The Perfect Hidden Marriage

630, unrequited love 170, autopsy, facing death, uncomfortable

"what do you mean?"

Kuang Meiyun looked at him displeased.

I vaguely felt that there was something behind his words.

"How can a woman not be accompanied by a man when she goes for a pregnancy test? She's not a mistress, so she needs to be secretive? Shouldn't the couple show up at the same time when going to the hospital?"

He felt that this was a bit strange, and Jin Changning's whereabouts were a bit mysterious recently.

"Mr. Jin just went out on business...Mr. Peng, don't you have too much imagination? The two of them are very much in love, and the child in their belly is a witness."

She cursed and turned around to drive.

Peng Boran immediately retorted:

"You are wrong. Sometimes children may be the product of men and women's indulgence, and it may not have anything to do with love. They only give birth to too many children in the name of love. In this world, children are born in the name of love. There are very few. Most people are forced to get married and have children because they are older and have a sense of responsibility..."

Is this extreme?

Sort of.

But there is some truth to it.

"Mr. Peng, you should know that Xiao Xiao and Mr. Jin are not ordinary people. They grew up together. Their relationship is unbreakable. Their children are the crystallization of love."

Kuang Meiyun didn't want to pay attention to him anymore, opened the door and wanted to sit on him.

"Wait a moment……"

He stopped her again, his eyes flickering over her face.

"What else?"

"You are hostile to me, why?"

He felt it from the first meeting.

He is Peng Boran, and many people respect him, but this leftover woman has no good impressions of him.


She said calmly:

"Mr. Peng, you are just overthinking."

She got into the driver's seat and drove away without even looking at him.

Peng Boran fell into silence.

No, it wasn't that he was overthinking, but that she was really hostile to him.

"Mr. Peng, what should we do now?"

Behind him, Officer Zhao followed:

"I think it's better for me to call the forensic doctor from our bureau..."

"I will do it myself!"

Peng Boran said in a low voice.

In fact, he can also do it, and his conduct is no worse than Xiao Jinghuan's.

He has always used Xiao Jinghuan because of someone's instructions. As time goes by, he prefers to rely on her...

The reason why he called people here today was, firstly, that the deceased was an acquaintance, and secondly, because he didn't want her to waste him. I hope that through such stimulation, her professional instinct can be re-ignited.

To be honest, she was a rare talent in the industry, and he really didn't want her to go to waste.

That's definitely a waste of talent.

The results of it?

She was pregnant.


Kuang Meiyun did not take the person to the hotel, but to the hospital.

Halfway through, Xiao Jinghuan woke up leisurely and saw that she was in the car and the scenery outside was quickly retreating to both sides.

She struggled to sit up and asked:

"Where are you going?"

"Hospital. You just fainted and your face doesn't look good. I'll take you to let the doctor take a look! Xiao Xiao, you are not alone now. You must take good care of yourself."

"I'm fine. Don't send me to the hospital. Go to the crime scene..."

She hasn't tested the cause of death yet...

"How can you go to the autopsy when you've already vomited like that after smelling the smell of corpses? Xiao Xiao, you can't do this now, so let them hire someone else... What you need to do now is to protect the fetus. Expectant……"

Kuang Meiyun couldn't agree and didn't stop.

Look at that face, it was so pale that it really worried her.

"No. I've decided on this case. Send me back...right now."

Xiao Jinghuan's face darkened.


Seeing the determination on her face, Kuang Meiyun turned around helplessly and sent the person away again.

After getting off the car, Xiao Jinghuan rinsed her mouth with water, drank more than half of the bottle, and then stood in the snowy north wind for a while. After the nausea subsided, she walked inside.

Kuang Meiyun didn't follow her immediately. There was nothing she could do. This person's temper was really a headache to control.

She had already thought about it. As soon as the mistress walked away, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Jin Changning's number. Only he could stop this matter.

It's so painful to deal with this kind of thing while pregnant.

"Hey, who's there?"

The call went through, but the person who answered the phone was not Jin Changning himself, but a delicate woman.

Kuang Meiyun's heart skipped a beat inexplicably.

What's going on?

"Who are you?"

"and who are you?"

The woman asked rhetorically.

"I'm looking for the machine owner, you are not the machine owner."

"Yes, I'm not the owner. The owner is taking a shower. If you need anything, please call back later..."


Kuang Meiyun's eyebrows were completely locked.

"who are you?"

"Hey, what does it have to do with me? What's wrong with you?"

The tone was very unkind.

The call was hung up just like that.


"Why are you back?"

Peng Boran had just answered a long phone call and was about to start when he saw Xiao Jinghuan rushing in.

"I'm here, we must find the murderer of this child as soon as possible..."


At the scene, a preliminary examination can be carried out without the need for surgical gowns or masks, just a pair of gloves...

It's just that the smell is really unpleasant.

She calmed down, turned her attention to the corpse, and began to analyze:

"There was hair falling off on the ground, injuries to the back of the head, caused by the impact, caused by the murderer's torture; the body was completely naked, the clothes were seriously damaged, and the body was covered with bruises, caused by punches. A stab wound to the chest, three inches deep, was fatal. ...The lower body was sexually assaulted and bloody, and there were tear marks all around it caused by forced sexual intercourse...The murderer was left-handed because he exerted strong force with his left hand...The time of death...should be..."

After preliminary examination, the body was transferred to the funeral parlor.

Xiao Jinghuan washed her hands and drank water. The unpleasant smell took a while to calm down.

"You're in a very bad's better..."

Peng Boran looked at her with an ugly face and had no intention of saying anything more to her. What she needs now is rest, not hard work.

"It's okay, tell me how you found Bai Congcong's body..."

She was curious about this:

"What have you found out this month? Can you let me know?"

"It's very complicated. I haven't figured it all out yet. I'll tell you after I finish looking it up! Before I understand the connection points of all the problems, I have a lot of ideas now, and they are just ideas."

Peng Boran is not the kind of person who makes judgments in vain.

She stopped talking, her heart was heavy and she felt uncomfortable.

Facing death is an uncomfortable thing.

Peng Boran glanced at her sideways, knowing that she was in a bad mood, so he changed the topic:

"A Xiao, you said before that you would introduce your grandpa to me. It's been a month now...has your grandpa been released from prison?"

"Come on! It's only been these two days. When grandpa invites us to have a family dinner, I will take you with me."


In a moment of silence, the sun has gone west, the dead have sunk into darkness forever and lost consciousness, and the living will also enter the night.

Man, when you close your eyes and open them, that's one day; if you don't close them, it's the end of your life.

The so-called lifetime is a matter of whether you will open your eyes again after closing them.


"It's almost five o'clock."

Peng Boran said in a low voice.

Xiao Jinghuan looked at her watch: Why did time pass so fast?

"If you can handle being a human, how about I treat you to a meal?"

"No, I have something else to do."

Her bag is not with her. It has been so long. I wonder if Chang Ning will look for it:

"It's time for me to go...I'll do the dissection tomorrow..."

"You're anxious to go back and tell Jin Changning about your pregnancy, aren't you?"

Peng Boran said in a low voice.

Xiao Jinghuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had just vomited so much, how could she not guess who Peng Boran was, she smiled unconsciously and nodded: "Yes."

"You said before that you didn't want to have children in this life. I didn't expect that you changed your mind so quickly... Ha, no matter what, congratulations..."

Although she felt that Peng Boran's tone was a bit sinister, Xiao Jinghuan still said: "Thank you."

She walked out and saw Kuang Meiyun standing outside, looking strange under the setting sun.

"Where's my bag!"

Xiao Jinghuan asked gently.

"In the car."

"I'm back."

Xiao Jinghuan sat in the passenger seat and picked up her mobile phone. There were many missed calls from the hotel and calls from her mother, but not from Jin Changning.

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