The Perfect Hidden Marriage

586, unrequited love 126, an incredible legend that makes it difficult to tell the truth from the fa

"If I tell you this, you may not believe it. In fact, it is indeed difficult to believe it. But, whether you believe it or not, today, since we have talked about it here, I will tell you so that you can have a good experience. …”

As soon as this woman opened her mouth, she created a huge suspense, and her voice full of storytelling made people even more fascinated.

She took a sip of water and moistened her throat before she began to narrate:

"It is said that this happened in the Western Han Dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago..."

After hearing this, Jin Changning unconsciously raised the corners of his lips and thought of these words: He really knows how to talk nonsense.

However, he did not interrupt, but he really wanted to see what kind of shocking story she would tell.

Xinggu was immersed in the story atmosphere created by herself:

"At that time, there was a young man from a humble background. When he was a child, he met an eccentric little girl and had an adventure with her. And it was this adventure that determined the fate of this young man. An extraordinary career.

"See you again ten years later. One has become a major general, and the other has become a businesswoman who likes to do business. Her favorite thing to do is to disguise herself as a man and travel around the country.

"Women in ancient times did not study, but this one has all the best books in the world. She is not only a money-lover, but also a talented woman; not only a talented woman, but also a chivalrous woman.

"With her sharp tongue, she traveled around the business circles of the time, making a lot of money from all kinds of businesses, and attracted many dignitaries to fall under her skirt.

“The major general likes businesswomen very much.

"From the beginning when we didn't know each other without fighting, to later sharing weal and woe, we couldn't help but be attracted, and in the end, we swore not to marry her. The major general was fascinated by her.

"As for the businesswoman, she doesn't want to marry a general or be restrained.

"Once, a businesswoman was robbed while doing business. The young general became angry and leveled the other party's camp for him.

"Later, a marriage was granted, which caused trouble. The general refused to marry because of the businesswoman's decree. The emperor was furious, accused the businesswoman, and forced her to have two women serving one husband. The businesswoman refused and faked her death and left. The young general was so angry. Heartbroken.

"Later, the major general died of illness at a young age.

"Before the burial, the general's body was replaced by a businesswoman. This person didn't know what kind of skill he used to make the young general come back to life.

“It’s just that after the Major General was resurrected, the businesswoman was framed and fell asleep forever.

"After that, the Major General built a gorgeous underground palace, found thousands of years of ice, hid it in ice, and accompanied it with countless gold, silver and jewels...

"There is a map where this underground palace is built. It is said that the map was specially processed and then divided by the major general and the four guards around the businesswoman.

"The major general said to the four guards: We are divided into five groups, each going to the ends of the world, and doing everything possible to find a way to save the businesswoman. Once found, we will notify each other, and then gather the map and the key to open the palace to help She comes back to life.

“But later, they didn’t find a cure, and the underground palace never opened again.

"I heard that the four families of Lu, Yan, Jin, and Lan have a very deep connection. They have been friends for many generations.

“And their intersection is precisely because of that map.

"The reason is very simple. They are the descendants of the four great guards who have been passed down for thousands of years.

"The reason why the Jin family has a wrong idea about your father is also because of that map.

"It is said that the Lan family's share was taken away by your father when he left. And it was this map that gave him the murderous intention."

After these words were spoken, people could not feel the slightest bit of authenticity. Instead, they felt that this person named Xinggu was telling a folk legend with a fantasy color.

Will a love story from 2000 years ago be connected to a murder after 2000?

How can this be?

The plot is so poorly written. Is she trying to deceive ignorant boys and girls who have never seen the world?

After Jin Changning listened, he twitched the corners of his lips with a look of disbelief on his face, and then quietly asked:

"Xinggu, do you think this is credible?

"Even if there is a priceless treasure inside, and the Jin family is not short of money, will Mr. Jin go on such a killing spree for the sake of the legendary treasure that may exist, and for the map?"

He felt that this condition was completely untenable.

This story is really nondescript.

"I think, compared to

Tang those babies, there is something more attractive... If it were me, I would also be attracted..."

That mysterious smile appeared on Aunt Xing's face again.


Li Luo's curiosity was also aroused, and he was too itchy to resist.

"Immortality, eternal youth."

When she said these eight words, Xinggu's face suddenly lit up.

Jin Changning frowned immediately and glanced at Yan Buhui with a suspicious look. His first thought was, is there something wrong with Aunt Xing's brain?

Yan Buhui was calm, because he heard this story from his father:

"It sounds incredible. But my father said so too."

"You... really believe it?"

Jin Changning asked strangely.

Li Luo was also stunned and glanced at his husband dullly:

"Birth, old age, illness and death are the natural laws of the human world. Life and death are inevitable. Who will remain young and immortal forever?"

Yan Bugui didn't express his opinion and just said: "I think you should just listen to Aunt Xing tell the story to the end..."

Well, the attention of the siblings fell on Aunt Xing again.

The woman was smiling. She seemed not surprised at all by their reactions. In the end, she just sighed softly:

"Maybe you will think that I am talking nonsense. But, some, really some...I can guarantee that I am definitely not insane..."

"This is really hard to believe."

Jin Changning said calmly:

"How do you prove you're not making up a story?"

"Sorry, I can't prove it."

Such an irresponsible statement was actually made so confidently by her.

Jin Changning was speechless. He took the red wine and started shaking it, but he heard a big turn in her words:

"But, I heard that the major general is still alive..."

It's really hard to say anything shocking...

He did not impatiently interrupt others making up stories, but listened with interest to others making up random stories while drinking red wine.

“It is said that there are two immortal people in this world, a man and a woman.

"Jin Ming is very lucky. He met that immortal woman more than twenty years ago.

"He gathered that map just because he wanted to go in and find the elixir of longevity, do you understand?

“Although he was in his prime at that time, he became greedy when he saw a man who had lived for 2,000 years who was as young as himself.

"This is the main reason why he wanted to get the sheepskin map at all costs... It is said that there is an elixir of immortality in the underground palace."

After hearing this ridiculous reason, what else could Jin Changning say?

As a modern person, an intellectual young man who has read thousands of books and knows the most scientific physiological knowledge, how can he believe that there will be immortal people in this world...

People live only eighty years, this is the normal state of life, okay?

In ancient times, there was a wish that emperors would live forever and enjoy the country forever. This is a fact. There are too many such emperors in Chinese history who worked hard to achieve immortality. But don’t everyone end up with the loess?

After Xinggu finished speaking, her eyes turned around Jin Changning and Li Luo:

"It seems that you don't believe it."

Of course I don't believe it.

Jin Changning smiled:

"To be honest, I can't imagine that someone can live for 2,000 years, Aunt Xing. It's not that we don't want to believe it, but it's simply unbelievable..."

Aunt Xing sighed softly and said this again:

“Just because you can’t believe it doesn’t mean that this mysterious miracle doesn’t exist.

"Aren't there a lot of mysteries in the world?

"For example, how was the pyramid built? With the productivity level at that time, it was impossible to build such a building. But this is how it has stood since ancient times until today.

"Whether there is such a thing as immortal people in this world, I can't say with confidence that there is absolutely, but you can't guarantee that there is absolutely no such thing.

"Only Jin Ming knows best whether there is...

"As long as we figure out why he gathered the sheepskin map, the truth of the matter will be completely clear."

I have to say that these specious words are quite capable of deceiving people.

"Sheepskin map?"

Jin Changning frowned and repeated it. This time, his focus was not on whether the story was true or not, but on these four words.

"Yes, the sheepskin map was passed down 2,000 years ago. It has Western Han characters all over it. Most people can't read it at all."

Aunt Xing said again deliberately:

"Lanning, have you seen that kind of thing when you were a child?"

Map, and made of sheepskin?

Are there ancient writings from the Western Han Dynasty on it?

Jin Changning lowered his head, and a picture flashed in his mind...

This map seems to really exist! ——Digression——See you tomorrow.

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