The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

: Extra Story: Peking Xuanshu School (must see)

"The origin of wizards is still a topic of debate around the world, but it is obvious that this group of people with special powers did not pop up out of nowhere."

At the same time Zhang Qi raised his wand, in a secret building in Badaling, a remote city in Peiping, an old man in a dark blue tunic was explaining something to the 28 students below.

"The main speculation in the academic world at present is that wizards are cross-bred between humans and magical animals. This statement has been agreed by most experts and scholars. Of course, except for the group of madmen in Western Europe who believe in pure blood and noble."

"The West calls people like us sorcerers or sorcerers, but in China, we are called sorcerers or alchemists, and the North Korea and the Rihe Islands next door are called envoys and onmyoji."

"I need to take a note on this," the old man tapped on the blackboard. "The alchemist majored in Qihuang and alchemy. According to the international parlance, it is potion making and alchemy, and a warlock is a wizard in the international sense."

"And classmate Shen Meng, please wake up. I know snakes have the habit of hibernating, but it seems that school has just started in September, so it should be autumn"?

The old man stepped down from the podium and reluctantly knocked on the desk of a certain girl in the front row.

"I remember that the Xu family in West Lake is not of white snake blood in the south? They shouldn't hibernate either."

"And this is the first class in the morning, can you give the old man some face?"

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"Oh, sorry, Grandpa Lin." The girl hurriedly sat up with a flushed face, revealing her delicate face under her long white supple hair.

and the black patch on the right eye.

"What's the matter? Did you not sleep last night?" The old man asked with concern.

"I forgot to put on my blindfold after school last night." The girl said aggrievedly, "There was a **** disgusting thing following me, and I didn't leave until I walked to the gate of the compound. Sleeping Nightmare".

"Bai Tingzhong, who just succeeded the commander of the guard, is still too young to actually make the capital grow bloody." The old man smacked his lips and continued: "Remember to wear a blindfold next time, as long as you can't see it, it won't come to provoke you."

"My mother said that the blood demon should have grown up in the mass grave in the west of the city, and when she's done working for a while, she will take someone to drag the 59-style 130 plus there to exorcise the evil spirits." Shen Meng's eyes shone with excitement, "Grandpa Lin, are you coming to watch?"

"I'm old and old, and I can't stand such a big shock." The old man smiled, walked back to the podium, and continued to lecture.

"According to my personal point of view, I am convinced that wizards are hybrids of magical animals and humans. Your classmate Shen Meng is an example."

Shen Meng, who was sitting in the first row, yawned, then lowered her head again.

"Let's take a domestic example first. For example, the Xu family in the West Lake where Shen Meng lives is the crystallization of the love between Bai Niangniang and Xu Daguan, and there is also the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain, whose blood is flowing with the blood of the dragon. ".

"Families with a clear bloodline like this usually have their own special abilities. For example, when members of the Xu family are born, they will randomly have an affinity with a natural element, and the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain can release lightning at will, etc."  … .

"It is a pity that the ancestors of Longhu Mountain must not interfere in worldly affairs. Mr. Zhang Yan, one of the founders of the Shenzhou Xuanshu Association, was forced to leave his family. Currently, his two sons are living in the UK and France. , and one of them was killed in the Death Eater terror that erupted more than a decade ago."

"Is there any problem, Ding Hongxing?" The old man saw that one of the students sitting below raised his hand as if to ask a question.

"Teacher Lin, besides the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain, is there any other family in the world that is descended from the dragon?"

The classroom where there were still students talking in a low voice immediately became quiet, and everyone looked directly at the old man on the podium with interest, not for anything else, just because this topic was more interesting.

That is a dragon! Even the Kunlun Mountains, whose main business is alchemy and rich in wealth, only has one end, and it is not necessarily visible.

"That's a good question." The old man thought for a moment and replied with a smile.

"There is an old saying that a snake turns into a dragon after a thousand years, and the dragon is a slightly weaker dragon, so our classmate Shen Meng should be regarded as a dragonborn."

"Oh, by the way, there is a western proverb called "Mianlong don't disturb, so should the classmates at the front desk call her up"?

"Grandpa Lin"! Shen Meng, who was suddenly awakened by these words, wiped the saliva from falling asleep and protested symbolically.

"The saliva was not wiped clean." The old man smiled and pointed to her chin.

Everyone laughed again, Shen Meng took out a handkerchief with a flushed face, and gently wiped the corner of her mouth.

"What I said just now is no joke. The original form of Lady Bai is already a white dragon. Oh, by the way, I have to remind everyone that the Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake will be redecorated, so Lady Bai will go back to Peiping to live for a few days. If you meet two women in a shopping mall in Peiping who are frantically shopping for bags, one in blue and the other in white, remember to say hello."

"Of course, if you can help Lady Bai pay the bill, she will definitely be happier."

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"As for Ding Hongxing's question, there are also some descendants of dragons in the West. For example, the famous Targaryen family, but most of the family members advocate violence too much because of the effect of blood, and the IQ decline caused by excessive intermarriage~www Extinction".

"But if I remember correctly, there should still be a dragonborn family left on the Irish Icefields. It's just that this family has experienced the shock of the British Death Eater horror era and the aftermath of the liquidation. Now there are only a pair of sisters left to depend on each other."

"A pair of destitute noble ladies"? Someone below asked jokingly.

"Yeah, usually the heirs of the down-and-out pure-blood families in Western Europe usually end up miserably, so it's a pity to say that this pair of sisters who depend on each other for life." The old man sighed, "But now I just can't remember the name of the family, but I know that the family is the blood descendant of the Black Dragon of the Icefield, and the family crest is the Arctic Poppy."

"No, I seem to remember." The old man patted his forehead vigorously, and said with a sudden realization: "It seems that the literal translation into Chinese is green glasses, but in English it should be called Ginger or something."

"That's Greengrass, the literal translation into Chinese is green grass, okay. By the way, Grandpa Lin, don't you plan to make up your English?"... Shen Meng finally said unbearably, "My mother follows me every day. Talking about this family, my ears are getting calluses."

"Yes, yes," the old man scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Everyone, bear with me, I have been trying my best to learn English since I found Mr. Ren to fight zombies more than 70 years ago, but I just can't. Not angry"?

There was a burst of cheerful laughter from the students below.

"Then what kind of dragon's blood is the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain?" Another student asked.

"According to research, it should be the Shenzhou White Dragon, the one painted on the Nine Dragons Wall"... The old man answered with a smile.

The atmosphere of the class became active again.


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