The Perfect Hidden Marriage

603, Unrequited Love 143, Brother Jin, where did these maps come from? What is the use?

In Jin Changning's eyes, Jin Hengyuan and Brother Jin are like his own brothers.

Although he likes to be a bit cool, as long as he recognizes the person, he will definitely protect, protect and stand up for him.

If anyone dares to bully someone in his family, he will be the first to jump out and give it to him.

When he was a child, Jin Changning suffered a lot at school. It was Brother Jin who helped make troubles, and the people in his class became afraid of him.

He is good at boxing and fighting, which is a credit to Brother Jin's supervision. His good grades are also thanks to this brother who worked hard to develop him.

Let's put it this way, without Brother Jin being so considerate in recruiting him, Jin Changning might have been more mediocre, more incompetent, and more clumsy.

It was precisely because he was deeply influenced by such a person when he was growing up that he became the successful person he became.

If he had to list the noble people in his life, Brother Jin is a very important one among them.

Jin Changning and Brother Jin talk about almost everything, ranging from trivial matters in life to life aspirations and the people they like.

When Brother Jin fell out of love, it was Jin Changning who accompanied him.

When Jin Changning fell in love, Brother Jin also cheered him up. He would pat him on the shoulder and say, "Our girl Huanhuan didn't find you. That's her loss. An Ning, just wait, you're really Goddess of Destiny will definitely be waiting for you ahead."

He smiled, not sure that in a future without Huanhuan, the right girl would come out and become his spiritual partner to accompany him through the long life in the future. Who knows.

When Xiao Jinghuan was in love, he was falling out of love and worked hard to comfort his soul.

Brother Jin advised him: "Find another girlfriend! It can distract you."

He asked back: "Brother Jin, when you fell out of love, why didn't you think of finding someone else?"

Brother Jin shrugged and said, "No way, none of them are to my liking."

He said: "Me too. I'd rather be deficient than indiscriminate. I don't want to deal with her carelessly. No girl should be dealt with casually."

In those years, Brother Jin didn't find a girlfriend, and neither did he - they were inseparable from each other, and they only used their busy work to enrich themselves.

Two years ago, he and Xiao Jinghuan received the certificates. After returning to China, he did not dare to say it out for fear of being scolded.

To marry Brother Jin's baby sister in such a way is a bit villainous and a bit not upright.

Now, he is still afraid - what he is afraid of is being seen through - this person is too sophisticated and too difficult to hide.

When he came upstairs, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When he entered the study, he saw Brother Jin wearing a white shirt, hugging his chest, and looking at the antique-looking thing on the desk. Refreshing.

"Brother Jin."

He called out.

"You're here! Come and take a look."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and waved, pointed at the thing at hand, tapped it with his fingers, and said:

"You were referring to these maps on the phone, right?"

Jin Changning looked up and saw that the texture should be sheepskin. The top was covered with lines that did not show fading, and there were some ancient characters on it, which were Western Han characters. There were three pieces in total.

There was a poem inscribed on one of them, which happened to be exactly the same as the photo of the piece he just received in the mail.

The mother said that it was the sheepskin map of their Lan family, but it was later stolen.

Now, it appears here, what does this mean?

His eyes couldn't help but look faintly.

However, this is just the most logical reasoning.

Another possibility is that the old man got it from someone else.

Emotionally, he hoped that the Jin family had nothing to do with his father's death.

If we get involved, it will be a torturous and painful thing with him - his mother and sister will definitely not let it go. As for him, can he tolerate such a relationship?

have no idea.

He didn't dare to think deeply about this matter.

Because he hoped that all the statements made by the Lu family were not true; he hoped that the facts had nothing to do with the Jin family.

But what if it is related?

If he stares in trance, everything in the future will become complicated.

"Can you tell me something? How did you know that our family has this kind of map?"

The look in his eyes was absolutely sharp.

How could Jin Changning not understand what kind of person Brother Jin is? Since he asked this, he must give a reasonable explanation.

"Oh, I heard it from the Yan family. The Yan family had a conflict with our Jin family because of this map. I heard that grandpa did whatever it took to get the map from the Yan family, so he had a grudge with the Yan family. ...Brother Jin, do you know what the use of this map is?"

"Yan family, is Yan returning to the city?"

Jin Hengyuan can remember the people in his circle, whether he has met them or not, as long as he hears a sentence in his ears. The memory of these brothers and sisters is so good that it makes people envious and jealous...


He nodded. This was the first time he mentioned the Yan family in front of him in so many years.

Jin Hengyuan sat down, grabbed a bottle of water to drink, and said:

"I heard before that you and Yan Jiayan Buhui had some contacts. It turns out it's true!"

Oh, Jin Changning felt that he was careful enough in his interactions with the Yan family, but he still heard about it. This shows how wide his network of contacts is - over in Taiwan, this person has hardly developed any relationships. , his focus has always been Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, London...


Jin Changning's expression remained normal, he nodded and acknowledged:

"I understand. When we go there, as long as Yan Buhui is at home, we will definitely meet for a drink. I even learned how to race cars there."

"Why have I never heard you mention it?"

Jin Hengyuan asked casually.

"The Yan family and the Jin family were having a bit of a feud. I didn't want to have any problems with my family because of this, so I didn't mention it."

This is true.


Jin Hengyuan nodded:

"It seems so. Neither the Jin family nor the Xiao family has ever cooperated with the Yan family..."

"Brother Jin, tell me how these maps came about..."

He asked looking at these pieces of sheepskin, his eyes and attention focused on them.

"I'm not sure, I have to ask grandpa about this.

"I only heard that this piece was passed down from the ancestors of the Jin family, and that he bought the next piece at a high price. As for how the other piece came from, I don't know. Grandpa didn't go into much detail.

"As for what use this map is?

"I heard that if you collect eight pieces and follow the signs above to find that place, you can dig out a shocking treasure..."

Jin Hengyuan pointed to the three pieces of sheepskin and explained their origin and use.

When he heard this, he couldn't help but interjected:

"Eight dollars in total? Not four?"

"Yes! It takes eight pieces to make a complete map."

This matter is different from what Lu Xingnu said, but if you look closely at the lines on the map, you can see that there are indeed more than four.

"This grandpa told me about it, and said that it is passed down from male to female. One day, someone will come to us with a piece of jade and ask for this map. When the time comes, I must hand it over. , then the mission belonging to our Jin family is completed."

After Jin Hengyuan finished speaking, he laughed first:

"Isn't it quite mysterious? When I listened to it, I felt like I was reading a book."

"Yeah... so mysterious... Grandpa collected this map just to hand it over?"

This statement is different from what Lu Xingnu said.

"Well, yes! I heard that this mission has been passed down for two thousand's ridiculous..."

Jin Hengyuan sighed:

"Grandpa said that someone took the jade thirty years ago and asked him to collect four maps. He said that someone would come to pick it up in the future.

"After hearing this, grandpa actually went to collect it. He only collected three pieces, and the fourth piece was the Yan family's piece. He couldn't get it because he had a falling out with the Yan family.

“But that person never showed up again.

"Later, grandpa felt that he was getting old and was afraid that he would not know when he passed away, so he entrusted it to me.

"He also told me: If you have the chance, take back the Yan family's piece. If you don't have the chance, forget it. Being able to hand over three pieces is an apology to our ancestors..."

According to this, the old man is not determined to win the Yan family. \u003c/


In other words, the idea that his old man’s ambition is to “seek immortality” is not valid.

Therefore, for this reason, either Lu Xingnu and the others misunderstood, or they made it up...

"Who brought the jade to order grandpa to collect the map thirty years ago? Did grandpa ever talk about it?"

This is an important clue.

"I didn't say it. I didn't ask either. If you want to know, you have to ask the old man... But why are you so interested in it..."

Jin Hengyuan's eyes sharpened.

He knows him very well and is very serious about his work. Under normal circumstances, he is only interested in things within the scope of his work. As for ordinary entertainment, it can be playing cards, growing flowers, doing fitness, or even hiking in the wild. , I am not interested in antiques and the like.

Now, there must be a reason why he is suddenly so enthusiastic about these things.

Jin Changning didn't say anything, he just studied the map carefully and asked, "Brother Jin, is this thing really 2000 years old?"

"It's true. Because it seems to have been preserved with a special potion, it doesn't look like it has experienced two thousand years of history at all. However, I once took one of them to an expert for appraisal. It is really from that time..."

Jin Hengyuan is also full of curiosity about this thing, but now, his curiosity is not focused here:

"Did the Yan family tell you what happened to this picture?"

Jin Changning's eyes were extremely deep and he said: "In the past few days, I have heard a very mysterious story..."

At this time, Su Jin walked in outside the door and made them two cups of tea. Jin Hengyuan smiled and said, "Thank you to my virtuous Mrs. Jin." Su Jin glanced at the map and asked a few questions curiously, I didn't care much and went out.

After his wife left, Jin Hengyuan drank tea and got back to his words:

"What story? I have a lot of free time today, drinking tea and listening to stories, just in time..."

"The story of the Immortal Man..."

Jin Changning told most of the story Lu Xingnu told him, and of course, he also hid some things. It wasn't the right time yet.

After finishing, strong interest arose in Jin Hengyuan's eyes:

"The story is very mysterious...

"Well, the saying that there is a treasure may be true.

“When my grandpa passed this thing on to me, he told me its origin.

"It is said that during the Western Han Dynasty, a wealthy businessman built an underground palace and accumulated wealth. But there was no mention of immortality.

"This is quite interesting. Let's go and ask Grandpa together later...

"By the way, tell me now, you disappeared for a week, what were you doing?"

As the eldest brother and brother-in-law, how could Jin Hengyuan forget to ask this?

I didn’t ask before because I didn’t have the chance.


Jin Changning's eyes flashed: How should he explain this matter? ——Digression——See you tomorrow.

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