The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1156 Attitudes of all parties

"Shet, Falk, shit." Perez was like a mad bull in his office, his eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot.

The entire office was in a mess, but the assistant at the door didn't dare to come in and tidy it up. Because the big swollen bump on his forehead reminded him that it is better not to enter his boss's office at this time.

Perez's rage was because he had not responded to the official extradition treaty issued by London so far. Although the extradition treaty is not that simple, there are many procedures to go through, and it cannot be completed in a day or two.

But in special cases, all the procedures can be completed within one day to achieve extradition, but now there is no news. Not even a response at all.

He has already noticed that things have gone further and further on a track beyond his control, especially after he got the detailed report of the case.

If Parker stood in front of him at this time, he would have shot him dead. The subordinates who originally felt very profitable, actually made such a big mistake this time.

If he revealed his identity in advance and was shot, she would not need to come forward at all. Those crazy radicals in the US government will take the initiative to test the pressure on London and take the extradition back into their own hands.

At that time, there is no need for him to charge forward, just hide behind and watch those radical performances. This matter might turn out to be a good thing, and I was favored by the big boss of the radical faction.

But now they have no tenable reason to propose forced extradition, although some radical leaders are still very radical. But anyone who understands knows that they are just scaring people now.

Because that's not how the rules work. It seems that these radicals are clamoring very much now, as if they would directly launch a war without judging that kid.

But it's just a bluff. If you think about it with your ass, you know that it is impossible for Congress to allow these people to start a war with a big country. Especially under the premise that both sides have weapons to destroy the earth, not everyone is radical and wants to be buried together.

Now Congress seems to support these radicals, but it is just a tactic.

If the opponent backs down, the initiative will return to the United States, and it will be up to them whether to flatten or round that kid.

If you can't be scared, it means that everyone sat down and talked slowly after threatening each other. But talking slowly is obviously not what Perez wants to see, because it is extremely detrimental to him.

But now the other party's rare attitude is extremely tough, and London is ambiguous. A pair of oneself does not stand in line, and will not take the blame and remain neutral. This made him have no good way to advance this matter for a while.

"Even if you can't extradite to the United States, you have to go to the International Court. Yes, the International Court!" Perez stroked the hair on the top of his head, and his eyes, which were originally anxious like a trapped animal, gradually lit up. Moved away the mess at his feet, went to the desk, picked up the fixed phone and started making calls.

As a result, there was no sound when I picked it up, only to find that the phone line was disconnected when I was furious.

"Shet, shit, David, did you die outside? Come and pack your things and fix the phone for me. If you can't fix all this within ten minutes, you will get out of here immediately." Pere growled.

When Perez yelled, Yang Dongxu met his personal lawyer Abron in the London police station.

"Boss, you made a big case for me this time." In the meeting room, Abron saw Yang Dongxu, reached out to shake Yang Dongxu's hand, and was stopped by the police next to him when he wanted to hug him.

He looked very relaxed with a smile on his face, as if he was very sure about the case. Obviously, he had already learned about this case before coming to see Yang Dongxu.

If there is no force majeure factor, even if the identity of the deceased is very sensitive, it is easy to cause diplomatic incidents. He is also very sure of winning the lawsuit, and guarantees that his BOSS and his bodyguards are fine.

"Only with such a case can you earn a large amount of legal fees, right?" Yang Dongxu joked, looking very relaxed, which made Abron heave a sigh of relief.

A calm and rational BOSS will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the case, and will not make any demands that make him difficult or cause trouble.

"Indeed, I've had my eye on a yacht for a long time, maybe after I win this lawsuit, I can own it." Abron said with a smile.

After joking and joking to ease the atmosphere, Abrang's face became serious. Originally, I was just joking to ease my boss' nervousness, but now that my boss is fine, I naturally want to start working immediately.

"I have done a detailed understanding of the case, and there is no problem with your side being completely self-defense. However, the current media reports and some news hype are not good for you." Abron said.

Yang Dongxu nodded to understand the hidden meaning of Abron, and this is also an effective method used by the Americans. Even if you don't take it seriously, you have to use the large amount of media in your hands to forcibly discredit your opponent and stand on the commanding heights of public opinion. In order to promote the development of the case in one's own favor.

"You can contact my wife." Yang Dongxu said.

Abron nodded understandingly, if his memory is correct. He remembered that he had handled several equity disputes in media companies for some elegant lady.

Although those media companies certainly have no way to compete with the large-scale media in the United States, let alone many American younger brothers are now clamoring for it.

But as long as it can happen, the facts of the case will be reported and let people know. Then they have already taken the initiative. After all, although public opinion will affect the progress of the case, it does not play a decisive role.

Cases still need to be based on evidence and facts, and the guidance of public opinion is only to induce judges and jury to make judgments in their favor from the side. But this kind of inducement is vulnerable to hard evidence, unless both the judge and the jury are bribed.

Yang Dongxu obviously knew this too, that's why he was so calm at this moment. But there is one thing he is very puzzled about, that is why the Americans are staring at him. Seeing the way the detectives shot when they came down, it was obvious that there was no limit to their arrogance. There were problems that he didn't know yet.

And Abron undoubtedly thought of this, "Then let's move on to the next question, Boss, did you do something in the United States that made the FBI unhappy? This is very important Boss, I hope you can tell frankly Me. This may affect the judgment of the entire case, I'd better know in advance and prepare."

"It's not that I don't trust you, Abram. I have always admired your work ability and professionalism. I also have complete trust in you. After all, you have helped me and my wife with so many financial cases.

But this time I really don't know why. "Yang Dongxu shrugged helplessly: "I really don't know, please believe me on this point."

I am still very confused now, where did I provoke the FBI. Even if it is provoked, the other party's ability can directly arrest me, instead of appearing and attacking me like a gangster on the way, so I am also very puzzled about this matter. "

Abrang looked into Yang Dongxu's eyes, although he knew that his boss was not simple, it was impossible to see something from his eyes. Even though he is very good at slandering and watching sex, and has also studied psychology.

But when Yang Dongxu finished speaking, he instinctively felt that his boss was not lying. In fact, not only Yang Dongxu was puzzled, but Abrang was also very puzzled.

Although the FBI has always been very arrogant, but this time the so-called arrest was indeed a little too rampant. And this is in the UK, not the US, and the other party even came up and fired a gun.

"I will advance the case to the BOSS as soon as possible." Abron said.

Smart, he didn't immediately say to release Yang Dongxu on bail as soon as possible. Everyone knows that this matter is very sensitive. Especially the one who died was the FBI UK, which obviously wouldn't let him go easily.

However, it is different to advance the trial of the case. After all, based on the evidence currently in hand, it is very beneficial to my side. Advance the trial of the case, and of course Yang Dongxu will be free if he wins the case after the trial is over.

When Yang Dongxu met with his lawyer, the Toy Manor where he lived before was searched by the police for the first time. However, whether it was Fortlin or the police, they only asked Troy routinely, and did not investigate Troy's meaning in depth.

Instead, they checked Yang Dongxu's identity and his bodyguard's identity over and over again. There was nothing wrong with fighting for this matter, and I didn't want to make any further complications.

However, although the police did not investigate Toy's meaning in depth, Toy flew directly from the United States to the UK after receiving the news. And met Andre and Abramovich for the first time.

"Toy, you know our identities. Except for Roman, we are not so free. If you want to intervene in this matter, you will get burned." Andre looked at Troy who was sitting opposite and said.

Both his and Toy's identities were not so glorious, and the official people did not touch them. It is because they are harming the interests of Northern Russia and investing in Europe and the United States. So people in these countries turn a blind eye to their existence.

But to involve the FBI, this is undoubtedly forcing the other party to do something to them. Of course, they are not made of mud, anyone can bully them. But getting involved in this matter is quite uneconomical in Andre's view.

"That's my friend Uncle Andre, friend, do you understand? If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gotten away so easily when I went to Northern Russia last time. The Ivan family's business wasn't as smooth as it is today." Toy said with a serious face .

He also knew that it was not good to get involved in this matter, but he couldn't give up helping Yang Dongxu. Maybe he will lose something because of this incident, but in his opinion, as long as Yang Dongxu is fine, everything is worth it.

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