As we all know, firearms will turn into scrap metal if they are not carefully maintained.

Normally, guns that are not expected to be used for more than half a year should be wrapped and sealed with oiled paper, and the maintenance should be checked, decomposed, wiped, and re-oiled before summer and winter. The maintenance of frequently used firearms is more stringent. Normally, firearms that are frequently used should be maintained by the user, with a small rub every day and a large rub every week. Moreover, after the live ammunition is fired, it must be completely decomposed and wiped for maintenance, and within three or four days, the parts that have been rendered by the gunpowder gas must be oiled every day to ensure that the steps are in place.

No one would be foolish enough to think that the Deshka 1938 anti-aircraft machine gun, which had been in the warehouse for 50 years, could still be used without a refill, so he reluctantly stole a bottle from the civilian staff's office before slipping out of the port. Gun oil, plus a Soviet-made PSE KGB special pistol. . Do not teach.

"If this gun can still be fired normally, it would be a hell." Zhang Qi took out a long lump of dust mixed with gun oil from the barrel of the gun, and covered his nose in disgust.

Barrel, Gas Drum, Grab Hook, Clip Spring. . . . . . The dust and grease deposited on these 4 gun parts are the absolute focus of cleaning. Grabbing a toothbrush that came from the living area, and dipping it in the winter gun oil, Zhang Qi carefully brushed the grab hook and the nearby spring.

Well, carburetor cleaners haven't been invented yet. Otherwise, a bottle of 20 yuan and a pack of paper towels can brush the whole gun in two or three minutes.

"Well. Let's be so-so." . After replacing the bullets in the ammunition box that could not be activated due to moisture, Zhang Qi disassembled and disassembled the entire gun, wrapped it in oiled paper and stuffed it back into the separate box together with the ammunition.

"Maybe I saved Retana's life this time?" Zhang Qi used the remaining gun oil to carefully clean up the stolen pistol.

Su 27 said it was very sad.

"Then the following is the favorite link after the dragon lovers cross." Zhang Qi pulled the empty gun and hung up the gun, and the gun reset.

"Killed dear Dr. Herzog."

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

"Проклятье" Bondarev jumped off the sled and gave the sled dog's **** a hard kick, "Why don't you move because of these stinky things?"

Even though he was shaking the reins vigorously, the sled dogs were just roaring and slicing the ice with their sharp claws, without any intention of galloping forward.

"Damn, we forgot to bring the **** too"! The Doctor jumped off his sled and began to carry the load on another sled. "Come and give me a hand. Without the bitch, those little dogs won't move, and a sled is enough for us to leave. Hurry up and put all the goods on my rack."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Bondarev took out a cold orange fireworks and lit it, "The engineering helicopter on the Lenin will come to pick us up."

The sound of the wind changed, and the pale light beam penetrated the blizzard and hit the two of them. The doctor turned his head sharply, a huge black shadow was suspended in the air, and the heavy rotors stirred up the flying snow. It was the heavy helicopter on the Lenin, and it was able to venture to Black Swan Harbor in this bad ghost weather.

"Didn't you say that helicopters can't take off in a snowstorm of this magnitude?"

It was the cold muzzle that answered him.

The steel core bullets pierced through the doctor's chest one by one, tore open the aging heart, and took the half-baked lung lobes out of the body along with the ribs. Blood and broken human tissue spewed out of his mouth, and the doctor turned to look at Bondarev, his eyes full of shock.

"Please hold on for a little longer, doctor." Bondarev helped the dying doctor, and the air needle in his hand injected adrenaline into his body, "just one more minute."

The peaceful port suddenly shook violently, and the sound of a series of explosions spread upwards from the ground. On the pure ice sheet, a flame of fire rose, and countless pieces of frozen soil were scattered on the frozen sea. If someone can observe the port from the perspective of God at this time, they will see a deep pit with a depth of 180 meters leading to the cave where the dragon corpse is hidden.

"You want to take that dragon away"! In the doctor's roar, Bondarev stood up and aimed the gun at the four sleeping children.

After four shots were fired, blood and brains were sprayed on the white snow.

"You're not the only one willing to sacrifice your life for a great cause, Doctor." The warm muzzle aimed at the Doctor's abdomen, "Vacuum bombs can't completely destroy your body, but they will destroy your body. To the point of unrecognizable wounds. The Moscow investigation team will identify you based on your skeleton, that's my plan. No one knows I've been here, so those people don't think of searching for my body."

"Goodbye then, Doctor." Bondarev fired four shots at Herzog's abdomen. The bullets smashed the pancreas and kidneys in an instant. The severe pain made the doctor instantly lose consciousness.

"Move those embryos to the helicopter, and then we hoist the keel away." Putting the still warm pistol back into the holster, Bondarev stepped onto the helicopter without looking back.

Snowflakes fall into wide-open eyes, and they haven't melted in such an alpine zone for a long time. Once a person dies, they will quickly cool down.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

I'm alive?

After some time, the corpse on the icefield began to twitch.

The unbearable pain came from the chest and abdomen. Herzog tried to open his eyes, but the upper and lower eyelids had long been frozen together by strong frost. But Dr. He knew that this was not an illusion, that his body, which had been frozen with the ice field, was slowly warming up. The thick frost is slowly melting, and life has been injected into his body again.

"This is the power of perfect genes from dragons"!

The Doctor opened his eyes with joy, but what caught his eye was a familiar Asian face. He still remembers the kid because just a few hours earlier, he had nearly cut open his brain with a scalpel. Of course, he was more familiar with what the child was holding in his hands. The one in the left hand is a PSE KGB agent pistol, which has minimal recoil and can be easily grasped by even a child. Herzog knew that this pistol was often carefully maintained by the owner, because this was his own The one he held in his right hand was more familiar to him.

It was a black sword-shaped thorn, which Herzog had seen in the Arms Museum when he was serving the German Empire. This old-fashioned melee weapon was installed in front of the muzzle of the British Lee's rifle, and was used for musketeers to fight when they were in close contact with the enemy. Unlike the commonly used tempered steel, the thorn in front of me is made of meteorite iron.

Herzog dared to swear that when he and that liar Bondarev were in the lower ice cellar yesterday, this military thorn was still stuck in the spine of the dragon corpse.

"You better not come up, hurry up and go down again, isn't **** warmer than this ghost place"?

Zhang Qi smiled and the general stabbed the doctor's chest, then grabbed the handle and stirred it vigorously.

"Don't worry, Bondarev will accompany you later." Zhang Qi took out the army thorn, wiped the blood on Herzog's suit, and closed the doctor's round eyes with resentment. .

"The hour has come." He stood up and stared at the sea in the distance.


Exploding clouds were set off 10 kilometers of the sea, and the shock wave of the oxygen torpedo explosion ripped apart everything on the icebreaker. Plastic, steel, sailor's body... Human beings are so fragile in front of weapons of war. Blood and fuel were flying in the sky, and the Su-27 shot down by an anti-aircraft machine gun in the distance presented the most beautiful fireworks for this bleak Christmas.

Today is December 25, 1991. At this moment, in Moscow, 3,781 kilometers away, Soviet Prime Minister Gorbachev delivered a resignation speech, announcing his official resignation as the Soviet Prime Minister.

The king who used to be proud of the Northland fell down, and those rebels will usher in a grand revelry. .


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