The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1249 Rural Life

After eating, my aunt's complexion improved a lot, because Zhou Ya gave her another set of jewelry and told her the price. Although the link that I accidentally sent out was worth more than 200,000 yuan, I feel very distressed, but I feel better after having another more expensive one.

But when I thought that I had given away more than 200,000 things casually, I should be depressed. Even the eyes that looked at my uncle's victory were wrong.

This made the uncle Shengli, who was a little drunk after eating and drinking, and originally wanted to go to the market to find someone to play two rounds of mahjong, but seeing the look in his wife's eyes, he just went home and went to sleep in despair.

"Not at noon, wait until the evening to go there together, the little ghost at noon grabbed your leg and dragged you into the deep water to drown."

The adults sat and chatted together after dinner, and Jiejie made a fuss about going swimming. Compared with his unreliable old man, this cousin who is much older than himself is similar to Superman in his eyes. Basically, everything he wanted since childhood can be found from his cousin.

Of course, Yang Dongxu, the cousin, is old enough to be the kid in front of me, so it's impossible to spoil this guy. So when the kid at home made a fuss in front of him, he didn't beat him less.

And every time when he was beaten, Jiejie went home to complain and he would be beaten for the second time. So gradually he felt a little love-hate towards his cousin. And a child is a bit cheap, the more you ignore him, the more he likes to look in front of you.

"Then I'll go home and take a big cart, go play in Zhaizigou first, and then go to Datang at night."

What noon top, ghost dew shadow. This is still a deterrent to children. After all, how could it be possible for children living in rural areas not to hear a few ghost stories from childhood to adulthood.

The car belt that Jiejie talked about is actually the inner tube of the truck. Some inner tubes are unusable due to too much filling, which poses a safety risk, so after being fully inflated, they become swimming rings for rural children.

Now a person with such a swimming ring is treated like a big brother among the small partners. It would be even more amazing if I could steal a big iron basin from home and put it inside, turning the tire into a small boat.

Few children in rural areas are taught to swim, and all those who can swim basically grow up under the soles of their parents' shoes.

But children are also smart, knowing that if they sneak into the water and go to the big pond, they will basically be beaten severely. If you go to Zhaizihao, where the water is relatively shallow, it is basically no big deal.

After all, the deepest part of the moat in the house is only up to the chin of older children, and it is not dangerous to have a few deeper pools occasionally.

In the event of any drowning, older children can easily pull it up. If it is really impossible, just shout and a random adult can pull it up with a sharp plunge, and the danger is not great.

After all, the Zhaizihao is on the side of the old house. Except that Yang Dongxu widened and deepened the Zhaizigou on the Yangzhai side to prevent it from being useful due to house repairs, the Zhaizihao of other old houses are still the same.

And there are still a few families living in it, and people often pass by on the road next to it. Unlike the big pond, if there is any danger, the water is so big that it is hard to save it. Even if the child comes back and calls for help, it will delay the effort.

So under the stick, the children in the village basically understand that swimming in the big pond is more enjoyable because the water surface is bigger, but they can only go into the water when there are adults. There must be older children.

Looking at the older children in the village, all of them ran to Zhaizihao in their underpants just after eating, and they didn't care at all about indigestion caused by going into the water just after eating.

In fact, not only did they not care, but few parents in the village cared too much. After all, the children in the countryside are hardworking, who didn't soak in the water for an hour or two in the summer when they were young.

After dinner, I went to Zhaizihao to play crazy. My hands were wrinkled and I came up again. I took a slingshot and wandered around the village in the woods and bamboo gardens.

It doesn't have to be bird hunting, but it is also possible to kill a hornet's nest. No childhood is complete without a bruise from a wasp sting.

In this way, cats hate dogs and hang around all afternoon. In the evening, I will go to the big pond with my adults to play wildly.

This is life during the weekend housing prices. Except for a few excellent academics, other children do not have this time consumption at all.

Of course, there are not one or two children who do not do their homework and are beaten every day. A child who does not get good grades and plays truant will be more severely beaten if he is caught than sneaking into the lobby.

In short, if the child does not study well, he will be beaten once. If he is still not good, then he will be beaten again. After graduation, he has not learned well, and his body is strong enough to work.

If you are disobedient, you will definitely be beaten, and you will continue to be disobedient. Being mischievous is also a beating, and the childhood of rural children is basically incomplete without being beaten. And being beaten is not an occasional thing, it is a common thing, especially for boys.

"Relax at home, you don't need to be busy over there, it stinks over there in summer." Yang Dongxu was going to help the pig farm when he was free.

In the end, she was driven back by Yang's mother, and by the way, she also stuffed the still rare grandson into her son's arms. Obviously he didn't want his son to go to the pig farm, but he just said casually, mainly because he couldn't let his grandson go so as not to get smoked.

In fact, the smell of the pig farm is not very strong. After all, the Yang family ran the pig farm to make money at the beginning, but now it is just a business to make a living and have things to do so as not to be bored.

So a very good septic tank was built on the pig farm very early on, and the smell was bad for a few days during spring and autumn harvest all year round.

At least even if the wind is blowing and the side is downwind, the people in Jishang can't smell the smell of pig feces. Besides, the pig farm is still some distance away from the village, and the surrounding wasteland has also been bought by the Yang family.

No crops were planted, no chicken farm or anything, but a lot of trees were planted. The most frequent place for children in the village to hunt birds or catch cicadas is the woods.

Under Yang Dongxu's suggestion, there was no poplar that grows faster and is now very popular in the wasteland. In order to avoid all kinds of catkins flying around in a few years.

Instead, some miscellaneous trees were planted, such as mulberry, locust tree, elm and Ailanthus tree. The reason for Yang's mother and Yang's father is also very simple, that is, some parts of these trees are good Chinese medicinal materials.

Now the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine in Yangjia Village is very popular, and it has overshadowed the limelight of growing vegetables in greenhouses a few years ago. There are many Chinese medicines, and I have some understanding of Chinese medicinal materials.

So every year, some mulberry, elm money, or Ailanthus gum, etc., no longer know that they are medicinal materials but don't know how to get them.

Especially when some children want to get pocket money, the most common thing to do in summer is to collect cicada shells and poke hornet's nests. Now there are several more items to collect Chinese medicinal materials on trees.

Generally, parents don't care about such a situation, but if they sell for more money. Being a mother is definitely not at ease, so she will tell her child to help you keep part of it

Zhou Ya sorted out the gifts for relatives in the next few days upstairs, and her son didn't intend to take a nap. So Yang Dongxu took him for a stroll in the village.

Rural people are used to thrift, so under the shade of the trees, there are people who have nothing to do to enjoy the cool after eating, although there are many fans and even air conditioners at home.

But it is basically for the children at home to take a nap to avoid the heat. If you have nothing to do, you can come out and enjoy the cool under the shade of the tree. The small wind is more comfortable than blowing a fan at home, and there are people to chat with.

Xiao Wenchen was running around, and it wasn't long before he left, so when the sense of familiarity came back, he wasn't afraid of naughty buttons and scratches at all.

After a while, I played with a group of children who were about the same age, and didn't play with any toys. It's just chasing and running around, laughing and out of breath, and I don't know why they are so happy.

Yang Dongxu greeted the villagers with a smile, handed him a cigarette when he met a man, and smiled shyly when he met a bold woman who made fun of him.

After a while, a group of little kids, attracted by the big kids who went into the water in the moat not far away, stood by the water one by one, and a few courageous activists started to pull their little clothes and prepare to drag them. down.

Yang Dongxu hurriedly ran over in three steps and two steps, because Xiao Wenchen was also rushing over there with a group of little kids, even though they were all four or five-year-old children, their short legs were more than one.

First, it was the unwilling cry that was stopped by an adult, and then the slap sounded the tingling pain on the buttocks, making the cry even louder.

The cries were accompanied by the sound of adults yelling at the older children who had entered the water in the ditch of the house, but the older children didn't mind at all. They climbed up the crooked neck trees next to the ditch and jumped down one by one, playing more happily. The little boy who was stopped cried even harder.

So it didn't take long for me to be happy, and an adult rushed over with a bamboo stick in his hand, and the cheerful children who were playing in the water hurriedly climbed ashore and dispersed.

Although adults don't mind older children playing with water in the moat, it's not okay to make the younger ones cry. The people in Yangjia Village are basically relatives, some belong to a grandfather, or a great-grandfather.

The generation of the parents is basically cousins, and some of the children who are made to cry are their own younger brothers and sisters. The younger ones have already received two slaps on the buttocks, so why not save the older ones for the New Year?

After a while of howling ghosts and howling wolves, it finally calmed down, and the little girl started running around again before her tears dried.

"When did you come back?"

The people who came were not the little five who were familiar with Yang Dongxu. Summer was officially the peak season for fruit demand, and they all went out for long distances and never came back. The visitor's nickname is Xiaoga, who is from Xu Zhai, and he has a younger brother named Xiaodong.

Not all the people with the surname Yang in the Yang family village, there are people with the surname Xu, Li and Sun, but compared to the people with the surname Yang, there are fewer people with other surnames. It has been said that there are many people surnamed Xu who are surnamed Yang.

"I just came back in the morning. I heard that you built a car repair shop in the town. How come you are free?" Yang Dongxu smiled and took the cigarette handed over, holding the wind and lighting it with the fire that Xiao Ga sent. He generally doesn't smoke, but it's okay to smoke a few with him in the village once in a while.

"The car repair shop is the big car business in our area. Now the big cars are running outside and haven't come back. The cars in the town can be counted with two hands now, and the rest are some tricycles and tractors. maintenance.

In the Xiawang Village on the west side of the town, there are a few half-pull pegs who taught me how to repair cars. They can handle simple tasks, so before those big cars come back, I will be free for two days.

You said, what if I move the repair shop back to our market? Every time Xiao Wu and the others came back, they said that it was too troublesome to go back and forth to the town to repair the car. "Xiao Ga started to chat while smoking a cigarette.

"If we talk about the future, it would be better to put the repair shop in the town, unless the town government can move to our village to work." Yang Dongxu said jokingly.

In fact, he also knew that Xiaoga was just chatting, although because of the wealth of Yangjia Village, it is said that there are more cars in the ten miles and eight towns. But Wuli Town is relying on a provincial road.

That's because Xiaoga just learned auto repair and came back to the repair station. There are not many regular customers. If he insists on waiting for a year or two, there will be more regular customers. The business must be better than opening here in Yangjiacun.

What's more, the repair shop in the town has become famous. Basically, anyone in the town will go to repair the car if it breaks down. After all, the shop has a lot of parts. Although the roads on the Yangjiaji side are good, the geographical location is not advantageous after all.

Xiao Ga moved back to the market now, and when other people in the town opened a repair shop to make a name for themselves, they would definitely not be able to win the business.

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