The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1306 Company Party

Women do things more quickly than men. I just decided to open an online store here, and I don't know how to open an online store. Li Li is going to Yiwu and other places to inspect the small clothing market first.

It is said to learn about the equipment and employees of these small garment factories, and see if they can produce the styles of clothes they need.

This is obviously a serious distrust of domestic manufacturing, what clothing styles are. Who doesn't know that the speed of Chinese manufacturing is generally directly proportional to the speed of Party A's payment, and not only the speed is fast, but the quality is just right as long as the money is in place.

"The company's star personal investment plan to make a movie has come down, would you like to take a look?" The next day, Li Li was sent to the plane to Zhejiang Province. As soon as Yang Dongxu arrived at the company, Liu Zongsheng took a document to the office.

"Just hold a meeting and discuss it. You have the right to sign such an investment, so I don't need to sign it. Are there many people who want to make their own movies?" Yang Dongxu couldn't help asking.

"On the contrary, after the general outline of this plan was laid out, I revealed some of it to the outside world, and as a result, the number of big names who planned to film by themselves has decreased a lot compared to before." Liu Zongsheng said with a smile.

"It's normal. After all, it doesn't feel bad for a cub to sell his father's land. Now it's his turn to pay, so naturally he has to be cautious." Yang Dongxu said casually.

The dream of being a director is still very attractive to actors. After all, in this age of embarrassment, who wouldn't want to be called a 'big talent'?

In fact, at the beginning of this matter, only a few of the big names had this idea. They are already the top group of stars in Asia, and if they want to move forward, they can only rush to the world.

But at present, even though Hainer has opened up the situation in Hollywood, most of the artists used are European and American artists. It is still very difficult for Asian stars to gain recognition in the European and American markets, so this road still seems a bit far away.

So acting has reached its peak, and singing scores are just as meaningless. So they naturally thought that they have been acting for so many years, why not direct a movie.

As a result, when Haina artists had a private gathering to connect with each other, a certain big name mentioned this matter. In an instant, many artists were moved together. After all, they are very experienced in acting. As for the director, why don't they direct a little bit on the spot? If they can succeed, there will undoubtedly be another way.

So these people gathered together to test the ideas of the company's top executives intentionally or unintentionally. After all, the top management of the company will give some new directors a sum of money every year to make movies. By the way, they will train their own directors, and at the same time, they will also gamble on whether there will be a blockbuster and make a lot of money.

It's all a gamble anyway, why not gamble on yourself? At least he is more or less a well-known actor. If he directs and acts in a movie, he will have a certain box office appeal.

Anyway, basically, there are not many who really want to be directors, or are really talented to be directors, and most of them just join in the fun. It costs the company's money to make a movie. If you succeed, you can develop a new path. If you don't succeed, you can continue to be your own artist. Anyway, you don't lose anything.

But as soon as this plan came out, it undoubtedly made many people retreat in an instant. After all, it hurts him to spend his own money, and when he thinks about it carefully, it seems that being a director and filming is not that simple, and he obviously still has many shortcomings.

Anyway, after this regulation is enacted by the company, it will not be canceled for a long time. So I should film first to accumulate a lot of experience, and then become a director in the future.

"Did you already know that this would be the result?" Liu Zongsheng asked with a smile.

This matter has given him a headache for several days. After all, they are all cash cows that can make money for the company. Suddenly there is such a common need. If it is not handled well, it will definitely affect the relationship between these artists and the company.

Yang Dongxu shrugged and said nothing.

"The boss is the boss, so I'm convinced." Liu Zongsheng gave him a thumbs up, and Yang Dongxu gave him a blank stare.

So he also knew that it was time to talk about business with interest. His boss was in a hurry to deal with the company's affairs every day and then left. He didn't have time to listen to him here.

"That's right, Hua Tsai wants to be a director, but he is not personally investing. He is planning to let his company cooperate with our company, so when filming, some of the characters want to use people from his company. "

"According to normal cooperation standards, it's fine. Don't think about this matter so complicated. When you analyze this matter in detail, let's pay a small amount of money to make these cash cows happy. Whether they can realize their dreams is a matter of their own personal ability.

So since they are now taking the bulk of the film, it is the capital side. Since it is the capital side, who to choose as the director, shoot the script, and who to use as the protagonist is naturally up to him. "

"Of course I understand the truth, but this kind of running with Haina's signboard as an escort, although we don't invest much money, the signboard is worth a thousand dollars." Liu Zongsheng was somewhat entangled.

After all, the works invested by Haina Film and Television are now basically guaranteed by the box office. Therefore, although Haina's investment in this matter is small, it is true that the other party can use this sign to make money. At that time, it was Haina's own reputation that was lost.

"I ignored this matter." Yang Dongxu rubbed his chin, "How about this, let's just pay money and not name it, or set up a separate shell company.

All funds are linked to the name of the company, and when the subtitles of the movie play the name and unit of the investment, the name of the company will also be played. "

"This is a way, just because I am afraid that those big names will disagree."

"The reasons for disagreeing are nothing more than two points. One is that I don't have confidence in my own work and wants Haina to accompany me. The second is that I want to make money with Haina's signature. Why do such big names stay in the company? Chinese New Year ?"

"It's clear." Liu Zongsheng clapped his hands and stood up.

What he wanted was the words of his big boss. After all, the big names who made demands on the company were basically shareholders of the company. Although they were holding stock options, they were also shareholders. So sometimes he, the CEO, has too many constraints in doing things.

Now that the big boss has spoken, he naturally has no scruples. If something really messes up, just get out of here. Anyway, Haina is not short of one or two people, even if you are a big name, but Haina has already established a gold-letter signboard in the hearts of the audience, and it really doesn't matter if you leave or not.

"By the way, the annual financial report of the BS company in Korea has come down, do you want to take a look at it?"

"Manager Li has come to Yanjing?"

"That's not true, just send the financial report first according to the usual practice. After a while, Li Xiuman, the person in charge over there, brought the team to the head office for an annual meeting.

In addition to the company's high-level meeting to study tomorrow's company strategy and planning, this annual meeting will be held. Someone suggested that we could have a company party, the kind that would be filmed on TV.

At that time, let the South Korean branch come out with a few programs, and the American branch will come with a few Hollywood stars, so that a party will be put together.

In the past few years, domestic entertainment companies, media companies, and model agencies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. We can't just shoot works and ignore them. Just taking advantage of such an annual party, let's show off the prestige of the leader. "

"This is a good idea." Yang Dongxu nodded: "How about this, you have a meeting to draw up a business plan, and if there is no problem, let the finance side approve the funds."

"It doesn't cost much, it doesn't cost much to rent a gymnasium for the party venue, and it doesn't cost much if the artists are all our own." Liu Zongsheng said with a smile.

"If it is televised, is there any TV station interested?"

"This is the last thing to worry about, after all, Heiner's status is here. And not counting those Korean stars and international stars from Hollywood.

As far as our own stars are concerned, they are all big names, and the ratings will not be bad after a party. I'm still afraid that when the news is released, those TV stations will fight for the rights to broadcast. "Liu Zongsheng is very confident.

"It's inflated." Yang Dongxu teased: "Well, the broadcasting rights under the same conditions can be given priority to CCTV, after all, where is the status of CCTV in the hearts of the audience, it is basically equivalent to the official.

They come to broadcast our party, which can also improve the status of our company in the eyes of the audience. Secondly, the broadcast rights can be given to provincial satellite TVs, and only two of them will be sold. You can discuss this at your own discretion.

Forget about small local TV stations, don’t broadcast our programs at that time, they will insert some advertisements for dog skin plasters to lower our grade. By the way, you can ask those big companies if anyone sponsors them. If there is sponsorship, you may not only spend no money but also make a fortune. "

"Our company's annual party is still looking for someone to sponsor?" Liu Zongsheng was a little dazed.

Isn't sponsorship something like a glamorous thing done by companies that don't know what to do and want to save face?

"It's so strange, what's wrong with finding a sponsor? It's reasonable for our stars to endorse others. But it's a bit out of class to use this thing to make money.

In this way, you can ask if anyone has sponsored our star-studded annual gala. If so, the sponsorship fee will definitely be higher. Otherwise, I'm sorry for the worth of us stars, and all the sponsorship money we got will be donated to Runyu Fund for charity.

Our stars can be regarded as giving free charity performances at their own annual meeting, which can be regarded as contributing to public welfare. "The more Yang Dongxu talked, the more he felt that this method was good.

Although Liu Zongsheng felt a little bit wrong, but after listening to his big boss, it seemed that there were only advantages and no disadvantages in this way of operation. As if there was no reason to chew.

As for the weird feeling in my heart that I can't turn around and play, I just keep it in my heart and don't say it. Anyway, it's not the first time I feel like this, my boss can always do a show operation inadvertently.

"Then do you want to borrow a few from CCTV for the host?"

"There's no need for that. Since it's the company's annual meeting, it can't be as formal as the Spring Festival Gala. Otherwise, it's almost the end of the year after the annual meeting. What do you ask others to do with the Spring Festival Gala? There are several of our artists who come to the show every year." What about the quota for the Spring Festival Gala?

So the atmosphere is made more cheerful, as long as there are no major accidents during the rehearsal. Occasionally, some small accidents, or small mistakes are more friendly to the people. After all, we are a company, not an official. "

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