"Let go of my knife"!

Ishihara's pupils showed a cold look, and then he twitched his knife forcefully, not caring about the dagger on his neck.

But no matter how hard he tried, the knife was as immobile as if it was being held by the opponent's welding wire, and Ishihara couldn't regain it with all his strength.

"Why are you so ruthless?"

Zhang Qi asked blankly, the blade that was caught creaked in his hand.

"The family's treasured sword must see blood when it is unsheathed. This is the glory of the samurai"!

Ishihara pulled his sword forcefully, but to no avail.

"Oh, if I have to see blood, I have a way."

Zhang Qi looked at his face in disgust, and then his right hand holding the knife violently pushed the blade toward Ishihara.


Onigiri's blade cut through the white robe without hindrance, leaving a deep bloodstain on the knife's owner's arm.

"Okay, now your knife is out of the sheath and you see blood, you can get out of here."

Zhang Qi slashed Ishihara's temple with the hilt of the dagger, and the other party rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Mrs. Pomfrey! The cut wound by the cursed alchemy knife is especially tricky"!

Zhang Qi shouted loudly.

Madam Pomfrey hurried into the arena and began to carefully examine Krum's injury.

"There are runes on the blade that **** blood and prevent healing. This is an alchemy knife of black magic. Although it is not illegal to possess, it must be illegal to use it to hurt people"!

Zhang Qi had already stepped onto the stand at some point, with the samurai sword still dripping blood in his hand.

"Oh? But I remember that Minister Fudge said to respect the cultural differences from the Ministry of Magic in various regions. If this standard is used, the players in Shenzhou also seem to use alchemical weapons of black magic"?

Picquiri said calmly.

"But our players didn't use weapons to hurt people. Obviously, this Mr. Ishihara is deeply poisoned by the spirit of the old rising sun empire. Even if the opponent falls, he will be put to death."

Xu Lin said coldly.

"Krum is our student! You must give an account"!

Karkaroff waved his hands angrily.

"Shut up, Karkaroff, if you don't mind me shaking out your dirty stuff, you can protest."

Xilin said lightly.

"You and the Magic House are a group, or the Magic House is your hound, am I right?"

Zhang Qi stared at the face of the director of the Magic Congress of the United States of Edenia and asked blankly.

"I will not comment on this, Mr. Zirol, but I suggest that you use your sense of justice that has nowhere to vent to your usual studies, after all, even if you are the heir of a big pure-blood family, you are now It's just a student."

Xilin fought back without showing weakness.

"Ah, I have a different opinion on this, so I implore Director Xilin to take good care of Yamamoto, a dog who likes to jump. I don't want my son to have any mood swings here."

Hekmedia, who had been watching the play for a long time, finally spoke lightly.

"Remember, Picquili, he is my son, and a mother will always do everything in her power to ensure her son's safety, and if something happens to her child, a mother who loves her child does not recommend any means to do so. Make those idiots pay."

"Although there is an indicator of death in the hegemony tournament, players are never allowed to actively and subjectively hurt other players. I think Mr. Ishihara really won this game, but he fouled."

Dumbledore also said.

"Ms. Xu Lin, may I ask your opinion"?

Dumbledore asked immediately.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. "I still have a basic conscience, so my attitude is the same as yours."

Xu Lin nodded.

"However, I suggest that he can participate in the next game, after all, we are still very tolerant."

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Xu Lin actually said that Ishihara was allowed to participate in the next game.

In the end, all the judges discussed, except Karkaroff and Dumbledore objected, Maxim abstained, and the remaining representatives unanimously agreed that Ishihara could participate in the next game.

"Then the remaining players will draw lots, no, the three players eliminated in the first round can have a rematch, and the winner can still continue to advance."

Bagman cleared his throat and shouted to the field.

"Then, Miss Galanna, I'm your opponent."

Furong reluctantly stood on the stage.

"There's no way, Miss Delacour, no matter who we are in the promotion, it's impossible for us to win the first place"...

Anna also sighed.

"Remove your weapons"!

"Passed out"!


Compared with the previous groups, these two girls' knockout competition was obviously a lot more normal, at least in line with the common sense of European wizards.

"Why did my mother let that person advance? His actions are really disgusting, this person is a psychopath!"

Shen Meng cursed in the stands.

"I have a different idea, Sister Shen."

After being silent for a long time, Astoria spoke up.

This time 17B* Chapter Si. "what"?

Shen Meng blinked in confusion.

"Sister Shen, look, there are only three students left in this competition including the student from the Magic Institute. Let's not consider advancing to the knockout rounds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Except for the pervert, the remaining two Who is the player?"

"My brother and Zhang Qi... wait, I seem to understand what you mean"!

Shen Meng suddenly realized and nodded.

"Do you think that a pervert who has been promoted only by the sharpness of his katana sword has the ability to compete with your brother and Hilbert?"

"Moreover, with the characters of the two of them, this pervert from the Magic Institute is likely to be beaten badly. I think this is the reason why Aunt Xu would agree with his promotion."

Astoria blinked.

"Ah, my mother's idea is so clever, how could I not have thought of such a damaging way"?

Shen Meng shook her head in frustration.

"But you don't worry about your boyfriend"?

Shen Meng asked suddenly jokingly.

"He, he's not my boyfriend"...

Astoria suddenly blushed when she heard this.

"Understood, but I still want to tell you sister, if the other party doesn't take the initiative, you can take the initiative a little bit."

Shen Meng said with a smile.



Make a big tyrant. Standing under the stage, Zhang Qi and Shen Jian, who watched the two girls duel each other, sneezed together.

"The bedroom is too cold at night, I'll go back and adjust the alchemy greenhouse."

Zhang Qi thought secretly in his heart.

There was no suspense in winning the competition on the stage. Anna often won the first place in the school's dueling class, and the Beauxbatons School, which did not focus on actual combat, did not have such a class at all.

With a tricky attack, the wand in Furong's hand was thrown high, and finally flew into Anna's hand.

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