The Perfect Hidden Marriage

582, unrequited love 122, she is an enemy, you can use it, but you cannot love her

With a sharp impact, the phone fell to the ground. Then, Li Luo still couldn't understand his hatred. He walked over, picked it up, and returned to the two men. In their frowning gaze, Li Luo turned the phone with a black screen. Soaked in the cup of tea in front of Jin Changning.

"Luo'er, what are you doing?"

Yan Buhui scolded lightly and glanced at Jin Changning.

This man is really gentle when he is gentle, and he seems to have no temper at all; but if he really gets angry, he will definitely have a fierce temper, and if he gets into a fight, he can definitely risk his life.

Yan Buhui had seen him fight before, and he was as tough as an invulnerable rhinoceros.

Why is Li Luo not strong?

The temperament of these brothers and sisters is definitely passed down from the same ancestor. It seems that Lan Hai was also a fierce person in Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, her eyes widened, like an angry little tiger. She took up an attacking stance and spread her hair like a hedgehog. He only saw her take that bite. With one bite of her white teeth, the sharp words came out like a machine gun:

"I just want to remind my dear brother that you can no longer tolerate this woman.

"Brother, you can't just answer the phone just because she called her, regardless of the occasion, with no regard for other people's feelings.

"First, she is our enemy. If it weren't for their family, my parents would not have died, and we, brother and sister, would not have been separated for twenty-six years. Our family is torn apart because of Jin. You must keep this in mind.

"Second, she caused me to have a miscarriage. Whether I can be a mother in the future is unknown. I will not forgive her in this matter, absolutely not.

"Third, she is too dirty and is not worthy of being the daughter-in-law of our Lan family.

"Fourth, she is too promiscuous and looks down on others. She is obviously married, but she refuses to disclose your relationship, and she still engages in sex outside... You can see for yourself..."

She grabbed Yan Buhui's cell phone, drew out a set of photos, and forced them in front of his eyes. Her words were still sharp, and there was a deep feeling of disgust between her eyebrows:

"Brother, please open your eyes and see clearly. This afternoon, no, it must be said to be the afternoon of yesterday. In broad daylight, she went to check out a room with someone, and she also showed off her affection in public. Did she put you on the spot? In your eyes?

"Then, let's comment on her behavior at the charity auction that night: Why did she spend five million for a man who has been dead for several years? It's not because she doesn't have you in her heart, only her concubine. ~Head…

"She has made it so obvious. Brother, you can take advantage of such a woman, but you cannot love, spoil, or take her seriously... Absolutely not. Do you understand..."

Jin Changning saw it, and his eyebrows furrowed unconsciously, but he felt uncomfortable for the sake of his only sister, who would hate the woman he loved so much. This was one reason, and two, his emotions were disturbed by those photos.

However, he would not believe the description above.

He knew very well that Huanhuan was just accompanying Chu Yi to meet Peng Boran.

As for why there are kiss photos?

He couldn't explain it, and it was inevitable that he would feel angry.

I told her a long time ago not to get so close to Chu Yilai. She didn't listen. She just didn't listen. It's okay now. Such a drama actually happened. No wonder Li Luo was angry.

One of the important reasons why this girl is angry is that she feels sorry for him.

But it's too heartbreaking to feel sorry for him and yet demean Huanhuan like this.

Listen, one sentence after another, the meaning expressed is so decisive, and the hatred in the eyes is so strong.

He wanted to defend Huanhuan.

He opened his mouth for a moment, but closed it again, and he remained silent.

The reason is simple, he doesn't want to quarrel with his newly recognized sister.

That would hurt the harmony.

Moreover, now is not the time to discuss this issue.

He moved over, took out the dirty phone from the tea, and wiped it dry with a paper towel:

"Ah Jiao, now, I don't want to talk more about Jing Huan or the Jin family with you. After I see the witnesses and listen to their stories, we can study other matters that have differences... That's it... I Let’s go back first.”

He now knows nothing about the role of the Jin family in this matter. He does not want to put the Jin family in a hostile position, let alone put Huanhuan in the opposite camp, which he must The enemy to deal with.

this is not right


He and Huanhuan are husband and wife. There is no hatred between them, only a relationship that is constantly being cut and messed up.

"elder brother……"

How could Li Luo not see that thought and screamed in anger.

Jin Changning waved his hand, packed his things and was about to leave.

"We will go back with you, and then go to the airport together... This will save time. Just wait, we will check out right away..."

Yan Buhui stopped him and expressed his thoughts.

Jin Changning has no objection, but his heart feels so heavy...

But he must bear all this...


It's less than five o'clock in the morning.

The rain is still heavy.

On the way back to the apartment, Li Luo and Yan Buhui were sitting in the back seat of the car driven by Jin Changning.

In the darkness, Li Luo leaned against her husband and fell asleep soon.

The wipers kept wiping and the car was quiet.

"Chang Ning, have you decided what to do in the future?"

While waiting at the red light, Yan Buhui asked softly.

Jin Changning held the steering wheel with both hands and looked at the street lamps standing on both sides of the road like guards, soaked in the rain. He remained silent for a long time, and only said when he was almost home: "I haven't reached this step yet. Let’s talk about it after I figure out the truth of the matter..."

Before, he really didn't want to think too much.

This is an instinctive self-preservation.

When they arrived at the community, Li Luo woke up.

"Brother, I want to see where you live now..."

Jin Changning took a glance and saw no reason to refuse, so he led them in together.

After entering the house, he went directly to the bedroom and said:

"I'm going to take a shower and leave later."

After coming out of the shower, he made a phone call and asked the hourly worker to take care of the clothes he had changed.

After hanging up, his eyes saw the photo on the bedside table, Huanhuan's photo. At this time, it was already bright outside. He wasn't sure what it meant to Huanhuan that he hadn't returned home all night.

The call she made was hung up by her sister in such a way. I wonder if she would be anxious.

After thinking about it, he couldn't feel relieved. He made a phone call and got through. Only then did he hear shouting coming from inside. Li Luo suddenly appeared at the door, glaring at him coldly with anger in his eyes, so , he could only say a few simple words and hastily ended the call.

"Brother, are you so unable to let go of her?"

Li Luo was very angry.

Jin Changning glanced lightly, ignored the urgently ringing phone, took his passport, and led the way away, heading straight to the airport...

Two hours later, they arrived in Beijing.

After getting off the plane, Yan Buhui saw Li Luo's sleepy face and suggested, "Go to the hotel to rest first, and then I'll take you to see him when you're full. I'm too tired and in a hurry, and Luo'er's body may not be able to bear it."

Jin Changning glanced at the tired-looking girl and nodded.

The hotel had a presidential suite. Yan Buhui and his wife slept in the master bedroom, and Jin Changning slept in the second bedroom.

Because he was tired, he fell asleep, but he, who never dreamed, was haunted by nightmares.

In the dream, my sister drove a car and rushed towards Huan Huan, who was smiling at her.

Bang, the person was knocked away. He ran over like crazy, only to see the blood blooming under Huanhuan's snow-white skirt, and a ferocious blood flower bloomed...

He hugged her, but she closed her eyes and stopped breathing. She was actually dead.

He was in great mourning and cried to the sky in pain. He jumped suddenly and woke up. In the hotel, his forehead was covered with sweat. It turned out to be a dream.

Jin Changning breathed a sigh of relief. When he calmed down, he walked into the bathroom and flushed his face with the faucet.

When he looked up, he saw his complicated expression in the mirror.

Yan Buhui's words echoed in his ears: Have you thought about what to do in the future?

No, he hadn't thought about it.

If everything goes as they say, how will he go about the future?

Suddenly he didn't dare to think anymore. \u003c/p


Dong Dong Dong, someone knocked on the door: "Brother, are you awake? It's already four o'clock in the afternoon. Brother Yan has made an appointment to have dinner with me. It's almost time."

Jin Changning turned off the faucet, wiped his face, and went to open the door: "Wait for me, I'll be ready soon. I have to change clothes."

He went to change clothes, but when he came out, he did not leave. Instead, he asked Yan Buhui again: "Don't leave in a hurry. I want to ask something!"

"What's up?"

Yan Buhui had to turn his head and asked.

"Geng Liwen and Fan Cong have repeatedly come to trouble Xiao Jinghuan. Is it your instigation? - Off topic - First update.

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