Yang Dongxu is in the United States, but the domestic calls are constant. The main reason for so many calls is that Zhu Xian is about to be released. As the gatekeeper and editor of this film, Yang Dongxu has to keep calling back to the director to communicate with the special effects company, and even some shots need to be reshot.

As for the work of other companies, there is not much work. After all, the executives of other companies have been used to their big bosses for so many years.

So unless there are some big things that cannot be handled, Yang Dongxu will basically not be contacted, but Zhang Jing will be contacted more often.

"Actually, you don't have to stay in the country all the time. I can do it by myself." Dai'er, who watched Yang Dongxu put down the hot phone to charge and brought over a cup of tea, said with some distress.

To be honest, since she met Yang Dongxu until now, she has never seen this man so busy. Especially since I am so busy, I still spend most of my time on her every day, from asking her what she wants to eat every day and letting the chef arrange the dishes, to going for various walks in the morning and evening, and coaxing her to sleep.

Especially when she was pregnant and sick, Dai'er felt very happy when she was busy before and after, but happiness belongs to happiness. As a woman who knows the general, she can't delay her man's career.

"Other tasks can be pushed back, you are the most important thing now." Yang Dongxu took the tea and put it on the table, stretched out his hand to gently hug Dai'er, let him sit on his lap, and reached out to caress Dai'er's cheeks abdomen.

To be honest, apart from being nervous when his father Zhou Ya was pregnant for the first time, he was relatively calm when Bai Qian and Li Fuzhen were pregnant.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Baiqian and Li Fuzhen didn't suffer from morning sickness when they were pregnant, and they were in good physical condition. Now facing her fourth child, she suddenly became nervous again. This is directly related to Dai'er's miscarriage before.

If Dai'er hadn't had a miscarriage before, her physical condition would be as stable as when Li Fuzhen was pregnant. Whether Dai'er is in the country of America, or flying back and forth from Huaxia in the country of America, he won't be so concerned.

Dai'er leaned her head on Yang Dongxu's chest and enjoyed this unique happiness!

While Yang Dongxu, who was holding Dai'er, put his head on Dai'er's abdomen and gently stroked the little life, his head was spinning rapidly. First, I review the edited clips I just watched, and find out if I have missed anything, or where the edits are inappropriate.

Then I began to think about how the movie "Zhu Xian" was promoted abroad. It is obviously not enough to rely solely on the influence of the novel to promote it.

The purpose of the novel first is to let this foreign friend understand China's mythology and cultivation system, and let them know that these things will not be confused when they read novels or movies about China's cultivation of immortality.

These are actually seeds, and the effect of just activating the seeds is obviously not what Yang Dongxu wants. What he wants is to attract a large number of foreign friends who have read the seeds of novels.

In this way, when these people watch movies because they don’t understand Huaxia Xiuxian, they may not understand some parts. They can only appreciate the surface of the plot and the gorgeous special effects, but they don’t understand the core of the movie.

But when they walk into the movie theater, and then a book fan seed who has read the novel and knows the Huaxia Cultivation System, then if this seed enthusiastically explains some things that movie audiences don't understand, then this seed will maximize its benefits.

In short, these seeds are the points of explosion one by one, and what Yang Dongxu has to do is to attract more people to the seeds, and when the seeds explode, they can radiate to more people, so that the novels of the Huaxia Cultivation of Immortals series will come. Book fans exploded.

In this way, even if the first Jade Dynasty movie can't do Avatar, with these foundations, the second Jade Dynasty movie will definitely be a hit. And it's not just Zhu Xian who will explode.

After all, there are these novel fans as the basis. The entire Huaxia Cultivation of Immortals series of novels will become popular, so Yang Dongxu's plan to go overseas with online novels can almost officially pick up the sickle to harvest the first wave of leeks, which is what he wants.

"It seems that the upper limit of overseas publicity fees needs to be raised again, and some superstars need to be invited to the platform at that time." Michael Jackson and others first flashed in Yang Dongxu's mind.

Wouldn't it be useful to treat Michael Jackson before, and to let him go to China to hold a concert in China for further cooperation?

In addition, other Hollywood companies that want to release movies in China are also potential targets that he can use, and then the sports stars in his hand will also bet on this wave.

Although Yang Dongxu is not sure whether the first part of Zhu Xian can surpass Avatar, but he can't admit that he is cowardly right away?

So use all available resources to see how far I can go with my best efforts in the first part, so that the results of the second part can be almost predicted, so I can better plan things after that.

In addition to these propaganda methods guided by public opinion, there is also a hard-core method that must be used, such as things such as the review of movies and unimpeded releases, but these things are not done by Yang Dongxu, but by small Jack and others will do it.

Over the years, Little Jack and others have also made a lot of money in Yang Dongxu's series of film investments, but they only follow the money. Although they are interested in Hollywood, they always keep a distance from the Chinese culture promoted by Yang Dongxu.

Regarding this point, Yang Dongxu also knows the reason in his heart. Although Little Jack cooperates with him, he wants to replace Morgan and other big consortiums. But what they want after their replacement is not only wealth, but also control over the entire United States, and a deeper level of American hegemony over the world.

For example, take a Hollywood that is not the core. Although Little Jack and others want to control the entire Hollywood, what they want is a Hollywood that continues to import culture and American values ​​to other countries.

It's not that a Hollywood that accepts Chinese culture and likes Chinese culture is needed. Even if this Chinese culture is just an online novel, it won't work.

This is not a question of money or not, it is a question of one's own foundation.

Yang Dongxu is also aware of this point, so after a few trials to understand the bottom line of Little Jack and others, apart from occasionally carrying private goods. Regarding the overseas promotion of Huaxia's online novels, he has always been doing it and did not involve Little Jack and others.

However, when both parties were in the honeymoon period of cooperation before, they could maintain this tacit understanding and not mention these sensitive points, and only talk about other profitable projects.

But now Yang Dongxu is going to break this tacit understanding and stimulate the nerves of Little Jack and others. This is also a means of beating these people.

As for reducing their 4G income before, in Yang Dongxu's view, these things belonged to him originally. Although he had paid to Little Jack and others before, these people only took the benefits and did not work.

So these things are not Little Jack and others's or his own. They used their own things to cooperate with Locke, and Little Jack and others did not pay anything.

As for the cancellation of tariffs on their own products, these are what they should do, and he has already paid for it. Therefore, it is necessary to make these people pay something from other aspects.

Of course, this kind of stimulation directly to the bottom line is a bit intense, and there will definitely be a stress reaction, and this continuous beating, in the eyes of Yang Dongxu, is taking back his own things and redistributing them, but in the eyes of Little Jack and others, it is step by step. pressing.

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