The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1124 Director Ning

Yellow leaves always give people a feeling of depression. But Yanjing is getting more and more crowded with people walking in a hurry, but there is no loneliness like winter, but it seems very noisy.

At the intersection of a Hutong in Houhai. Yang Dongxu got off the car, Wang Sheng and others followed behind him, walked into the alley, and then came to a relatively quiet tavern.

Some people like the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, and naturally some people like to hide and have fun. For example, in the tavern in front of you, although the interior decoration is not as exaggerated as following the retro route, the bonsai and porcelain do make people feel some cultural atmosphere. Instead of the feasting and feasting in Sanlitun.

"Why did you call me here in such a hurry? Is there anything you can't talk about at home?" Yang Dongxu came to the table and sat down.

Naturally, his aunt Ran Feifei and Yu Feihong were sitting opposite him, and beside him was Jiang Wen and a man he didn't know.

Since the last time Ran Feifei drank too much and was brought back to the courtyard by Yang Dongxu, she seemed to be tired of chef Yang's banquet. For the past few days, Ran Feifei lives in the big courtyard and asks Aunt Hua to cook some home-cooked food.

"Jiang Wen's friend, Ning Hao, is a new director. He has won some awards for his directorial works before, and he has a good script in his hand that he wants to invest in, so I invite you to come and take a look." Yang Dongxu and Ran Feifei were obviously not very polite. Yes, especially when gathering in private, there is no need to protect the face of the big boss Yang Dongxu or anything.

Hearing what his aunt said, Yang Dongxu froze for a moment, then looked at Jiang Wen next to him with a puzzled expression.

Because Jiang Wen is now the signed director of Huayi Company, since his friend's script is good. First of all, it should be recommended to Huayi instead of looking for myself through Ran Feifei.

"I'm leaving Huayi soon." Seeing Yang Dongxu's doubts, Jiang Wen explained.

Yang Dongxu, who was originally puzzled, showed a look of sudden realization, although he was basically a hands-off shopkeeper in the matter of Haina Entertainment. But he still knows a little bit about the things in the circle.

For example, in the past two years, Huayi Company has made a lot of money from Feng Xiaopao's New Year films. And people in the film circle who Jiang Wen was the director knew that it was okay to use it as a teaching material, but it was basically a pit in the market.

In addition, Hua Yi signed Jiang Wen not only for his talent as a director, but also because he came from the compound. It has a certain influence in the Beijing circle, and Hua Yi, which has just been established, needs people very much.

Now that Hua Yi has gained a firm foothold with the Lunar New Year film, Jiang Wenle, even though his directing career has been temporarily blocked, still focuses on being a director and doesn't like acting very much. Even in acting, I like to direct and act on my own, which undoubtedly creates a conflict between the two parties.

So since he was about to break up with Hua Yi, it was undoubtedly a bit clumsy to recommend his friend's script for Hua Yi to invest in at this time.

"What type of movie has a script?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"Bring it, bring it." Ning Hao nodded quickly and said.

Compared to director Ning who is well-known in the country in later generations, Ning Hao is just a newcomer. In fact, Ran Feifei just said that his director's work won an award, which actually made him a little embarrassed.

Because the works he directed are of really good quality. But he only got a campus director's award and was shortlisted for some artistic film industry awards, but he didn't get any important awards.

After taking the script that Ning Hao handed over, Yang Dongxu glanced at the name of the movie and couldn't help but pause. Then he couldn't help looking up at Ning Hao, when Ning Hao felt his voice was dry and didn't know what to say. He lowered his head and began to read the script.

When Ran Feifei introduced Ning Hao just now, he felt that the name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while. But when I saw "Crazy Stone" on the script.

He remembered that Ning Hao was a great director in later generations, who directed many well-received and well-received movies. But he had only heard of this name before, as if he had seen Ning Hao's photo when he was online that day.

It's just that I can't remember the appearance clearly, so he looked up at Ning Hao, and then recalled that he really didn't have much impression, after all, too much time has passed.

But the name 'Ning Hao' matches the script in front of me. The Ning Hao in front of him was the great director he knew, so Ning Hao probably didn't run away.

After a general look at the content of the script and the "Crazy Stone" in his memory, there is no difference, so he is basically sure.

The tavern was very quiet, and everyone was obviously relieved after knowing that Yang Dongxu had read the script. Then looked at him nervously.

"How much investment do you want?" This was Yang Dongxu's first sentence after reading the script.

Ning Hao, who was originally nervous, suddenly had a look of excitement on his face, and he said excitedly, "3 million is fine."

Yang Dongxu just looked at Ning Hao without saying a word.

This made the excited Ning Hao's face gradually freeze, and then he swallowed his saliva to moisten his somewhat dry throat, "That...or two and a half million is fine, no matter how little it is, it really won't work, even if it is shot, the effect is not very good good."

"No, you misunderstood. Then 3 million will be fine, but the producer must be done by Haina's people, and of course the project approval and post-release are also done by Haina." Yang Dongxu just looked at Ning Hao in a daze, didn't he think what Ning Hao said? The investment is too high.

Rather, it feels too low. After all, as an invisible rich man, he decides to invest at least tens of millions of dollars. He really didn't know how long he hadn't made such a small investment of 3 million, so he was a little dazed.

And besides this, there is another reason for being dazed. He vaguely remembered that "Crazy Stone" seemed to have a good box office.

Although I can't remember the exact number, but according to the current market conditions of the domestic film market. How can a movie that can be rated as a good box office cost 20 million yuan, right?

The investment of 3 million, of course, may have some overruns, but it will never exceed the investment of 4 million. The box office return of 20 million is just the box office. If you add some other peripheral income, it will be a typical example of small and big.

Although this is small and big, the benefits of some small and big projects that Yang Dongxu is currently carrying out are actually not much. But there are too many things that can make money.

"Yes, yes." Ning Hao almost jumped up excitedly. Before he came, he was actually prepared for the investment amount to be cut by the other party, and even the crew and actors were constantly stuffed in by the other party. After all, the investors in the domestic film industry are uncles, and such things are not uncommon.

But I didn't expect that the other party only wanted one producer, and the others didn't seem to want to intervene, and the investment I wanted was not discounted at all.

As for project approval and distribution. This was originally the reason why Ning Hao asked Ran Feifei for help. Without a film company to help with project approval and distribution, can Ning Hao watch the things he shoots by himself?

So all my requirements can be said to be met by the other party, and they haven't raised any excessive demands in turn. This made the excited Ning Hao slowly start to feel uneasy.

"That." He rubbed his hands nervously.

"Oh, the director's fee, right? You can choose between two options, one is to give you money according to the market price, and the other is to get you a cut of the box office. But you are a new director, so the director's fee will not be low for my aunt's sake." Here you are. But the box office share must not be too high for you." Yang Dongxu said.

"No, no. I don't want a director's fee. You can invest in my script, and I can shoot for free. I'm talking about that. That"

"Oh? What's that?" Yang Dongxu was a little surprised to hear the other party say free, but it's normal to think about it. After all, for a new director, being able to film the work and give a chance to prove it is already a great reward.

"It's just an actor or something." Ning Hao blushed a little.

After all, this request is actually a bit too much, but when he was writing the script, he already had some candidates for the roles in his mind. And he feels that those roles are very suitable, although it is inappropriate to make such a request at this time.

But most directors have obsessive-compulsive disorder, that is, some characters are not performed by actors they want, and they must feel awkward. It's just that the more mature the director, the more he knows how to compromise.

"If you have a suitable candidate, you can make the decision, but first report to Haina. If you think they are really suitable, then come up with a suitable reason for Haina to agree."

Although Yang Dongxu knew that this movie would be popular, he knew that Ning Hao would become a great director in the future. But in Shangyanshang, it is impossible for him to come up with doubts as soon as he comes up, so he doesn't need to use people's full support.

Even if he wanted to, it would probably scare Ning Hao and make him even more uneasy. I wonder if Yang Dongxu is plotting against him, after all, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

"All right, all right, those people I chose are really suitable and will definitely satisfy you." Ning Hao was so happy that he was about to go to heaven.

Although no definite answer has been received. But he knew that the other party was already very generous, and it was probably for Ran Feifei's sake. Otherwise, Ning Hao, a new director with little reputation, why should he be so generous to him?

"Okay, take the script and go to Haina, I will say hello there. If there is nothing else, I will go first, I have a meeting in the afternoon." Yang Dongxu put the script on the table and looked at Ran Feifei.

"Go and do your work." Ran Feifei nodded.

Yang Dongxu was embarrassed to say hello to Yu Feihong and Jiang Wen: "If I have time, I will treat you to dinner and get together again."

After speaking, he got up and left. He really had something to do. Hurricane Construction has come up with a plan to acquire Xinghai Hotel and Sanwan Travel Agency, and he needs to hold a meeting with the company's senior management to discuss it.

After all, the acquisition of equity replacement is not the end of his shares to Li Fuzhen. Instead, the replacement shares need to be shared equally by the company's shareholders. With Hurricane Construction's current assets of hundreds of billions, every decimal point is a lot of money.

"Your nephew does not have a small business?" Jiang Wen asked curiously, looking at the bodyguards who left behind Yang Dongxu.

"He's the boss of Yang's Banquet and I'm just a part-time worker. He's also a shareholder of Haina." Ran Feifei said.

Just saying the last sentence is to give Ning Hao a reassurance. Jiang Wen and the others didn't know Yang Dongxu's identity. Jiang Wen brought Ning Hao here today and actually wanted to ask her if she could invest in this movie.

Because he heard that Yu Feihong and Ran Feifei should have money if they want to invest in making a movie by themselves, and he is really optimistic about the script. As for the issuance, he originally planned to think of a way after he got the investment.

What I didn't expect was that Ran Feifei also felt good after reading the script, but she was just curious and wanted to play with the movie Feihong. I didn't intend to do this to make money, so I called Yang Dongxu over.

It's just that her reassurance almost choked Jiang Wen and the others. That is Haina, a giant company that can be said to be the largest when looking at the whole country, or even the whole world, especially in this three-acre land in Asia, it is even more dominant.

It was enough to surprise them that the Yang Family Banquet belonged to Yang Dongxu, after all, as a well-known catering company in the mainland. Although they don't know exactly how much Yang Jiayan's assets are, they are sure that they are a safe billionaire.

But I didn't expect that while the other party was a young billionaire, he was also a shareholder of Haina. As insiders, they really have a sense of déjà vu to pay homage to the boss.

"Okay, let's end the party today. Feihong and I have an appointment to go to the spa and I won't be with you." Ran Feifei said.

Although she and Yu Feihong hit it off right away and became sisters. Then I met Jiang Wen, Uncle Ge and others through Yu Feihong. But the relationship with Jiang Wen and others is not as good as with Yu Feihong, so naturally he doesn't want to say too much about Yang Dongxu.

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