The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 688: The track remains unchanged

I don’t know when the topic on the wine table died from my usual life. It became asking about income, for girlfriend. And talk to each other about the rewards of each other’s children’s academic performance.

However, since Yang Dongxu's New Year's Eve, he has been pulling new products from home to home, and then distributed them to relatives and friends. This has been the case for more than a decade, and even if you don’t come back for the New Year, you will be sent back the New Year’s goods. Few people talked about his income outside the wine table.

Zhou Ya accompanied him back to the Chinese New Year this year, although he said nothing. Zhou Ya didn't admit it, but this year's New Year's Relatives were Zhou Ya's relatives who accompanied Yang Dongxu's relatives. The difference between everything married with other people who married in the countryside was a banquet, the red envelopes given by relatives and friends, and Yang Sanya Zhouya bought by mom took away when she left.

So after eating and drinking at the wine table, the topic naturally shifted to when Yang Dongxu asked the children. Yang Dongxu, who asked me, was very hurt.

Is he not wanting a child and doesn't want to run the banquet? But it is easy to have children, and Zhou Ya also wants to have children early, after all, she is not too young. But the matter of getting married is really not for him to be the master. If he can be the master, when he comes back years ago, he will be willing to do things directly.

So he could only smirk in the face of such problems, and then responded vaguely. Make his parents very dissatisfied and always stare at him with his eyes.

After drinking, everyone got off the table. In the past, several old watches like to sit down and play a few. But this year the two cousins ​​obviously have something to say.

"Xuzi, how about you go to Jiaxing, or go to the south to get a small factory?" Second cousin asked in contemplation.

Although Zhejiang has never had a first-tier city, even in the later rebirth of Yang Dongxu, Hangcheng is striving to become a first-tier city.

But Zhejiang's economic development has always been at the forefront of the national team. Especially under the leadership of Huaxiu, the domestic garment industry has been booming in recent years and exported to foreign countries. It is brought up a large number of small clothing factories.

What Hexin said is this kind of small factory, which in plain terms is the sleeve, that is, sweater stitching. In recent years, such small factories have sprung up like a mushroom in Zhejiang Province.

There are more than 20 or 30 people in many small factories, and only 5 or 6 people are few, and then take out orders for outsourcing sets of some large garment factories. Many people in later generations said that no matter whether large factories or small factories now use workers as livestock, it is only afterwards that there was a shortage of labor in the south of later generations.

But you have to admit that it is this inconspicuous assembly line that works two shifts a day that feeds thousands of families at this time.

The only difference is that some people make money by doing this, and the operating brains take the money out and open this small factory, or make other investments and slowly become the boss. Some of the profitable money is used to improve lives, and has no business mind, and is still a worker in the end.

The former's successful day and night life has become his first history of struggle. The latter was unsuccessful, so this kind of life has become an untold hardship, and different people have different results and different perceptions.

"How do you think of this?" Yang Dongxu asked a little curiously.

After his cousin reasonably married, the family went out to the construction site and made a lot of money. Now the uncle is a large and contracted foreman.

The second cousin, who originally wanted to learn cooking, is said to have done a good job in a hotel and quickly went to the teacher to get a small restaurant. Unexpectedly, the two of them suddenly found themselves asking questions about the collusion today.

"The two of us want to join forces to do some business. This is what Jiaxin's mother-in-law's family did in Jiaxing. Hexin spent more than half a year in college last year. You know a lot about college, so we want to ask your opinion." He said reasonably.

This is obviously a fallacy of ‘an undergraduate should be anything’. However, it is a fallacy to put it on others. He really understands it on Yang Dongxu. After all, he is the big boss of Huaxiu, the largest domestic garment factory.

"How do you think about how much workers you plan to recruit in the first place?" Yang Dongxu asked.

Yang Dongxu was not surprised that his second cousin's mother-in-law's family did this, because their elder mother-in-law's family did this for later generations. Although they did not make a fortune, they made a fortune. The second cousin got married some time later and made some money with his wife.

However, the two people in this life have more choices. For example, they can work on the construction site, open a restaurant, or follow the grandmother’s sports car. They can even find a relaxing job in the city to work. The grandmother can arrange it.

So after his second cousin got married, he thought he wanted to learn cooking and prepared to open a restaurant. He did not expect things to go around or return to the established track.

"I inquired that I didn't need too much money to do this. I and I just need to take 20,000 yuan per person, rent a factory and buy some sewing machines. In the early stage, you can do it without paying wages, eat and live, and give you pocket money every month. Then everything will be settled by the end of the year. My mother-in-law's family did this, so the start-up funds before 40,000 yuan were enough." He Xin said.

In fact, not only small factories do this, but now big factories do the same. Basically, it's all about food and accommodation, and then calculate the monthly payment of pocket money, and pay at the end of the year.

The advantage of this is to reduce the pressure on the factory funds, and the rate of worker turnover is low, because the workers have quit their jobs and the wages are gone. But there is also a disadvantage in doing so, that is, in case the factory collapses, or the boss runs away because of some problem, then the worker’s one year’s work, even if he has worked hard for one year, even the money to buy clothes for his wife and children No.

So slowly this kind of rules and regulations began to be eliminated, because when the workers began to have a choice, they did not come to work in such factories.

However, this situation will continue for several years in private small factories, but the situation of small factories is different from that of large factories. Their workers were not recruited externally, but contacted from their villages or nearby villages at the end of the year.

Many of the workers contacted were actually minors between 15 and 16 years old, and the older ones were around 18 or 9 years old. I haven't worked outside before, so parents who go out are not at ease. So when he met a familiar person, he let his children go with the familiar person. At the same time, because they are people they know, they are not afraid of the boss running away, so they still settle their wages in this form.

"When I was studying at a university in Hangcheng, some of my classmates were from Jiaxing. Their family is a bit related to Jiaxing. If you really want to do this, you should make it bigger. How much money do you want to borrow from my dad? Spread out, so you have to pick up business." Yang Dongxu said in a deep voice.

Although he has not taken the initiative to advise relatives at home for so many years, he supports the relatives working or doing business. Before, he thought about waiting for his big cousin to make it on the construction site, and then he paid for opening a small real estate company.

If the second cousin would like to open a restaurant, let Yang Jiayan's experienced manager help him in the past, and he also invested some money to help him open the restaurant.

Now that the two of them want to open a factory by joining together, he is naturally willing to support him. But because he is not married yet, he is even younger than two people. Lending money directly to the two of them was a little awkward, so he brought his dad out.

"Why don't you try this first? I'm afraid I won't mess it up once I get so big." Hexin is still a little worried.

It's not that he doesn't want to borrow money, he and reasonable know that as long as his wealthy third aunt's family must borrow money they do business. After all, they have no bad records in recent years. They have always given the feeling of being conscientious and conscientious, which is much more reliable than that of the uncle in Ergu’s hometown.

"In that case, you can do business yourself and look at it yourself. In the next two days, you can first go over and look at the facade. Isn’t your second cousin’s mother-in-law over there? Let his family help you check the machinery and workers. What to get up first. I will help you contact your classmates to see if you can get some business."

"That's great, as long as there is an order, the factory will be able to get up in a flash." He looked at him with joy, although his little cousin was a few years younger than him, but he has always been reliable and never let them down.

Three people are saying A Santana car entered the village and drove directly to Uncle Yang Dongxu's victory home. His brow furrowed when he thought about what Sanhong said in the street about Sanhong.

"Sit for a while, I'll go to Xiaoshu's house to see what's going on."

"Okay, you're busy. We're working together for a while, and it's a bit nervous to do this for the first time."

"Haha, I think it's okay to do it. Our family is still worth the money. My opinions are not necessarily right. After all, I haven't been in contact with the pretext. After doing this for half a year, I definitely know more than I know. Yang Dongxu responded with a smile, and raised his leg to his little uncle's house.

Because it was in the afternoon, it had already stopped, and many stalls began to close. The crowded streets in the morning were now idle and empty, and only some children who were still unwilling to walk around some small stalls.

When I came to the courtyard of my little uncle's house, it was very lively. At first sight, it was the victory of many red-faced uncles who were drinking at noon. Opposite the two, there stood a man who appeared slightly dark and accompanied his smiling face first.

"I said, why are you so ignorant? What's wrong with letting out? Can you make less meat? How good is it for everyone to make money together? How can you be greedy if you want to swallow alone?" The man's nose spitting and flying lessons.

The man kept a smile on his face as much as possible, handed cigarettes in his hand and offered to give victory. Sanhong was holding up the victory with one hand, afraid that he would not be able to stand, and looked at the man with a sneer, the expression seemed to say: "Aren't you a cow? Now what grandson?"

"Atsuko is coming, come..."

"There are you everywhere, you drink a few glasses of horse urine, you are not you, you can't go to heaven if you can?" Seeing that Yang Dongxu's aunt had not finished greeting, Grandpa Yang Dongxu walked in from the door angrily .

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