The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2306 Pay attention to education

Whenever students are out of school, it is normal for the roads around the school to be blocked, even in a big city like Shanghai.

After all, when I went to and from school in rural areas, I would go home with the senior children in the same village without my parents picking me up. As soon as school was over, the school gate was full of people.

What's more, now parents in big and small cars all gather at the school gate when school is over. So as early as the last intersection, Yang Dongxu got off the car and asked Zhang Jing to drive home, then went down and walked to the school gate.

Anyway, the school is not very far from home, and the kindergarten children get out of school early, so we can just walk back after picking up the three children.

Zhou Ya was also at home today, so he went to pick up Wen Chen so that Yang Dongxu didn't have to make another trip. Otherwise, Zhang Jing would drive to the intersection in front of the school and find a place to park and wait.

After Yang Dongxu picked up his younger son, he got in the car and went to the elementary school to pick up his eldest son, and then they went home together.

"Is Tangtang good at school?" Yang Dongxu was holding the schoolbags of the two children in one hand and holding his daughter in the other with a look of surprise on his face. As for his son, he was following beside him with his short legs.

Of course, we can't just ignore our daughter, and our son needs to be taken care of, because this kid is even more wild after school than in school. He can't carry the greenery on the roadside and it makes him feel uncomfortable all over.

If you don't pay attention, you won't know where you are going. Moreover, he is very tough and will not change his ways even after being beaten several times.

Fortunately, apart from being naughty and wanting to dig out a mouse hole when he sees it, there is nothing wrong with him in other aspects. Moreover, he does not bully other children in school. Instead, he will help weak children to fight against injustice.

Otherwise, because of his unyielding character even after being beaten, Yang Dongxu would have tried to hang him up and let him have a taste of the belt. There are no children who cannot remember well after being spanked; there are children who are not spanked deeply enough.

Although he is a modern parent, Yang Dongxu strongly approves of traditional education. Of course, rigid reading will definitely not work, and traditional education must take its essence and discard its dross.

At dinner in the evening, Tangtang sat at her small dining table, while Wenchen and Wenwu sat at the big table. The three children ate by themselves without anyone feeding them.

"This year's construction of Hope Primary School can be suspended, but teachers' remuneration needs to be improved, as well as the welfare benefits of remote teachers." Zhou Ya popped out a piece of fish spine and placed it on Tangtang's dinner plate. middle.

Yang Dongxu picked the fish for Wenwu. Wenchen was already old enough to eat fish and picked the fish himself. Zhang Jing next to him picked the shrimp shells for Tangtang.

"It should be mentioned that the key is to retain teachers once there is a school." Yang Dongxu nodded and said.

After so many years of hard work with the government, primary and secondary education across the country has not completely covered all regions, but it is certain that more than 95% of children have schools where they can study.

After all, the country originally invested a lot in education. There used to be six or seven primary schools within five kilometers of Yangjiacun, although this was due to the dense population in the plain.

But what I have to say is that the state has really invested a lot in education. That is to say, in recent years, villages have begun to be removed and merged into towns, and primary schools and middle schools have been slowly removed and merged together.

The Runyu Fund funds basically remote areas. It has been more than ten years since the establishment of the Runyu Fund, and hundreds or dozens of Hope Primary Schools are being built every year. Basically, it can be said that We have achieved full coverage of schooling for children in remote areas.

Only with full coverage can 95 out of 10 children have access to books. This has nothing to do with school teachers. The main issue is that parents of children in some remote areas refuse to let their children go to school. What can be done?

In addition, although the country stipulates nine years of compulsory education, many children in remote areas only attend elementary school. Some do not attend junior high school at all, or some only attend one or two years before going out to work.

In the words of those parents, there is no chance of going to college anyway, just take a few years to learn to read and not be illiterate. If you have that time, you might as well go out to work and earn more money. When school starts, you go to your child’s home and go out to work directly. No one can find you. What can you do?

"In addition, tomorrow the state will start subsidizing free nutritious lunches for primary and secondary schools."

"This is a good thing." Yang Dongxu praised.

Never mind how many people will complain online about how schools are free and end up spending more money than before. There is a problem with the cafeteria of this school, and that school is evil and says that they voluntarily bought school uniforms, but they are not allowed to enter the school if they don’t wear school uniforms, and other abuses.

But one thing to say is that these are the phenomena of individual schools. To be precise, the good scriptures have been misread by those monks who are obsessed with profit.

Generally speaking, the cancellation of tuition and miscellaneous fees for nine-year compulsory education in 2006 will affect the free lunch subsidy system next year. This is because the country has stepped up its efforts to educate and care about children.

Looking at the world, how many countries consider this for the next generation of children?

Even counting the United States, do you want your children to receive the kind of happy education that is like herding sheep, or do you want your children to receive the strict education of China where they can learn knowledge?

Many people always complain that state education is too dogmatic and rigid in everything, killing children's nature. Can nature be killed? It really kills why so many talents come to the fore?

The happy education in the United States does not kill the instinct. As a result, when you go to work, you can’t even add and subtract within 100. Even if you go to school, you will be half-illiterate in society. If you want your children to be like this, then you Just don't go to school, just stay at home and wander around to release your natural instincts.

"It's a good thing, but some schools in remote places have taken the canteen issue into consideration when building schools, but there are hundreds of students in one school, and procurement is a big problem. Many students are in the mountains, not close to the market."

It's easy to recruit workers in poor areas. If you say you can provide three meals a day for your children, many people will be happy to do so for free. Poor mountains and rivers do not just produce unscrupulous people. Many farmers are so honest and heart-warming.

But the kitchen labor is easy to solve, and purchasing is indeed a big trouble. Cooking meals for hundreds of people at one time is not a small project. It requires a lot of various vegetables, meat, and eggs, and they need to be fresh. Small markets simply don’t do it. If you don’t have enough purchases, you have to go to the big market.

Although the country has proposed an infrastructure plan to connect every village as early as 1998, it will indeed take several years for this huge plan to cover remote areas. Therefore, it is okay to say that it is sunny, but it is windy, rainy, or in the north. Not only is long-distance shopping difficult in winter, but walking on mountain roads is also dangerous.

"What does the higher-ups think about this issue?"

"There is no good solution for the time being, and after the policy comes down, it is still the people below who will implement it, so the most likely solution is to adapt measures to local conditions. If you want to do everything down to the smallest detail, the people above are powerless even if they want to. After all, it covers all schools across the country. The base of tens of millions of students and more than 100,000 schools is too large, and there simply aren’t enough manpower to cover everything.”

"Yes, with so many people and so many schools having to take care of it, it is really impossible to solve every difficulty. We can only solve it according to local conditions and our own situation." Yang Dongxu also nodded helplessly.

Sometimes it’s not that the superiors don’t want to do things well, the main thing is that they really can’t take care of it. Moreover, sometimes no one says anything about the things they do well. If a school has a problem, the scandal will be known to the world, which will lead to complaints about education on the Internet in later generations. .

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