In an instant, with the original ancient snake's body as the center, it caused the origin of chaos to vibrate, sending out circles of terrifying sound waves, spreading out towards the chaotic void in all directions. , affecting hundreds of thousands of light-years.

The power of such a sound is simply the ultimate in the law of sound, and it already has a charm that is almost Taoist.


In an instant, the expressions of the three demon gods of Chaos, Plague, and Hunger After a big change, they felt an unprecedented threat and fear.

If an ordinary demon lord sighed like this, it would be nothing, and would not be taken seriously at all. But when the Lord of Chaos City sighed, it was like the sky and the earth were shattering, and the sun and the moon were all gone. Light, the gods fell, like the sighs of gods.

Boom, boom~~~

They could sense the terrifying power of ripples coming from the Chaos City Lord, like ocean waves, layer upon layer, reaching 129,600 layers.

Moreover, such sonic power is superimposed layer by layer, each layer is more powerful than the previous layer. The power is increasing in a geometric progression, and the destructive power produced is also extremely terrifying.

Even many demon gods can see with the naked eye that the chaotic void in all directions has produced waves of void ripples, just like the chaotic space and time in all directions has shaken out space-time ripples.

The destructive power produced by such sonic vibration is simply terrifying.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

At this moment, the chaos runes blasted by the Chaos Demon God were instantly shattered into powder. Even the Chaos City was shattered into nothingness without even entering.

All the chaos monsters were shocked to death, and no one survived.

The endless gray mist of the plague virus that the Plague Demon God tried to spread was instantly wiped out with this sigh. All the plague viruses were wiped out, as if the plague mist was cleared all at once.

The worst thing was the Hungry Demon God. The many hungry monsters it sent could not resist it for even a second. In an instant, they were turned into a ball of blood mist, with no bones left.

The power of the entire hunger field was shattered.

Even the bodies of the three major demons, the Chaos Demon, the Plague Demon and the Hunger Demon, were severely damaged. Their demonic bodies seemed to have suffered billions of shocks, producing terrifying destructive power.

"puff!"With a sound, the three demon gods could not withstand such destructive power. Their internal organs were severely damaged, and they couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, their bodies were also blown tens of millions of kilometers away, and all parts of their bodies were damaged. There were dense scars and a lot of blood flowed out.


The three demon gods of Chaos Demon God, Plague Demon God and Hunger Demon God are simply crazy, completely crazy. They simply can't believe what they see in front of them.

They came to Chaos City this time with the intention of going on a killing spree and completely annihilating this city. The group of demon gods then took the opportunity to break through in one fell swoop, attain the Dao, and reach the realm of the strongest demon god.

And they can do this with their power.

But now, they are not even close to Chaos City, and the Chaos City Lord just said Just sighing, they actually shocked countless of their subordinates to death, and even they were severely injured.

Everyone is a demon god, why is the gap so huge, what is this?!

The three demon gods are completely crazy, incomparable chaos, simply It's unbelievable.

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