The second day was Saturday. There were no classes on the first-year Saturday, so Zhang Qi let his roommate sleep in, and then returned to his dormitory at 7:30 in the morning after finishing his morning exercise.

According to the trajectory of the original book, the Basilisk should have appeared for the first time on Halloween and petrified Filch's cat.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Qi took out the textbook for the first grade—Where are the Fantastic Beasts, and turned to the fourth page.

Basilisk, xxxxx level dangerous magical creature.

The basilisk is a dazzling green snake that can grow up to 50 feet in length. The male snake has a bright red feather on its head. Its fangs are highly poisonous, but its most dangerous way of attacking is to use its yellow eyes to stare at the target being attacked. Any creature that comes into direct contact with its eyes will be killed immediately, but if it is indirectly contacted through glass or mirrors If you make contact with your eyes, you will be petrified.

If there is enough food, this snake will have a very long lifespan. The longest-lived basilisk in history has lived for almost 900 years.

There have been no recorded sightings of basilisks in Britain for at least 400 years.

Basilisks fear the crowing of roosters, which can break their hearts. Basilisks only follow orders from wizards who speak Parseltongue, and there is no other way to control them.

Basilisk's scales have great physical resistance and magic resistance, except for a few alchemical weapons, ordinary swords or spells cannot penetrate its skin.

If you encounter a basilisk in the wild, it is recommended to use Apparition to escape immediately. If you cannot escape, you can try to close your eyes and attack the basilisk's eyes, which are the most vulnerable parts of its body.

After a detailed analysis of the basilisk's weaknesses, Zhang Qi came to the following conclusions:

1. At present, only his three controlled knives can penetrate the skin of the Basilisk, plus the Gryffindor Mithril Sword hidden in the Sorting Hat.

2. The only people in the school who can suppress the basilisk without using an alchemical sword and just a wand are the four principals and Dumbledore. But if the condition is to leave the body, Zhang Qi and Mr. Filch can also be added.

"I remember that thing should have been put into the box by my mother before I left"...

He re-confirmed that his roommate was still asleep. Zhang Qi quietly pulled out his suitcase from under the bed, and put his hand in to grope.

found it!

Zhang Qi took out a delicate silver box, opened it, and gently placed the contents on his bed.

It was a Mark VII Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistol. Different from the silver-white version of the mass-produced version, this specially customized pistol has been treated with baking varnish, making it as dark as the darkest night.

The dark shell and red rose pattern make this pistol with a 10-inch long barrel, which can kill an elephant with one shot when the trigger is pulled, showing a violent elegance.

This pistol has an unusual origin.

It was several years ago. Hekmedia ran into a senior executive of an Israeli military company at a military exhibition, so they took the opportunity to sit down and talk business together during lunch. During the business talks, Hekmedia inadvertently complained that the gilded version of the Desert Eagle was too earthy, and it felt like a nouveau riche.

At that time, Israel was trying to get some support for anti-aircraft missiles from France, so on the day when the military exhibition closed, the high-level executive of the Israeli military company presented this pistol to Hekmedia.

The original production version uses a 6-inch barrel, but the Desert Eagle pistol with a 10-inch barrel will be even more powerful, and can kill an elk at a distance of 200 meters!

And Zhang Qi intends to add a little more material to the bullet's warhead.

But the premise is to find Snape and get the approval note from the forbidden book area.


In the gloomy Snape office, Zhang Qi and Snape sat face to face, with a pot of potion bubbling on the fire in the middle.

"Do you want to worry about the approval note in the forbidden area?? What book do you want to read?? Don't tell me it's cutting-edge black magic."

Snape frowned and asked suspiciously.

He couldn't let his godson follow that demon's old path.

"Thank you for your concern, Professor Snape, but I don't have any interest in such a disgusting secretary. After all, when my mother used to be in Shenzhou, she started helping the Maoshan Lin family to refine the Infernal Corpse at the age of five, I think You can ask her if you want to learn anything disgusting about black magic."

"Ah That's good".

Snape nodded approvingly.

"So, what kind of potion is in front of you? Can you tell me what ingredients are in it?"

"This is a pot of raw bone spirit, Professor. After all, I just drank it two days ago. I'm afraid I will never forget that disgusting taste in my life."

Zhang Qi reluctantly continued to answer.

"The main ingredients are limestone, licorice, elderberry and puffer fish viscera, and a little fire dragon's blood is added as a supplement. Considering the raw bone spirit in the medical room and the effect of anesthesia, it is very likely that wolf poison has been added to it. Aconitum or Ahirong".

"The basic knowledge is not bad. If this is in class, I will definitely give Slytherin extra points."

Snape picked up a piece of parchment from the shelf next to him, signed his name, and handed it to Zhang Qi.

"Thank you Professor"!

Zhang Qi quickly thanked him.

"Well, now can you tell me what book you want to borrow?"

"Forbidden alchemy, I have been studying alchemy knowledge recently, but many important formulas are not mentioned in the textbook because of their certain dangers, so Slytherin's sister Farley recommended this book to me" .

"I'll remind you again, Hilbert. It's also illegal to refine a living person into an alchemical creature, and it will definitely make you spend the rest of your life in Azkaban."

"Don't worry Professor, I have no interest in that Ravenclaw idiot. Besides, if I really want to do it, it will be very clean, and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will not find anything. And Even if they found out that it was me, no one would dare to claim it."

Zhang Qi shrugged trying to reassure Snape.

"But I'm just worried about that"...

Snape tried his best to suppress the corners of his twitching mouth, waved his hand, and told Zhang Qi to go out quickly.

Zhang Qi quickly slipped out of the gloomy potion classroom and ran towards the school library with the fastest path.


Little is known that the Hogwarts library actually opens at 7am.

It's just that usually around 8:30, after the industrious Ravenclaw students have eaten breakfast, people will gradually come to the library to read books.

It was another boring day for Mrs. Pince, the librarian.

I sit here every morning at 7:00, and almost no students arrive early within an hour and a half.

This is so boring.

But this morning's first-year Slytherin seemed to be an accident. He walked into the library early in the morning, and treated Mrs. Pince very politely.

So even though I was very surprised that the first-year freshman could get the professor's approval note to enter the forbidden area to read dangerous knowledge, the wife usually still dutifully took the Slytherin student to the forbidden area and found him. That thick taboo alchemy.

During the period, Mrs. Pince also chatted with the boy, because he was probably the first student who treated the librarian so politely when his wife came to work here.

However, Mrs. Pince's question was answered inexplicably by the student, but she was very satisfied.

"Shenzhou people have always respected librarians."


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