The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way

Chapter 170 Chapter 170

The black shadow respectfully said: "My lord, the disciples of the Five Elements Sect really came here to investigate the matter of the Virgin Mary." The voice asked: "How many people came and how are they cultivated?"

Heiying said: "One is Daoist Deqing, a disciple of the master of Dangyang Peak, he should be the leader, and his subordinates can't see through his cultivation. Deqing only said that there are a few fellow disciples who are lying in ambush outside the city, waiting for opportunities. verb: move."

The voice sneered and said: "Okay! The miscellaneous things of the Five Elements Sect ruined my good deeds. This time, people will be wiped out in the future, just to benefit my cultivation! Hahaha!"

Qi Ze still looks like a young man. He left the capital and walked into the deep mountains. There are many houses hidden in the dense forest, all of which are dilapidated. The houses are dark, and occasionally a few children curiously ask He stuck his head out, and was immediately pushed back by big hands.

Qi Ze also knew that his home was very conspicuous and eye-catching, but there was no other way to do it, so he could only walk in silence. After a while, two big men finally stopped him, sized him up vigilantly, and asked, "Where are you going?" ?”

It is said that he is a big man, but he is quite tall, almost skinny, and has no nutrition in his body. Qi Ze grinned, and said: "I'm a new shopkeeper. I'm selling some groceries in the city. I found out that there are people living outside the city, so I came here to ask you what you want. I'll bring this next time. Fuguozhong!"

The two men looked at each other, and the vigilance on their faces disappeared, and one man said: "Even if there is something I want, I have no money to buy it. I have worked hard all my life, and it is not all cheap in the end. Those dogs in the city thief!"

The other man's complexion changed, and he shouted: "Don't talk too much!" He said to Qi Ze: "You are an outsider, since you have come here, I can't let you go back easily! Just follow me to see the elder!" Before and after, they surrounded Qi Ze and led him into the dense forest.

Qi Ze flinched, obviously frightened enough, the two men were very satisfied, escorting him back and forth through the forest. There were two men guarding it, and the surrounding people became more courageous, calling for their fathers and mothers one after another, and stood under the shade of the trees to watch.

Someone shouted: "Two dogs! Three dogs! Who is this!" The second dog, the man in front, shouted: "It's a peddler from outside the mountain!" When everyone heard this, they immediately surrounded him and shouted, "Wu that peddler!" , What good things did you bring, let us have a look!"

Qi Ze said with a smile: "Our father and son have just arrived, and we only brought a cart of groceries, which have already been sold out in the city. If you need anything, just say it, I will definitely bring it in a few days!"

When the common people heard the word "in the city", their expressions immediately changed, and a few teenagers spat hard on the ground, cursing: "Damn the servant dog!" The older person beside him hurriedly scolded : "Shut up! Don't let the minions in the city listen to it, and you will have good fruit to eat!"

Qi Ze deliberately said: "Why do you folks hate those dignitaries in the city so much? Could it be that there is some deep hatred?"

A young man shouted: "Those officials who eat our flesh and drink our blood, how can they not have a deep hatred? Just wait for the Holy Mother..." Before he finished speaking, an old man kicked him down and scolded: "I put the You raving dog!"

The man Ergou behind him pushed Qi Ze violently, and cursed: "What nonsense are you asking! Hurry up and leave!" Qi Ze chuckled, bowed his head and walked away. The further you go out into the forest, the more dilapidated the houses you see. Occasionally, there are people lying on the ground, with their eyes blank, looking up at the sky through the gaps in the forest leaves.

When Qi Ze saw it, he shook his head secretly. There was nothing more sorrowful than heartbreak. There was no positive expression in the eyes of these people, and they were in a daze. Those negative and gloomy thoughts almost condensed into reality. People's hearts were in turmoil. It is the happiest place for cult preaching.

Qi Ze thought: "The oppression and exploitation of the common people by rich kings and nobles has reached an appalling level. The common people are desperate and have no sense of justice. The cult can sneak in secretly and recruit believers. Even if the cult doesn't come, the evil way The monks will not let go of such a good cultivation treasure! It is really tricky!"

Cults seek the trust and trust of believers, while demons use the bones, flesh, and souls of ordinary people to practice magic. Both are not good, and they must be eradicated together! While turning left and right, the eyes are suddenly bright, but there is an open space in the forest, quite open, covered with a row of houses, although it is not as good as the royal city in the capital, it is far better than the houses seen along the road too much.

Qi Ze shook his head again, this place has been repaired in such a grand style, it is the residence of the heads of the "untouchables" outside the city, even among the "untouchables", there are distinctions between high and low, isn't it ridiculous?

Qi Ze's ears moved, his ear consciousness was activated, and he heard the faint sound of reciting scriptures from the row of big houses, and the scriptures said: "So I heard, at that time the Holy Mother of the Golden Lotus descended to the pure world of the Golden Lotus, ascended the throne and Sitting, with the golden lotus appearance on his body, immortality, etc. Thousands of hundred and twenty great disciples gathered to listen to the Holy Mother's preaching."

"The Holy Mother is merciful and sympathetic to the sufferings of all beings. She sighed and said: 'Sentient beings are confused in nature, upside down and confused. They go to and from hell and cannot be liberated. I now use great compassion to preach the righteous law, uproot life and death, and liberate the ordinary. Anyone who recites my name Those who practice my method will gain immeasurable and inconceivable merits, and after death, they can ascend to the pure world of golden lotus, turn into a pure lotus fetus, and enjoy eternal purity!'."

Qi Ze's heart moved, and he thought: "This scripture is so weird! It is clearly a mixture of theories of Buddhism and Taoism, so the Holy Mother of the Golden Lotus must be the evil god enshrined by the cult, but I don't know if there is such a god or something else. What kind of evil heretics pretending! The scriptures are written with more emphasis on the essence of Buddhism, but the word "Holy Mother" is the most frequently called by the Taoist school, it is really nondescript!"

The two dogs shouted at the top of their voices: "I caught a fine work from the city, elders, come and see it!" Qi Ze was interested in listening to what was recorded in the scriptures that followed, but who would have thought that he would call out like this and recite The sound of scriptures stopped abruptly.

There was a burst of chaotic voices in the big house, and someone shouted: "It's Ergou who caught the spy!"

"Okay! Chop that guy into meat paste and feed it to the chicken, so you can eat fat chicken!"

"Shut up! Even if it's a spy, if you kill it, you'll kill it. How can it be used to feed chickens?"

"Shut up, all of you! The Holy Mother told me to be like brothers and sisters, not to quarrel and fight!"

"Nonsense! The Holy Mother only said not to fight each other, when did she say no to quarrel? You misinterpret the meaning of the Holy Mother, it is a serious crime!"

"Cough!" A deep and old cough sounded, and there was suddenly no movement among the crowd.

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